Практический курс технического перевода

Упражнение 32. Переведите предложения

1. Once standards are established, system performance is measured and compared with the standard. 2. Once an employer has established the criteria, they must be applied equally to all and with no exceptions. 3. Once a company has gained a reputation for releasing buggy software, it takes a long time and lots of effort to overcome people’s negative perceptions. 4. Once you have used a feature from the expanded portion of a list, it is “promoted” to the short menu. 5. Click the button once to show the non-printing characters; click on it again to hide them. 6. This makes it easy to see two views of the same document, or to scroll to two different parts of a large document at once. 7. Once you’ve located the Word icon, point to it using your mouse (or trackball), then click on it twice quickly (double-click) to launch the program. 8. “Measure twice, cut once.” 9. Once basic physiological needs are at least partially met, people are motivated to seek a sense of safety and security.

1.11.3 While

Союз while употребляется, если речь идет об одновременных длительных действиях и переводится как “пока”; “в то время, как”:

While on his business trip to NY the CEO signed several contracts.

Во время своей командировки в Нью-Йорк генеральный директор подписал несколько контрактов.

Hard disk storage, while more costly and less portable, has a greater storage capacity and quicker access time than a standard diskette.

В то время как накопители на жестком диске стоят дороже и занимают больше места, они имеют большую вместимость и более короткое время доступа, чем стандартная дискета.

While you are working in the foreground in one program, one or more other applications can be running unseen in the background.

В то время как вы работаете с одной программой на переднем плане, одно или несколько приложений могут в то же время незаметно работать на заднем плане.

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