МАТЕРІАЛИ ІV Всеукраїнської науково-практичн

Список використаних джерел та лiтератури

  1. Canning-Wilson, C., 2000. Role of Video in the F/SL Classroom. In: Riley, S., Troudi, S. and Coombe, C. (ed.) Teaching, Learning and Technology, TESOL Arabia 1999 Conference Proceedings, TESOL Arabia 1999 Conference, March 8–10, 1999, pp.69-76.

  2. Chamot, A.,O’Malley,U, 1987. A Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach: A Bridge to the Mainstream, TESOLQuarterly, XXI, 2.

  3. Fisch, S. (2005) “Children’s learning from television.” Television. Retrieved on 28 May 2006, from http://www.bronline.de/ jugend/izi/english/publication/televizion/18_2005_E/fisch.pdf

  4. Naiman, N. et al, 1978. The Good Language Learner, OISE, Toronto

  5. Rogers, G. (2004) “Student-centered learning: What does it mean for teachers?” Bangkok Post Retrieved on 30 May 2006, from http://www.bangkokpost.net/education/site2004/cvjn0104.htm

  6. Zhang, L. J., 2008. Making a Case for the Skills/ Strategies Approach to L2 Listening Development. Reflections on English Language Teaching, 7(2), 99–109 Singapore: National University of Singapore, available at: http://www.nus.edu.sg/celc/publications/ reflections.htm [Accessed 13/10/2010].

  7. “Why use video in the classroom?” (2004) National Teacher Training Institute. Retrieved on 03 June 2006, from http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/ntti/ resources/video1.html