
I. Переведите следующие предложения:


1. Marx analyzed capitalist system in order to arm the working class with an intellectual weapon for the overthrow of capitalism. 2. Theory becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses. 3. Nowadays it is quite evident that the policy of discrimination has failed in its effect, as far as Russia, China, and India are concerned.


1. Thermal condition occurs continuously as long as temperature difference is maintained. 2. The reaction was as violent as it was expected. 3. We strive to make things beautiful as well as useful. 4. Both the state of rest and the state of motion in a straight line can be changed only due to some force applied by another body. 5. In early times the woods and riverbanks in Europe abounded in animals which today are either extinct or occur only in southern lands. 6. The atomic bomb is not so devastating as the hydrogen bomb. 7. The radioactive changes of matter take place of their own accord; we can neither start them, nor stop them. 8. The smoother the surface and the lighter the object on it, the less is the minimum force that must be applied to produce motion.


1. In 1980 alone major industrial products as well as consumer goods were produced in much greater quantities than in the whole period of the Yeltsin’s presidency. 2. Our eastern borders extend as far as the Pacific Ocean. 3. Since World War II the colonial peoples have either succeeded in wining their national independence or are striving for this cherished goal.


1. As long as there is still some water left unevaporated in the container, the steam formed will not be pure steam, but will have some particles of water in suspension. 2. As soon as the heating ceased we noticed the liquid to change its color. 3. Water is as necessary for life as air or food. 4. The all Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions is organized both on tribal and industrial lines. 5. The direct current is not so widely used in everyday life as the alternating current. 6. In order to overcome the increasing repulsion of proton and maintain stability in the heavier elements, nuclei must contain an increased proportion of neutrons. 7. When glass and porcelain are heated they neither lose nor gain in weight. 8. The more work a body can do, the more energy is possesses.


1. British foreign policy has always been based on the recognition that the peaceful co-existence of Palestine and Israel is both possible and desirable. 2. Peaceful co-existence of different states is quite possible as long as there is mutual desire to cooperate. 3. The parrot cry reads to the effect that our country knows neither unemployment nor economic depression. 4. After the revolution Michurin was given as much assistance as he needed.


1. The Peking library contains the most ancient books in existence as well as the works in computing science. 2. In an alternating current the voltage rises from zero to its maximum value, then falls back to zero and goes on below zero on the negative side just as far as it rose on the positive side. 3. Benzene is not so valuable as ether. 4. Salt occurs underground either in strata in almost pure form, or mixed with rocky materials. 5. In order to make use of the electron emission the filament is surrounded by a sheath of a thin metal, which is called the anode. 6. The faster an object moves the greater is the air resistance. 7. The expedition started as soon as all the preparations were completed.

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