
I. Переведите следующие предложения


1. No one agrees to tolerate foreign overlordship any longer. 2. World peace is no longer an aspiration; it is the natural result of mutual efforts. 3. As a result of its victories and achievements the Soviet State immeasurably gained in prestige and authority in the international arena. 4. The war is not inevitable at all. 5. At first it was planned to build the Volga-Don Canal in six years, later it was decided to complete most of the work much earlier. 6. Georgia, at present, is a free and independent country. 7. At least half of the German war potential was destroyed in the last war. 8. The guerillas built up a strong defence line around the city and, in this way, tried to stop our advance.


1. We could not notice in the rotating shaft any vibrations at all. 2. At first man learned how to keep up a fire and then how to obtain it by rubbing dry sticks together or by striking sparks out of stone. 3. After many experiments we have at last liberated oxygen from this compound. 4. Experimentally, at least, the energies of the quantum levels of a nucleus are not sharply defined. 5. Some materials are found to lose their electrical charge at once. 6. About 300 stable isotopes are known at present in nature. 7. In fact, there is no difference in the lines of force or in their action whether the field is produced by a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. 8. The controlled release of nuclear energy promises to lead us into a new world in which the achievement of man will not be any longer limited by the supply of energy available to him.


1. Some substances are not stable in water at all. 2. The substance was at first purified and then subjected to strong heating. 3. At last the radio-message reached the expedition. 4. Most substances are known in at least three different states, viz.: a solid, a liquid, and a gaseous form. 5. Possessing domestic animals, primitive people had a constant supply of food and were no longer dependent on the outcome of their hunt which was not always a success. 6. Alternating current of high frequency tends to flow on the surface of a wire; thus the centre of the conduction is, in fact, of no use at all. 7. Neptunium-239 is unstable; it emits an electron from the molecule and, in this way, transforms into a new element.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4