
I. Переведите следующие предложения:


1. The principle of Socialism reads: “From each according to his ability, to each according to the work performed.” 2. Thanks to the swift cultural progress of the Soviet Republics all of them have their own native intelligentsia. 8. During the blockade the Leningrad shipyards were producing new types of ships in spite of extremely hard conditions in the besieged city. 4. Due to skilful organization of the work we could break all previous coalgetting records. 5. Numerous factories, power stations, and irrigation systems have been built in China and in People’s Democracies in accordance with plans drawn up by Soviet scientists and engineers. 6. As to Serbia, we insist on the withdrawal of the occupation forces from this country. 7. Because of its aggressive character the Atlantic Pact is condemned by all peace-loving nations. 8. Despite the fact that the Antarctic region is still the least-explored part of our planet, it is now possible to sketch a more detailed picture of the natural conditions in this remote area thanks to the explorations of our Antarctic expedition.


1. Thanks to the efforts of the countries of the socialist camp and to the activity of all partisans of peace, the menace of immediate war has been averted. 2. Our economy doesn’t develop in accordance with plans. 3. As for the Government, it has done, is doing and will do all in its power to enable the peoples to live in peace. 4. Despite their numerical strength the forces of intervention were unable to crush the freedom-loving Vietnam people. 5. In spite of brutal nazi repression the French Resistance movement emerged stronger from this severe trial.


1. According to Boyle’s law the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure. 2. Because of their energy, the molecules of a liquid are always in rapid motion. 3. The a.c. voltages are changed by means of magnetic induction. 4. Quartz is one of the crystals showing an electrical effect due to compression. 5. Owing to loss of heat by radiation and friction, heat engines convert only part of heat into useful work. 6. A gas can be dissolved in a liquid; in this case the liquid changes its boiling point. 7. Polzunov’s engine was the first steam engine used instead of water wheels.


1. Thanks to the heroism of the Soviet people the German invaders were finally crushed. 2. Despite the machinations of the enemies of Russia, our country is growing in strength. 3. The Russian troops left Tiraspol base in accordance with the Russian-Moldavian agreement. 4. Reduction of trade with the west due to the discriminatory policy of the capitalist states was compensated by increasing trade between our regions themselves.


1. According to modern physical theories some of the electrons in a metal are free to move about in the interatomic species of the metal. 2. As to China’s natural resources, they were found to be far greater than it was formerly believed. 3. Because of the warm climate in prehistoric Europe, man had no need for the protection of special shelters or clothing. 4. By means of an electric battery it is possible to direct the flow of electrons in a conductor. 5. In case of atomic explosion the energy is liberated in the form of heat and penetrating radiation. 6. Semi-conductors are used now in radiosets instead of conventional radio-tubes. 7. Owing to food shortage and inadequate equipment the expedition could not reach the North Pole. 8. In spite of complete exhaustion Maresyev continued moving on.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4