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Практический курс технического перевода

Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на времена

1. Data consists of raw facts, such as an employee’s name and number of hours worked in a week, inventory part numbers, or sales orders. 2. Norton Utilities from Symantec is a useful software utilities collection that performs many different functions. 3. Disk Doctor utility checks the hard disk’s boot sector, file allocation tables, and directories and analyzes them to ensure the hard disk wasn’t tampered with. 4. A coaxial cable consists of an inner conductor wire surrounded by insulation, called the dielectric. 5. The exact configuration of the network will depend on the needs, goals, and organizational structure of the company involved. 6. If you have used other word processing packages before, it will be easy for you to learn a new version. 7. Don’t confuse indents with margins. 8. Chances are, you have a number of documents on your hard disk that have been created with something other than Word for Windows. 9. Characters are the letters, numbers, and symbols you enter from the keyboard. 10. Your computer will have its own unique address (called an IP address), when it is connected to the Internet. 11. There are many ways in which the Web can be used for education. 12. When your computer crashes, you may then find you have lost data or programs written since it was last “backed up”. 13. Computers and information systems are constantly changing the way organizations conduct business. 14. Consumers who have tried on-line shopping appreciate the ease of e-commerce. 15. If the fluid level in the container is allowed to recede, the level height h will change, which will have to be accommodated for in calculations.