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Практический курс технического перевода

Упражнение 1. Вставьте слова из списка в настоящем времени: assist, attend, call back, deserve, get through, look up, make, pick up, print out, put through

Пример: Normally she calls back straight away.

1. His secretary always _______ the phone first. 2. This year we ________ to get a pay rise. 3. This week he _______ the Personnel Director with the interviews. 4. She ________ the number in the phone book at the moment. 5. Today I _______ a training session on quality control. 6. Once a week the computer ________ the sales figures. 7. We hardly ever _______ to Bombay so easily. 8. Please hold on. I ________ to the Sales Department. 9. I _______ some notes now and I’ll make the call in a few minutes.