

Переведите следующие предложения, определив самостоятельно значение выделенных слов и выражений:

1. The German High Command planned a lightning war against the Soviet Union with view to crush the Red army within few weeks after the beginning of hostilities, but this proved to be a fatal blunder of the German strategy. 2. US land and naval forces operated under strong air umbrella, which accounts for much lighter losses as compared with Iraqis. 3. Prefabs are generally used instead of conventional building material when rapid erection of houses is required. 4. In the atomic burst, it is the fall-out that is no less harmful for both people and material than the blast and flash burn hazards. 5. A big four-decked merchantman was shored by a heavy storm a few days ago off the Cape Horn. 6. Both A-bomb and H-bomb are the weapons of mass destruction and therefore we insist on stopping all A-tests and H-tests. 7. It was a handsome man; he clerked at some forwarding department and roomed a very small lodging not far from his office. 8. Nadya Pryakhina, a well-known chute jumper, is particularly keen on delayed jumps; today she has made her second delay-drop of 15 seconds. 9. London busmen went on strike demanding the 15 shillings-a-week increase of pay. 10. Several leaders of the strike were clubbed and then questionized at the police station. 11. Scientists developed new weapons for aircraft, particularly air-to-air and air-to-surface atomic missiles. 12. Before World War II distinct signs of westernization were clearly visible in the educational system of India.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4