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1. The academic view has been (and remained) that… 2. This paper addresses the activity and trends in the automotive electronics. 3. These design activities can be performed. 4. Today, optical-fiber communication systems have entered the phase of actual use at several power companies in Japan. 5. This problem was addressed by Lorell and Lui in Ref. 5 in discussing the effect of the rotation of the primary. 6. LED’s are adequate for data links and are already extensively used. 7. “We are developing a more aggressive program”, says Prince. 8. The analyses are not in agreement with each other, and, in some cases, conflict with observations. 9. Several candidate detectors were considered for high-datarate receiver service. 10. The categories employed express the author’s present-day view-point, no more, no less. 11. IBM, which has in the past championed a double-lattice struc-ture for achieving higher densities, is also working with…12. The result is con-servative.13. critical hardware. 14. …EROS systems based on the use of expen-sive and delicate atomic clocks in each aircraft. 15. This was demonstrated experimentally by Gebhard and Smith. 16. The latter effect is not so well docu-mented. 17. This required a dramatic change in the processor/memory interconnection structure. 18. Such devices show a dramatically reduced efficiency. 19. The 61885 is an elegant single-chip solution to speech synthesis. 20. The emphasis of the paper is twofold. 21. Evolution almost always encounters some resistance. 22. …hard-to-use, exotic materials. 23. This paper focuses on measurement and of hard failures in multiprocessors. 24. Such a multiplexing function makes it possible to build a network flexibility to a geographical distribution of terminals. 25. …the higher the frequency, the finer the geometry of the emitter “fingers”. 26. historical rates of return. 27. Historically, this experiment was manually operated with the data recorded on a printer. 28. Ideas for future work are discussed in an appendix. 29. …here or there in the semi-conductor industry. 30. In this approach, intelligence is distributed throughout the system instead of being concentrated in the CPU. 31. The Incoterm Corp. has introduces two intelligent terminals… 32. Besides the window effect which is intimately tied to signal processing… 33. Yet people are not aware of this massive ambiguity. 34. …the effort to minimize chip growth can create production problems that lower yields. 35. The maximum Reynolds numbers are based on an optimistic length. 36. The book is organized in 11 chapters. 37. The original problem will be called Problem A to distinguish it from the variable endpoint problems that will be introduced later. 38. Originally proposed by Thompson CSF, the idea is to detect errors in table position by laser interferometry. 39. Petrol engines can be run at a speed of 3,000 revolutions per minute or more.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4