Situation 21
You are a corporate culture specialist. Speak on the issue of cultural differences in the approach to conflict and the way they can affect working relations.
Cross-cultural misunderstandings or conflict may arise whenever there are cultural differences. The following are some potential causes or situations in which conflicts or misunderstandings can happen:
misunderstandings or conflict between different nationalities, religious or ethnic groups
cultural ignorance and insensitivity
lack of awareness of different societal lifestyle practices
differences in cultural practice
differences in perception of illness and treatment
miscommunication and misinterpretation.
When you work with people from culturally diverse backgrounds, it is often the difference in cultural values that causes misunderstandings and possibly conflict. You may misunderstand the other person and react in ways that can hinder the development of trusting, supportive and helpful relationships.
There are six fundamental patterns of cultural differences and these can all impact on service delivery.
Different verbal communication styles
Across cultures, some words and phrases are used in different ways. For example, ‘yes’ can vary from ‘maybe I’ll consider it’ to ’definitely yes’. This can affect a worker’s perception of the client’s consent to a course of action. When they say ‘yes’ or tacitly agree to a worker’s suggestion, it may not really mean that they do agree with the worker but rather that they do not want to offend the worker by disagreeing with them.
Different non-verbal communication styles
Non-verbal communication refers to facial expressions, gestures, seating arrangements, personal distance, and sense of time. For example, avoidance of eye contact is a sign of great respect in some cultures, including our Australian Indigenous cultures. Some Australians regard this as a sign of hiding something.
Different attitudes toward conflict
Some cultures view conflict as a positive thing, whilst others try to avoid it. For example, many Eastern countries deal with their conflict quietly. A written exchange might be the favoured means to resolve the conflict.
Different approaches to completing tasks
People from different cultures tend to complete tasks differently. Some may be task-orientated, whilst others are relationship-orientated. For example, Asian cultures tend to attach more value to developing relationships at the beginning of a shared project and more emphasis on task completion towards the end, as compared with Europeans. Conversely, Europeans tend to focus immediately on the task at hand and let relationships develop as they work on that task. The fact that one group chooses task over relationship does not mean that they place different values on relationships or that they are less committed, rather that they just pursue different goals during the process.
Different decision-making styles
Decision-making roles vary widely from culture to culture. Some cultures delegate, while other cultures place higher value on holding decision-making responsibilities. When decisions are made in a group, some cultures may prefer majority rule, while others view consensus as the preferred mode for reaching a decision. Australian Aboriginal people reach decisions of importance to their clan only after discussing them with others in the clan, particularly elders.
Different attitudes toward disclosure
When you deal with a conflict, ensure that you are aware of how people may differ in expressing their emotions. Some questions that may need to be asked, such as ‘What was the conflict about?’ may seem intrusive and personal.
The best way to work with different cultures is to be aware that cultural diversity exists and to talk about the differences.
You need to remember two things concerning cultural diversity:
It can be difficult to address cultural differences without resorting to stereotypes. Stereotypes should not exist, as no person is exactly like another person and no individual is a clone of another member of a group.
As diversity in an organisation grows, so does the complexity of communication and the necessity to make greater effort in developing improved communication skills.
Diversity can create opportunities for character development by teaching tolerance and respect and encouraging concern for equity for people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
- 2. Формирование культурной идентичности.
- 3. Виды идентичности (возрастная, гендерная, классовая, расовая, национальная, региональная, этническая, религиозная, межкультурная).
- 4.Межкультурная коммуникация в ведении бизнеса.
- 5.Культурные различия в образовании. Мультикультурное образование.
- 6. Категории культуры по Холлу: контекст.
- 7. Классификация невербальной коммуникации по различным параметрам
- 8.Функции невербальной коммуникации
- 9.Стадии культурной адаптации.
- 10. Модели культурной адаптации. Теории кривых u и w в культурной адаптации.
- 11. Типы мигрантов и проблемы миграции
- 12. Язык и восприятие. Номиналистская и релятивистская позиции. Гипотеза Сэпира-Уорфа.
- 13. Виды конфликтов и способы их разрешения в межкультурном аспекте.
- 14. Стереотипы и их преодоление. Проблемы коммуникации, вызванные стереотипами.
- 15. Предрассудки и их отрицательное воздействие в процессе межкультурной коммуникации. Формы проявления предрассудков.
- 1 Предмет, объект, цели и задачи теории перевода.
- 2. Структура и содержание категории переводческой компетенции.
- 3. Понятие единицы перевода. Текст в статусе основной единицы перевода.
- 4. Основные виды перевода: художественный и информативный; письменный и устный.
- 5.Редактирование. Типология переводческих ошибок.
- 6. Моделирование перевода: информационная, ситуативная, трансформационная, семантическая модели.
- 7. Понятие переводческой эквивалентности. Теория уровней эквивалентности.
- 8. Переводческие соответствия: постоянные и вариантные; лексические, фразеологические, грамматические.
- 9. Лексические переводческие преобразования: транскрипция, калькирование, лексико-семантические замены.
- 10. Грамматические переводческие преобразования: перестановки и замены.
- 10. Лексико-грамматические переводческие преобразования: антонимический и описательный перевод, компенсация.
- 11. Проблемы перевода определенных типов слов: интернациональных и “псевдоинтернациональных”, терминов и терминологических сочетаний, имен собственных, неологизмов.
- 1. Интернациональные слова
- 12. Изменение порядка слов и структуры предложения при переводе.
- 13. Проблемы перевода образных выражений.
- 14. Стилистическая адаптация при переводе текстов разной жанровой принадлежности.
- 15. Прагматическая адаптация перевода.
- 2. Всемирная торговая организация (гатт/вто): история возникновения, принципы деятельности и роль в мировой торговле. Вто и Республика Беларусь.
- 3. Содержание понятия “международная торговая сделка”. Виды международных коммерческих операций.
- 4. Участники вэд.
- 5. Коммерческие предложения продавца и покупателя.
- 6. Цены внешнеторговых сделок. Ценовые стратегии. Ценовые поправки.
- 7. Договор международной купли-продажи товаров: структура и содержание.
- 9. Внешнеторговые посредники: понятие, виды и их значение во внешнеэкономической деятельности.
- 3. Брокеры:
- 10. Международный лизинг: сущность, виды и значение.
- 11. Международная лицензионная торговля. Франчайзинг.
- 12. Таможенные платежи в рб. Виды таможенных пошлин.
- 13. Методы определения таможенной стоимости товаров.
- 14. Понятие и виды иностранных инвестиций. Проблемы формирования инвестиционного климата в Республике Беларусь.
- 15. Понятие международных перевозок. Международные автомобильные перевозки.
- 1. Истоки и эволюция прагматики. Место прагматики среди лингвистических дисциплин, задачи прагматики. Категории прагматики: интенция, перформативность.
- 2. Понятие «дейксис» и его место в антропоцентрической парадигме лингвистического знания. Дейктические элементы. Виды дейксиса.
- Истоки и эволюция прагмалингвистики. Постулаты Грайса.
- 2) Категория Качества:
- 3) Категория Отношения:
- 4) Категория Способа:
- 4. Теория речевых актов: основоположники, сущность, достижения и ограниченность.
- 5. Понятие речевого акта и его составляющие. Классификация речевых актов.
- 6. Коммуникативная стратегия вежливости. Основные понятия прагматической категории вежливости. Постулаты Дж. Лича.
- 7. Принцип сохранения имиджа с. Левинсона, п. Браун. Культурная обусловленность принципа сохранения имиджа.
- 8. Коммуникативные тактики и стратегии. Коммуникативные неудачи в речевом общении.
- 2) Необходимость приспособиться к ситуации.
- 2. Причины коммуникативных неудач
- 3. Типы коммуникативных неудач в концепции Дж. Остина
- 4. Коммуникативные неудачи в теории е.А. Земской и о.П. Ермаковой
- 2. Особенности коммуникантов:
- 3. Прагматические факторы:
- 9. Лексическая семантика. Значение слова. Семантический треугольник. Развитие лексического значения слова. Компоненты лексического значения.
- 10. Основные понятия семантического синтаксиса. Знаковая сущность предложения; предложение, ситуация, пропозиция; структура пропозиции.
- 11. Когнитивное направление в семантике. Понятия когнитивной семантики: концепт, концептосфера, языковая картина мира.
- 13. Понятие дискурса. Подходы к определению дискурса. Направления современного дискурс-анализа.
- 14. Коммуникативный синтаксис: актуальное (тема-рематическое) членение предложения, коммуникативные типы предложения.
- 15. Альтернативные прагматические теории: теория речевых жанров, конверсационный анализ, функциональная прагматика.
- 1. You are an intercultural consultant. To what extent do you think company culture is influenced by the country the company is based in? Issue guidelines for new job applicants.
- 3. Comment on how internationalization affects company culture. You are an h.R. Specialist with an international company Give some advice with regard to working across cultures.
- 4. You are a corporate culture specialist. Highlight the challenges a company operating in multinational settings may face is likely to encounter.
- 5. You are a corporate culture specialist. Talk about career development opportunities available at the company you work for.
- 6. You are the department head. Elaborate on the ways of improving staff efficiency. Take account of intercultural aspects.
- 7. You are a graduate student. Dwell on career development opportunities alumni face. How can a culture affect your career development plan?
- 8. You are a space management consultant. Focus on organizational aspects of companies affected by rapidly changing business environment.
- 10. Think about what cultural aspects affect people’s resistance to change implementation. Justify your point.
- 12. You are a team leader in charge of change-management project in multinational company. Think about changes you would like to implement at the company you work in.
- 13. Imagine you are to arrange a meeting in a multinational company. Focus on the cultural aspects to be taken into account while planning the agenda.
- 15. Imagine yourself working in risk management department of a multinational company. Speak about the potential risks (pest) facing the business
- 16. You are a business analyst. Submit pest/swot analysis of the company you work for (the university you study at)
- 17. You are a university graduate (alumnus). Make a swot analysis of yourself.
- 20. You work as a hr manager for a big multinational company. Comment on the strategies you are going to implement with regard to conflict resolution if any should arise in one of the departments
- 21. You are a corporate culture specialist. Speak on the issue of cultural differences in the approach to conflict and the way they can affect working relations.
- 22. Speak on how the changes in communication technology affect the working procedures, flexibility, company structure and how it can improve the efficiency at the workplace.
- 23. You work as a personal development coach. You are invited to give a speech for the employees how to make a good impression and get on a fast track in the career.
- The Legal Landscape
- Communication and Technology
- Environmental Conservation
- 1. Language Barrier
- Solution:
- 2. Cultural differences
- Solution:
- 3. The decision-making process
- Solution:
- 1. Establish Clear Company Values and Goals
- 2. Offer Flexibility
- 3. Empower and Encourage
- 4. Promote Trust
- 5. Integrate Modern Tech to Ease the Job
- 6. Establish a Strong Team Relationship
- 7. Hear What Your Employees Have to Say
- P)safety regulations
- Emissions policies
- Popularity of driving
- T)self-driving cars
- Improved safety
- Situation 2
- If you don't, you can make mistakes. These mistakes can be harmless, or, they can also be very serious.
- Situation 3 How to work across culture
- Situation 4
- 1. Language Barrier
- Solution:
- 2. Cultural differences
- Solution:
- 3. The decision-making process
- Solution:
- Situation 8
- Situation 10
- Situation 11
- Situation 12 Present a change to the management of your company
- Situation 13
- Situation 14 Working at Christmas
- In my mind, such approach could lead to a positive result.
- Situation 16 pest analysis of the company you work for
- Situation 17 swot analysis of myself
- Situation 18
- Situation 21
- Situation 22
- Situation 23
- Situation 24
- Situation 25