Практический курс технического перевода

Упражнение 70. Перепишите предложения, используя ’s или только апостроф для образования притяжательного падежа; скобки нужно удалить

Пример: Each box, can, and bottle that shoppers see on a (supermarket) supermarket’s shelves has been designed to appeal to their emotions.

1. A commercial (product) manufacturer designs its packages to appeal to (consumers) emotions through color and design. 2. Marketing specialists have learned that (people) beliefs about a (product) quality are influenced by their emotional response to the design of its package. 3. Circles and ovals appearing on a (box) design supposedly increase a (product user) feeling of comfort, while bold patterns and colors attract a (shopper) attention. 4. Using both circles and bold designs in (Arm & Hammer) and (Tide) logos produces both these effects on consumers. 5. (Heinz) familiar ketchup bottle and (Coca-Cola) famous label achieve the same effects by combining a bright color with an old-fashioned, “comfortable” design. 6. Often, a (company) marketing consultants will custom-design products to appeal to the supposedly “typical” (adult female) emotions or to (adult males), (children), or (teenagers) feelings. 7. One of the (marketing business) leading consultants, Stan Gross, tests (consumers) emotional reactions to (companies) products and their packages by asking consumers to associate products with well-known personalities. 8. Thus, (test takers) responses to (Gross) questions might reveal that a particular laundry detergent has (Sylvester Stallone) toughness, (Oprah Winfrey) determination, or (someone else) sparkling personality. 9. Manufacturing (companies) products are not the only products whose images rely on (Gross) and other corporate (image makers) advice. 10. (Sports teams) owners also use marketing (specialists) ideas in designing their (teams) images, as anyone who has seen the unforgettable angry bull logo of the Chicago Bulls basketball team will agree.

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