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прагматика и медиа дискурс / text_and_discourse-8l


1.Castaños F. Observar y entender la cultura política: algunos problemas fundamentales y una propuesta de solución // Revista Mexicana de Sociología. Mexico: UNAM-IIS, 1997. Vol. 59. №. 2.P. 75-91.

2.Diccionario del español usual en México / Ed. by Lara F. Mexico: COLMEX, 1996.

3.Durkheim E. The elementary forms of religious life. N. Y.: Free Press, 1912 (In translation 1995). 112 p.

4.Fauconnier G. Mental spaces. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 1997. 190 p.

5.Fauconnier G. Mappings in thought and language. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. 205 p.

6.Geertz С. The interpretations of cultures. N. Y: Basic Books, 1973. 173 p.

7.Jackendoff R. Semantics and Cognition. Cambridge; L.: The MIT Press, 1990. 283 p.

8.Sweetser E. From etymology to pragmatics: metaphorical and cultural aspects of semantic structure. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. 206 p.

9.Talmy L Force dynamics in language and cognition // Cognitive Science. 1988. Vol. 12. P. 49-100.

10.Talmy L Toward a cognitive semantics in 2 vols . Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 2000.

11.Traugott E.C. From propositional to textual and expressive meanings // Perspectives on Historical Linguistics / Ed. by W. Lehmann, Y. Malkiel. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1982. P. 245-271.