Практический курс технического перевода

Упражнение 18. Вставьте глагол из скобок в нужной форме сослагательного наклонения

Пример: Imagining the possibility of brain transplants requires that we (to be) be open-minded.

1. If almost any organ other than the brain (to be) ________ the candidate for a swap, we would probably give our consent. 2. If the brain (to be) ________ to hold whatever impulses form our personalities, few people would want to risk a transplant. 3. Many popular movies have asked that we (to suspend) ________ disbelief and imagine the consequences should a personality actually (to be) ________ transferred to another body. 4. In real life, however, the complexities of a successful brain transplant require that not-yet-developed surgical techniques (to be) ________ used. 5. For example, it would be essential that during the actual transplant each one of the 500 trillion nerve connections within the brain (to continue) ________ to function as though the brain (to be) ________ lying undisturbed in a living human body.

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