Практические задания
• Упражнение 1. Переведите слова и словосочетания с суффиксами er, -ed, -able на русский язык.
1) Sympathizer, achiever, breaker, breakfaster, hater, islander, desirer, roomer, hatter, cottager, Easterner, backer, loser.
2) Moneyed, sleeved, hooked, balconied, hooded, dogged, feathered, shadowed, carpeted;
3) Wearable, serviceable, enjoyable, justifiable, companionable, breakable, paintable, measurable, lovable;
4) Carpeted staircase, juiced apple, hooked nose, stockinged feet, spirited attack, striped skirt, cushioned armchair, salaried officer.
• Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. His face assumed a professional greeter's smile.
2. The restaurant was crowded with diners.
3. He was always a good dresser and always had money in his pocket.
4. This is getting to be like a big boarding house full of roomers and boarders that I have to cook for and make up beds for.
5. He hardly read anything at all, and he was not a frequenter of libraries.
6. I imagined she was a very close observer and a good rememberer too.
1. He stood by the curtained window smoking a cigarette.
2. The man watched the hatted and gloved girls go.
3. Her freckled face shone with pleasure.
4. The doctor was already gloved and gowned.
5. Martin opened the door, switched on the light and saw the uniformed figure on the veranda.
6. She was extremely plain, with a mottled, shiny pink complexion.
1. It was a pleasant room, the room of a lovable friendly man.
2. She knew that her feeling was childish but sensible and explainable.
3. Rudolph has got me a television set which makes the long days bearable.
4. The morning was no longer as pleasurable.
5. He is accountable to me for all the money he spends.
6. He placed a companionable hand on the shoulder of each chess-player.
• Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Her heart hungered for action.
2. The years had not dulled in her the interest that any woman feels in such matters.
3. The cows are milking well now.
4. Tom voiced his dream.
5. Soldiers in red coats passed in twos and threes.
6. He was greeted with a number of little silent bows and nods.
7. We are all equals.
8. Let us all meet on the down platform.
9. Workmen went on strike and downed tools.
- Содержание
- Использование словарей в процессе перевода
- Практические задания
- Лексические приемы перевода
- Правила калькирования
- Практические задания
- Лексические соответствия. Перевод многозначных слов и слов с широкой семантикой
- Практические задания
- Перевод интернациональных слов. «ложные друзья» переводчика
- Практические задания
- Перевод американизмов
- Практические задания
- Перевод безэквивалентной лексики и лексики с частичными соответствиями
- Практические задания
- Безэквивалентная лексика. Перевод имен собственных
- Практические задания
- Перевод сокращений (аббревиатур, усеченных слов, сращений)
- Практические задания
- Перевод неологизмов
- Практические задания
- Перевод слов-дериватов, образованных суффиксальным способом и по конверсии
- Практические задания
- Перевод адвербиальных глаголов и сложных слов
- Практические задания
- Перевод МногофункциональныХ служебныХ слов
- Практические задания
- Перевод свободных словосочетаний
- Практические задания
- Перевод фразеологизмов
- Практические задания
- Список использованной литературы
- Словари