
Компонентный уровень

Упражнение 1. Перевод словосочетаний без перестановки элементов, но с одновременной заменой частей речи и членов предложения

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания, используя упомянутый в заголовке упражнения способ перевода словосочетаний

  1. It has been increasingly questioned whether the British electoral system provides an accurate reflection of political preferences.

2. Reforms of the previous years were accompanied by "naturalization of the household," which resulted in increasing domestic and overall burdens falling upon women.

3. The policies of the principal international agencies and of developed countries could be a significant help or hindrance in this context.

4. The former emphasis on production volume is clearly inappropriate in an increasingly globalized world.

5. There are reports that workers released from former state enterprises are being subjected to coercive recruitment in the emerging private sector.

6. These indigenous peoples have long been integrated in the national economy and society but they are still in a situation of extreme disadvantage vis-a-vis the rest of the population.

Упражнение 2. Перестановка элементов словосочетания без замены частей речи и членов предложения

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания, используя упомянутый в заголовке упражнения способ перевода словосочетаний

1. We went northward leaving high Rocky Mountains peaks off to the west.

2. Gender issues frustrate efforts towards poverty elimination.

3. In the years of reform the deterioration of human development potential led to feminization of poverty.

4. In all the invasion armies were composed of fifty-six divisions.

5. It opened up new development prospects before the country.

6. More serious, because it appeals to much better people, is another common sense fallacy.

Упражнение З. Перестановка элементов словосочетания с заменой частей речи

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания, используя названный в заголовке упражнения способ перевода словосочетаний

1. "American Childhood" is an anthology that draws upon diaries of both famous and unknown Americans.

2. Jeremy Benthel attacked the aristocratic view that some people's lives were more valuable than others.

3. The institution of private property itself rests upon a socially recognized limitation of individual freedom.

4. These domestic arrangements, which appear to be a private matter, have an important public significance.

5. A democratic culture is also fostered in many other ways.

6. They are largely instrumental in enhancing the level of public information.

Упражнение 4. Перестановка элементов словосочетания с заменой час­тей речи и членов предложения

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания, используя названный в заголовке упражнения способ перевода словосочетаний

1. But even air parity would have given Britain considerable confidence in her defensive capabilities.

2. The level of rural poverty is now significantly above the level of poverty in urban areas.

3. He wrote a bad Latin theme.

4. This produced an immediate crisis in the Mediterranean.

5. These measures were fiercely resisted by the peasant class solidarity.

6. Mr. Chamberlain sought to exercise a masterful control in many departments.

Упражнение 5. Моноремы в начале текста

Задание 1. Проанализируйте предлагаемый вариант перевода моноремы

Colonel Picart became head of the General Staff Information Division in July, 1985.

В июле 1985 года руководителем отдела информации Генераль­ного штаба был назначен полковник Пикар.

Задание 2. Укажите, какой из предложенных вариантов перевода следую­щей моноремы является правильным, и объясните почему

Clemanceau started his fight for the reexamination of the Dreifus case in November 1897.

Клемансо начал свою борьбу за пересмотр дела Дрейфуса в ноя­бре 1897 года.

В ноябре 1897 года свою борьбу за пересмотр дела Дрейфуса на­чал Клемансо.

Задание 3. Переведите следующие моноремы на русский язык

1. A new president had to be chosen.

2. A change in Washington attitude became apparent at the beginning of the month.

3. There is another anomaly in the position of the councilor.

4. The beginnings of a system of airfields and civil aircraft factories had come into existence in Germany as early as 1924.

5. Regional variations are one of the facets of the American electoral geography.

6. Short-service training of soldiers beyond the German official establishments was practised on a small scale for several years.

Упражнение 6. Моноремы в середине текста

Задание 1. Прокомментируйте перевод следующей моноремы

While all these untoward events were taking place, a new and more

terrible cause of quarrel than the ambitions of Czars and Kaisers

became apparent in Europe.

Пока происходили все эти досадные события, в Европе появился

новый источник распрей, более серьёзный, чем амбиции царей и


Задание 2. Укажите, какой из предложенных вариантов перевода явля­ется правильным, и объясните почему

December came and a new set of arrangements marched upon the scene.

Наступил декабрь, и ряд новых обстоятельств вышел на перед­ний план. Наступил декабрь, и возник ряд новых обстоятельств.

Задание 3. Переведите следующие моноремы на русский язык

1. Furthermore, a pact expressly guaranteeing the existing territorial status on the Rhine would be acceptable to Germany.

2. It must also be remembered that the Panama scandal was then fresh in the public mind.

3. We now know how precarious the position of the party was, not only because a mood of outright opposition prevailed in the country.

4. What was new in all this was not the monarchist trend but the fact that for the first time an important financial power set itself in opposition to the current regime.

5. Thus, while the victors reposed on masses of obsolete equipment, an immense German potential of new munitions productions was, year by year, coming into being.

6. As the mounted police pushed, there was a crash against the opposite side of the road.

Упражнение 7. Место ремы в английском и русском высказываниях

Задание 1. Определите местоположение ремы в английском и русском высказываниях

Mr. Chamberlain wished to accord Mussolini recognition of the Italian conquest of Abyssinia as a prelude to a general settlement of differences.

В качестве предварительного шага к общему урегулированию разногласий с Муссолини Чемберлен готов был признать даже захват Италией Абиссинии.

Задание 2. Проанализируйте перевод следующей диремы и определите, в каком из двух предлагаемых вариантов рема занимает правиль­ное местоположение в русском высказывании

Defoe in his Memoirs of a Cavalier hangs the chronicle and discussion of great military and political events on the thread of his personal experiences.

В «Записках кавалера» Дефо факты истории и рассуждения по поводу важных военных и политических событий нанизываются на события личной жизни автора.

В «Записках кавалера» Дефо рассказ о личной жизни автора слу­жить той нитью, на которую нанизываются факты истории и рас­суждения по поводу важных военных и политических событий.

Задание 3. Переведите следующие диремы на русский язык, обращая вни­мание на местоположение ремы в русском высказывании

1. The finance minister resigned from his office after a series of stormy disagreements with the chancellor.

2. These concerns have been successfully resolved without major constitutional reform, through careful, practical solutions made in Parliament.

3. In its proposals for reforming government much more than its economic policies it is a government with a radical program.

4. Senior civil service has become a smaller and in some way a more diverse group of individuals through the introduction of agencies and open competition for senior posts.

5. Enormous American loans were pressed upon them, though they had no credit.

6. A dark anarchy took hold of Britain after the Romans had been forced to abandon it.