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Установление эмфатической эквивалентности Формальный уровень

Упражнение. Передача различных лексических и грамматических средств эмфазы

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, обращая внимание на передачу эмфазы посредством метода субституции

1. Mr. Neville Chamberlain had, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, not only done the main work of the Government for five years past, but was the oldest and most forceful minister.

2. Slowly the guerrillas will start loosing their war positions.

3. Other political positions the Catholics might hold but not that of Chief Executives.

4. No two international problems are alike.

5. Outstanding among our naval problems was that of dealing effectively with surface raiders.

6. Democrats everywhere are involved in struggles to consolidate and extend the realization of democratic principles whatever regime or political system they happen to live under.

Квантитативный уровень

Упражнение. Снижение эмфазы

Задание. Переведите следующие высказывания на русский язык, обращая внимание на снижение эмфазы при передаче подчёркнутых оборотов

1. Only following the election of the new Labour government was the ban overturned.

2. No sooner had the League of Nations been created than it received an almost mortal blow.

3. Not for many years has the fortune of the world's biggest economy seemed so detached from conditions elsewhere.

4. But then he had no political gifts either.

5. Not only do American firms dominate most of the well-known high-tech industries, but even in more humdrum industries.

6. Not only have they increased in number, but central banks have also gained independence from governments.