
Установление межкультурной Формальный уровень

Упражнение. Реалии, хорошо известные русскоязычному получателю. Транскрипции, транслитерации, кальки и словарные соответствия

Задание. При передаче реалий в следующих высказываниях используйте транскрипции, транслитерации, кальки и словарные соответствия

1. Pluralism is one of the characteristics of a healthy civil society.

2. The largest division of the High Court is the Queen's Bench Division which deals with the great bulk of ordinary civil cases.

3. Labor Governments felt the top civil service officials were part of the "Establishment" who were blocking their reforms.

4. The aqueduct is still in use, feeding the Trevi Fountain and Gian . Lorenzo Bernini's Four Rivers Fountain in Piazza Navona.

5. "I'm always the first on the dance floor," says Lacey Percell. She > has come with her boyfriend. Tanner Dawson. to the Hope High j School homecoming in Hope, Kansas.

6. To get to "Po' Monkey" Dancing Lounge head south along US ; Highway 61 through Hushpuckena and Mound Bayou, turn off at ', Merigold and listen for the sound of blues in the night.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4