
Уровень цели общения

Упражнение 1. Аллитерация

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, обра­щая внимание на передачу экспрессии, выраженной в английской фразе с помощью аллитерации

1. By most standard measures, share prices look overvalued while firms and households have been on a borrowing binge.

2. Now the issue came with a blunt and brutal force.

3. Presently the German offensive became mired in mud.

4. If you have defied or defy me, I shall cut you off with a shilling and you shall never darken the door of this house.

5. All of a sudden Hispanic is hip.

6. That was why Japan was hit so hard by the East Asian financial crisis of 1997-98.

Упражнение 2. Экспрессивная конкретизация

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, обра­щая внимание на использование метода экспрессивной лексической конкретизации

1. Having finally dissipated the myth of lifetime employment Japanese companies will push unemployment to over 6%.

2. Let's hope that the record Russian cold snap of late January is by now just a faint memory to those who are reading this issue of the magazine.

3. The war leaders assembled in Paris had been there upon the strongest and most furious tides that have been flowed in human history.

4. At once, as though he had been -waiting for a signal, Stalin was leaning across, eyes full on Leonov.

5. It is through the fissures that separate the blocs of Jurassic limestone that the hot springs emerge.

6. It was pretty depressing out in the street, with a gustily wind throwing handfuls of light drizzle in your face.

Упражнение З. Передача эмоционально окрашенной лексики Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, обра­щая внимание на передачу коммуникативной установки эмоцио­нально окрашенной лексики

1. In other words, had it not been for horrible economic and monetary union (so ruthlessly promoted by the diabolical Frenchman, Jacques Delors, when he ran the European Commission), Britain's economy would still be unambiguously behind France's.

2. Tn 1914, the spirit of the French Army and nation, burning from sire to son since 1870, was vehemently offensive.

3. Mr. Prody promised to purge European Commission of sleaze and waist, following the shameful resignation of the previous commission lead by Jacques Sonter.

4. The simple English -were taught by their simple press to comfort themselves with the reflection: "After all, the Germans are only going back to their own country."

5. I believe that each of these statements is both powerfully right and powerfully wrong.

6. Instead, Brazil will muddle through.

Упражнение 4. Передача иноязычных заимствований

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, обра­щая внимание на передачу коммуникативной установки иноязыч­ных заимствований

1. These departments have developed in an ad hoc manner and they differ greatly in size as well as in character.

2. It is widely believed that it was a decision to include the underground economy in the official figures that lay behind Д surpasso, Italy's celebrated, yet short-lived, overtaking of Britain back in 1987.

3. The underground economy is certain to be larger in a highly taxed and highly regulated country, such as France, than in laisser-faire countries such as Britain.

4. That will mainly be China's domestic affair but it is bound to have repercussions for Taiwan, which is the cause celebre of Chinese nationalists especially those in her armed forces.

5. The death of his wife in 1997 hit Field hard, but he retained his joie de vivre. continuing to visit friends in Paris until his sudden death.

6. After four years of intrigues and contest for power, there was a repetition of a coup d'Etat.

Упражнение 5. Передача метафор

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, обра­щая внимание на передачу коммуникативной установки метафор

1. Starting next year the cost of capital for Japanese business will go through the roof.

2. But this image of humming efficiency in the supply-side engine room of the British economy does not accord with the country's relatively poor statistics on productivity growth.

3. Although it is virtually a one-party state, Singapore's leaders have well tuned antennae.

4. A recovery there may be, but that does not mean an end to the pain.

5. Politics had taken a back seat.

6. While the Whermacht marked time for the ground to freeze, a bright sun rose out in the east in the shape of fresh, battle-tested Soviet reinforcements from Siberia.