
Установление эмотивной эквивалентности Формальный уровень

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, используя метод субституции при передаче лексических средств вы­ражения эмотивной экспрессии

1. There were still months of "twilight war." The end of the year 1939 left the war still in its sinister trance.

2. In his vexation after one of the War Cabinet meetings Churchill wrote to a colleague: "I see such immense walls of prevention that I wonder whether any plan will have a chance of climbing over them. I have two or three projects moving forward, but all, I fear, will succumb before the tremendous array of negative arguments and forces."

3. On the one hand endless discussions about trivial points, no decisions taken, or if taken rescinded, and the rule "Don't be unkind to the enemy, you will only make him angry."

4. On the other, doomsday preparing — a vast machine grinding forward ready to break upon us! Good, decent, civilized people, it appeares. must never strike themselves till after they have been struck dead.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, используя метод субституции при передаче образных средств эмо­тивной экспрессии — фразеологических выражений, простых и раз­вёрнутых метафор, сравнений

1. A short time before, Britain's back had been against the wall.

2. The French Army, resting upon its laurels, was the strongest military force in Europe after WW I.

3. Whoever wins in the election will want to be a new broom.

4. Meanwhile, there was nothing for the fleet but to adopt the same policy of "hide and seek" to which we had been forced in the autumn of 1914.

5. In those days the fearful German volcano and all its subterranean fires drew near to their explosion point.

6. Now that the political heads are finally emerging from the sand, the task will be to restructure these companies.

Квантитативный уровень

Упражнение 1. Снижение экспрессии. Контекстуальное значение эмоционально окрашенных слов

Задание. В следующих высказываниях обратите внимание на контекс­туально обусловленное снижение экспрессии при переводе эмоцио­нально окрашенных слов

1.. After a brief skirmish, the French captain surrendered, and Teach dumped most of the crew on a tiny island of Bequia.

2. The 19th century saw a great upsurge in voluntary activity, mainly of a philanthropic nature, as a response to the casualties of industrialization.

3. Some organizations fill gaps in services and some will challenge values and practices.

4. Parliament can deprive citizens of their rights in Britain.

5. The scientists have found fossil evidence that back pain likely plagued our immediate bipedal forefathers.

6. By now the British judicial system has changed in a very dramatic fashion.

Упражнение 2. Снижение экспрессии. Парные синонимы

Задание 1. Проанализируйте приведённый пример, обращая внимание на перевод парных синонимов

The German Army grew stronger month by month, both in numbers and the maturity and quality of its formations.

Германская армия с каждым месяцем становилась все сильнее по своей численности и боеспособности своих соединений.

Задание 2. Переведите следующие высказывания, обращая внимание на передачу парных синонимов

1. Will the truth ever be known about who shot and murdered I'resident Kennedy as he drove through the streets of Dallas?

2. There was no loophole of escape for straggling and daring individuals.

3. But the Rule of Law concept, like many other ideological concepts, is very hard to pin down or define.

4. The film depicted the German conquest of Poland and culminated with a crescendo of horror scenes during the German bombing of Warsaw.

5. Changes and modernization of the law often take the form of imposing new layers of law over the old ones, but frequently in such a way that bits and pieces of the old layers survive.

6. The spirit of the British nation gradually rose as consciousness of the German menace slowly and fitfully dawned upon them.

Упражнение З. Повышение экспрессии. Стилистическая идиоматика

Задание 1. Проанализируйте следующий пример, обращая внимание на ис­пользование в переводе средств стилистической идиоматики

Foreigners' willingness to pour capital into America has funded the spending spree.

Готовность иностранных инвесторов вливать капитал в экономи­ку США стала финансовым мотором покупательской лихорадки.

Задание 2. Определите, в каком из следующих вариантов перевода экс­прессивное значение оригинала передаётся более полно благодаря применению метода стилистический идиоматики

1. In the Senate Republicans are favored to retain control, but Democrats have a chance to take over.

В Сенате республиканцы, по всей видимости, смогут сохранить пе­ревес, однако у демократов есть шанс обеспечить своё руководство. В Сенате республиканцы, по всей вероятности, смогут сохранить перевес, однако у демократов есть возможность склонить чашу весов в свою пользу.

Задание 3. Переведите следующие высказывания, используя метод сти­листической идиоматики

1. Fortunately, starting next year and onwards, the hardship will be mitigated by an economy that has begun to grow.

2. The second factor that will make corporate Japan mend its ways in consolidated accounting is the wholly new attitude that has been forced on the banks by the state.

3. The Chancellor clearly cannot afford to be complacent but nor, as yet, should he allow himself to be unduly depressed.

4. The stagnation has exposed the inability of any political party to take effective charge of domestic policy which, in turn, has left foreign policy dangling in the wind

5. These are mostly things put off for the past two years.

6. If the German Army were proved inferiour, it would be an admirable prelude to the entry and control of the vital center of Germany's munition production in the Ruhr.