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Дескриптивный уровень

Упражнение 1. Малоизвестные реалии. Транскрипции, транслитерации и кальки с поясняющим добавлением

Задание 1. Проанализируйте следующий пример, обращая внимание на передачу реалий методом транслитерации или кальки с поясняю­щим добавлением

A meeting is being held in London next Monday between the secretary of the Printing Union and the proprietors of the Daily Sketch. В понедельник в Лондоне состоится встреча между секретарём профсоюза печатников и владельцами газеты «Дейли Скетч».

Задание 2. При переводе следующих высказываний используйте метод передачи реалий посредством транскрипции, транслитерации и кальки с поясняющим добавлением

1. Leontyne Price turned this into one of the greatest "Aida's" I've ever heard.

2. The split in the Democratic Party elected Lincoln.

3. Certain so-called "prerogative powers," which formerly belonged to the monarchy, are now exercised by ministers.

4. Many people know this office only from overseasoned mystery yarns or through "Admiral Warburton."

5. The Kalahari Kung San, once characterized as the "harmless people" have a higher murder rate than New York or Detroit.

6. The Holocaust, Cambodia, and Bosnia have each been described as a unique form of terror.

Упражнение 2. Неизвестные реалии. Поясняющий перевод

Задание 1. Проанализируйте следующий пример, обращая внимание на передачу реалии методом поясняющего перевода

Capture Parliament, and you capture the whole system of government. Достаточно получить возможность влиять на решения парла­мента, чтобы оказывать влияние на всю систему государствен­ной власти в стране.

Задание 2. При переводе следующих высказываний обратите внимание на необходимость передачи подчёркнутых реалий методом пояс­няющего перевода

1. Administrative civil servants are of two types: generalists and specialists.

2. Traditionally, senior posts were only advertised internally, to existing civil servants, mostly from the fast stream program.

3. Another area of concern in the last Parliament was so-called "sleaze."

4. Managerialism gained momentum in Britain during the 1980s and 1990s.

5. In other words, female chimps have relationships, male chimps practice realpolitik.

6. "Queen Ann's revenge" was one of the largest and most powerful pirate vessels ever to sail the Spanish Main.

Упражнение 3. Пресуппозиции — ссылка на малознакомые или незна­комые реалии

Задание. При переводе следующих высказываний обратите внимание на передачу пресуппозиций методом поясняющего перевода

1. The young civil servants expect to be moved around departments through their careers to develop an "all round" approach to ministerial policy making.

2. But the European Union still leaves intact many of the essential features of the English Common Law.

3. I became a public relations man for General Electric in Schenectady, New York.

4. Previous Labour Governments considered civil service "mandarins" as a target of their administrative reform.

5. Under the new Labour Government plans, the Scottish Assembly would make laws to run Scotland's internal affairs. The Welsh Assembly would be rather weaker.

6. Civil reform in Great Britain has occurred to such an extent that commentators talk about the service being "de-sir Humphried."

Упражнение 4. Выбор требуемого уровня межкультурной эквивалентности

Задание. При переводе следующих высказываний определите, на каком из уровней межкультурной эквивалентности должны быть пере­даны подчёркнутые реалии и пресуппозиции

1. There was a photograph present, a German war correspondent with a Leica.

2. On Capitol Hill there are hundreds of appointments to petty office which Members of Congress can use to ingratiate themselves with the "folk at home." and the lion's share of these goes to the majority

3. Change began with the leader of a right-wing government which was committed to reducing public expenditure.

4. In 1994 there was only one lady justice of appeal and three lady high court judges.

5. The practicing legal profession in England is divided into two main groups: barristers and solicitors.

6. It was not till April, 1933, that the establishment of the hundred-thousand army was officially exceeded.