Практический курс технического перевода

Упражнение 46. Переведите заголовки

1. Havoc by U.S. Tornado. 2. New Flu Attacks GB Navy. 3. Canadian Cabinet Sworn in. 4. Free Trade Plan Opposed. 5. Jamaica Rail Crash Inquiry. 6. New Glider Record Claimed. 7. Price of Coal Going up. 8. Unions and Court on Prices. 9. Oil Makes Way for Atom. 10. Glasgow Dockers to Resume Work. 11. M.P.s Anxiety over Inflation. 12. Electricity Rates up in Scotland. 13. Increased Postal Charges Likely. 14. 200 to 300 Believed Dead in Hurricane. 15. General Norstad Bitterly Attacked. 16. Keeping an Eye on Widening Trade Gap. 17. The Technological Leash: Are We Ever Off the Clock? 18. Cheap Ink: Will It Cost You? 19. Detroit's win a victory for automobile industry. 20. Apple iPad Price Cut: Blunder or Brilliance? 21. China: Hacker training site shut down. 22. A Road Map to Modernize and Develop. 23. New plant capacity brings into operation.

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