
I. Переведите следующие предложения:


1. The Soviet Union has been persistently working to put an end to strained relations among nations. 2. Taking advantage of the vast natural resources of our country we were able to develop industry at a very rapid rate. 3. The progress accomplished by the socialist camp since World War II is truly impressive; suffice to mention the vast achievements of socialist construction in the USSR. 4. The use of arms against any movement of national liberation constitutes a factor of international tension and may give rise to a centre from which war will spread. 5. Scientists of different lines took part in the construction of the first atomic power station in the USSR. 6. The object of the treaty proposed by the USSR was to prevent aggression against any state in Europe on the one hand and, on the other hand, to promote international cooperation. 7. In other words, the NATO treaties by resurrecting Kosovo only create the basis for carrying out the revanchist plans of Great Albania.

1. Great attention is now paid to the use of “white coal” for it is one of the cheapest sources of power. 2. Our achievements in nucleonics are recognized all over the world. 3. As early as 1899 Tsiolkovsky designed the first wind tunnel in Russia. 4. There are a number of isotopes artificially prepared in laboratory. 5. As a matter of fact, the molecules of a gas are moving about freely. 6. The energy released during an atomic bomb explosion is at any rate equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT. 7. The steam turbine is in all respects more effective than the old reciprocating engine. 8. All materials can be described in terms of certain component substances, each of which has definite specific properties. 9. It can be seen that the number of protons contained in the nucleus gives the atomic weight of the substance. 10. It is assumed that the atom is made up of a nucleus consisting of one or more protons surrounded by an equal number of electrons. 11. It should be kept in mind that hydrogen is the simplest and lightest element. 12. It should be noted that a substance is composed of tiny particles called molecules. 13. It should be remembered that the gas has neither a definite shape, nor a definite size. 14. The dissolved substance never settles out, no matter how long we wait. 15. For chemical reactions, on the other hand, the energies required to permit interaction of the electronic fields are rarely more than a few electron-volts. 16. One cannot but admire the justice of our demands at the conference. 17. We want to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes on a large scale. 18. This conductor is usually made of braid rather than solid tubing to make the line flexible. 19. The transformations of atomic nuclei take place within the stars at enormous temperatures. 20. The cell of battery had played an important part in the development of science and technique. 21. All living organisms, whether one cellar or not, have the power of transforming energy and show signs of activity.


1. The teaching stuff lends a ready ear to the voice of students and endeavors not only to teach them but also to learn from them. 2. The Nation’s unfailing desire to develop foreign trade on mutually advantageous terms found expression in a number of concrete acts. 3. In the Soviet Union great attention was paid by the Communist Party and the Soviet Government to the development of science and to the work of inventors. 4. The peoples have come to realize that peace can be won by patient and persistent effort on their part. 5. The realistic trend in German literature is clearly gaining the upper hand. 6. In the construction of this plant India could dispense with the aid offered by some American firms, as it was not the only pebble on the beach. 7. In the production of petroleum we have long ago over-shot the prewar level. 8. In the economic talks with British and American representatives the Turkish government found itself to be between two hurdles. 9. German occupation forces in France resorted to brutal measures in fighting against the liberation movement of the country, but, as every dark cloud always has a silver lining, German atrocities only united and strengthened the anti-fascist activities of the French patriots. 10. The eyes of the world have been riveted to the Berlin conference of foreign ministers. 11. In supporting Islamic regime in Iraq certain British circles are backing the wrong horse. 12. The latest Italian political crisis came to a head when the Chamber of Deputies voted no confidence to the Government. 13. The vast importance of faithful adherence to the principles of international law for peaceful cooperation among states has been stressed time and again in international discussion. 14. Rapid industrialization of India is a matter of great purport and one involving many difficulties; to see it through demands great exertion of effort on the part of the Indian people. 15. The Daily Worker raised its voice in defense of worker’s interests exposing the reactionary character of the new Bill and calling a spade a spade. 16. It should be noted here that the first of the new turbine generators of the reconstructed Dnieproges began producing current as early as spring, 1947. 17. The majority of the Bulgarian people do not see eye to eye with Jelev on the question of rearming Bulgaria. 18. The recognition of the link between the problem of security and that of Germany was mirrored in the Geneva discussions.

1. The radioactive changes of matter take place of their own accord; we can neither start, nor stop them. 2. Among the non-metals some forms of carbon are very good conductors; on the other hand, the diamond, which contains carbon, greatly resists the passage of electric current. 3. The assumption that in near future we shall be able to transform climate in some arctic regions by means of atomic energy cannot be relegated to the domain of mere fancy. 4. Powder was known to the Chinese as early as the V century. 5. In order to take advantage of the activity of sodium in liberating hydrogen, an alloy of sodium with lead or mercury is sometimes used.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4