Практический курс технического перевода

Упражнение 23. Определите независимый причастный оборот и переведите предложения

1. The problem having been settled, they began their tests. 2. Having looked at computer-based information systems in general, we now briefly examine the most common types used in business today. 3. It has, however, two serious limitations, one being the small CPU dimensions, the other being the limited total area of heating surface. 4. The measurement of indirect illumination is made by placing the cell at the desired point, the readings so obtained being corrected by use of a cosine calibration curve. 5. With cell phone rates having dropped, some people are disconnecting their old, wired phones in their homes and offices and using cellular phones for all off their calling needs. 6. Windows OS having employed memory-protection technology, with each application confined to its own portion of main memory, a crash in one application is prevented from causing a crash in any other Windows program or the operating system. 7. Efficient processing and timely output being important, organizations use a variety of measures to gauge processing speed. 8. Having identified the profit implications of the various results, the next step is to estimate the relative likelihoods of the different possible results.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4