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Упражнения Упражнение 1

Переведите текст English Table Manners на русский язык, обращая внимание на предложения в повелительном наклонении.

English Table Manners

(A List of Do’s and Don’ts)

On the continent people have good food;

in England people have good manners.

Don’t put your elbows on the table. Sit facing the table and keep your feet under you, don’t stretch them all the way under the table. Never stretch over the table for some-thing you want, ask your neighbour to pass it. Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate, don’t harpoon your bread with a fork.. Don’t bite into the whole slice, break it off piece by piece. Vegetables, potatoes, macaroni are placed on your fork with the help of knife. Cut your meat into small pieces, one piece at a time. Chicken requires special handling. Just cut as much as you can, and when you can’t use knife and fork any longer, use your fingers. Don’t use a knife for fish, cutlets or omelettes. Don’t eat off the knife. Don’t lick your spoon. Try to make as little noise as possible when eating, or they’ll say you’re a noisy eater. Don’t talk with your mouth full. Never read while eating (at least in company). Never spoil your neighbour’s appetite by criticizing what he or she is eating. The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying, “No, thank you”. Don’t say, “I don’t eat that stuff” and don’t make faces to show you don’t like it. If you really feel hungry, ask for the second helping. And finally, don’t forget to say “thank you” for every act of kindness. By the way, English people do not wish each other “Good appetite”.

Упражнение 2

Определите значение местоимения it в следующих предложениях.

1. Give me an English book. It is on the shelf. 2. It is hoped that the diagram will be helpful. 3. In this country it is customary to use another technique. 4. It is known that he has been working on this problem for several months. 5. In order to reach a quantitative justification, it is necessary to introduce another model. 6. If the liquid froze as it was cooled, a sharp break would be observed in the phase program at the freezing point. 7. It was early and there was only one person there. 8. It rained all the next day when I awoke. 9. It was comparatively a short distance to his farm. 10. It often seems that progress in understanding the elementary particles of matter comes from a single advancing frontier of ever high energy. 11. It was a bitter cold winter, with long, hard frosts and heavy gales. 12. One electron volt is the energy acquired by an electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of one volt. 13. I touched the heath: it was dry and yet warm with the heat of the summer day. 14. It was nearly bed-time.

Упражнение 3

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на использование местоимения it.

1. At present it is important that a considerable amount of effect should be devoted to the possible use of holography in data processing and the display of information. 2. It is no use of asking him about it. 3. It has been observed that some nuclei did not fission at once when excited but waited a measurable time. 4. It is not sometimes easy to connect fact and theory. 5. It is impossible that they should have solved all those most severe problems. 6. It was a moment of silence. 7. It was raining too hard to hear the car. 8. A particle that is stable or relatively long-lived can be identified. If it is electrically charged, it will leave measurable tracks in a bubble chamber or a similar detector. 9. There was a woman on the porch; it proved to be Mrs. Caley. 10. It had stopped raining but there was a mist. 11. It is freezing hard. 12. It was a windy, whispering, moonless night. 13. It is in vain for a boy to attempt to do it. 14. When warm air with moisture passes into a higher and cooler position, it cannot retain much aqueous vapour. 15. The mixture was studied to confirm that it is a material made up of two or more substances not combined chemically.

Упражнение 4

Определите неопределенно-личные предложения.

1. One electron volt is the energy acquired by an electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of one volt. 2. One believes that the procedure de-scribed above will simplify the experiment. 3. One should take the precautions men-tioned. 4.One method that is coming into considerable use is by the use of electricity. 5. In burning the fuel unites with oxygen – one of the constituents of air. 6. One may consider the charge-exchange reaction to have been established under these con-ditions. 7. If one neglects such considerations, it is difficult to visualize its being caused by a minor bimolecular component of elimination.8. The electrolytic process described appears to be a safe one. 9. One of the main objects of experiments on mesons has been to determine whether the proportions of the particles found in cosmic rays fit the predictions of the meson theory started by Yukawa. 10. One finds that the induced e.m.f. depends inversely upon the time taken by the flux in changing from one value to the other. 11. One will easily calculate the volume, if he knows the dimensions of the body. 12. One of the earliest observations in this field was that the radioactivity of a preparation diminishes with time. 13. The only case where the relative velocity might appear to exceed this maximum is one where the viscosity of the suspending fluid might be reduced. 14. One is led then to the expressions which can be compared directly with the experiments.

Упражнение 5

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на слово one.

1. One may ask why the sheets of paper fly apart. 2. Despite some objections, this is one of the simplest methods to employ, and is the one which has been most frequ-ently used. 3. One way of obtaining hydrogen is to pass electric current through water. 4. One can imagine prehistoric man ascribing all sorts of magical properties to this marvelous substance. 5. One does not, indeed, see electricity, nor can one hear it, taste it. 6. One kind of primary cell consists of a zinc plate, or cathode, and a copper one, or anode. 7. What one is seeing now is the logical out-come of a long period of preparation. 8. This mechanics is one of the oldest fields of application of numerical computation in general, and also an early one for auto-matic computation. 9. A knowledge of the valencies of any two elements enables one to find the quantitative composition of the substance formed by their com-bination. 10. The electrolytic process described appears to be a safe one. 11. In truth it was a crisis, and a great one. 12. One of the basic problems is to determine orbits of planets, comets and meteors. 13. There are two different lines one can follow during such interpretations of the actual measurements. 14. All its gaps are now filled and from it one can learn the periodicity of the properties of the elements in the clearest possible way. 15. One must have all the data to calculate the half-life period of the substance.

Упражнение 6

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определяя в каждом случае вид английского и соответствующего русского предложения.

1. It was between one and two in the morning. 2. One wants one’s patience when old Sam rambles on with some story you’ve heard fifty times already. 3. You cannot trust him an inch. 4. It will freeze hard in most parts of the country, they say. 5. We could go to Mexico – they want officers in the Mexican Army. 6. It is early yet. 7. It appeared that Mrs Bradley was a widow with three children. 8. It will be fun taking her around. 9. It is no good denying that. 10. He was as cordial as one could wish. 11. We have a lot of rain in England. 12. It became apparent that exposing the salt to sunlight has nothing to do with this phenomenon. 13. We may suppose the alpha particles within the nucleus to be in motion. 14. It is necessary to observe a number of precautions. 15. One cannot expect a complicated problem like that of using solar energy to be solved in a year or so.

Упражнение 7

Определите «явное» сказуемое, выраженное глаголом to be.

1. The substance thus obtained was pure. 2. Electronic devices were known to control the stream of electrons. 3. A special underwater camera is used to photograph the bottom of the ocean. 4. Another possible method being considered was to increase the resistance to motion in each main component of the system. 5. New developments and requirements being extensively discussed in these articles, the central item is the increasing use of competence for all kinds of applications. 6. They were watching the moving particles. 7. The gas to be tested is enclosed in a long glass tube. 8. If we were to take any of these individual wires and apply the rule for finding the current direction, we should discover that the induced current has the same direction in the coil as the one that had been flowing before the circuit was broken. 9. An atom was proved to contain not only protons but neutrons which are subatomic particles without any electric charge. 10. An electric spark was passed through a mixture. 11. Examples of compounds are fuel, lighting gas and water. 12. When mixed with oxygen, it is explosive. 13. I was heating the mixture when he came in. 14. The air of the atmosphere consisting principally of the elements oxygen and nitrogen is called a mechanical mixture. 15. A current of electricity was supposed to pass through the electrolyte.

Упражнение 8

Определите значение глагола to be в следующих предложениях.

1. The function of the control is to take the operating instructions one by one in the appropriate order and to ensure that they are correctly carried out. 2. The real goal of improved organization is to obtain maximum overall computer performance for minimum cost. 3. Electronics is to be regarded entirely as an applied science. 4. The function of the arithmetic section is to perform all the arithmetic operations of which the system is capable. 5. The robot was to be used in connection with a con-veyer belt which transported mixed parts. 6. The first way was to find new materials with better semiconductor characteristics. 7. It is to be noted that replace-ment of germanium by silicon allowed to increase operating temperature of semi-conductor device and to design a number of high voltage instruments. 8. A necessary condition to teach math-ematics is to know mathematics. 9. A con-sequent objective was to make prog-ramming easier – not necessary for trivial problems, but for problems worthy of the computer. 10. One effect is to produce an anatomical enlargement of the heart. 11. The task of the plant was to make an assembly of all the component parts of the de-vice. 12. The object of these experiments was to find the connection, if any, between secondary electrons and the primary beta-rays from the radioactive substance. 13. You are to take into consideration that apart from kinetic evidence there is little, if any, direct proof of the production of free oxygen atoms by photolysis of any oxide. 14. Mention is to be made of the high boiling point of this liquid. 15. Steps are to be taken to purify the substance.

Упражнение 9

Определите значение глагола to be в следующих предложениях.

1. Regardless of speed, all channels are logically independent. 2. Control-word modification and refill cycles are exactly the same as before. 3. All the menus required within any one application are stored in the terminal while that application is active. 4. The traditional vertical take-off mode for rocket vehicles is being re-assessed in light of changing technologies. 5. The part geometry is displayed on the screen and a source program for the APT numerical control language is generated by graphical interaction. 6. The search for a method to help in the detailed requirements specifica-tion was driven by several criteria. 7. The methodology is now being experimentally thought to postgraduate EE’s. 8. Such power is to be found in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. 9. Developed rectangle and a cutting rectangle dimensions are examples of manufacturing in-formation data used for cutting. 10. The theory is based on the definition of functional architecture. 11. Because of its low molecular weight, it is not sur-prising that hydrogen should be an ideal fluid from a performance standpoint. 12. Experiments with cosmic rays intensities are of great importance. 13. The demand is that a mass spectrometer intended for an investigation of the upper atmosphere should be exceedingly reliable and simple in operation. 14. Five volts are needed for the device to operate properly. 15. No matter what the nature of the surfaces that are moving over each other, there is always some opposition to the motion.

Упражнение 10

Определите значение глагола to have.

1. The exchange also has a data-word location for each channel. 2. The instruc-tions have to be made absolutely complete in every detail and yet expressed in terms the machine can “understand”. 3. Machines and processors have become more complicated. Results have to be performed more quickly and more accurately.4. Such a possibility has been studied for years, but designers always come back to solids.5. Aircraft designers have to turn to advanced structural materials to meet rigid performance goals. 6. In the historical advancement of transportation systems, evolutionary systems have usually been favoured. 7. A large portion of these manned missions have a specific low-Earth orbit distinction. 8. The military reentry capsules have thus been declared redundant and some firms have required permission to recycle their technology for the civic market. 9. This system has been operating at the Akashi Works since October 1982. 10. This button has a variety of uses which have been discussed previously in this manual. 11. The need for reliable, rapid and efficient means of communication has never been greater than it is to-day – nor is this need likely to decrease in the future. 12. We have tried throughout to emphasize certain basic concepts and their role in understanding the natural world. 13. The energy which an bject has because of its motion is called kinetic energy. 14. Radioisotopes have at last provided an accurate clock by which we can get some idea of when the Earth itself was formed. 15. Our Milky Way system has 100 billion or so stars.

Упражнение 11

Определите «явное» сказуемое, имеющее вспомогательный или модальный глагол.

1. Through various probes the physicists can sense some of the important pro-portions of an atomic nucleus. 2. Nuclei are so complicated that we shall never know about them. 3. Snapshots of many identical soft nuclei would include mostly a variety of asymmetrical ellipsoids. 4. The explanation will probably be consi-derably modified in the years to come. 5. A computer does process a number of algorithms very fast. 6. Being electrically neutral an atom must have an equal number of positive and negative charges. 7. Alternating current can be generated at high voltages, these voltages being raised and lowered by means of static trans-formers. 8. How are these methods and components used to realize them operate when the entire control system is considered? 9. In general these functions will have to be performed for all types of motors. 10. In spite of all hardships he had overcome, Yablochkov continued working in the field of electricity to the day of his death. 11. Electrical devices should be used on the voltages for which they are designed. 12. An electric arc that may be formed here at opening or closing the circuit is between the two replaceable contacts.13. It does take us back to the original problem. 14. A sharp increase in computer performance does not spring solely from a strong justification for it. 15. Some change in the size of the balloоn does occur with these stress changes.

Упражнение 12

Определите сказуемое по явным признакам.

1. The gas to be tested is enclosed in a long glass tube. 2. Increasing the velocity of molecules can be accomplished by raising the temperature. 3. This phenomenon is being used in measuring thickness of a coating of metal. 4. The interesting thing about magnetic computers is the possibility of cutting power consumption by reducing the operating frequency. 5. Iron and steel being magnetized, the molec-ules are moved into a new arrangement. 6. The internal resistance becoming low, the short-circuit current will be correspondingly high. 7. Some special equipment designed for high-altitude research have been produced. 8. Speaking of motors supplied by the a.c., one should mention asynchronous motors. 9. The scientists did not know where the reason of the failure was. 10. If we were asked today to prove the existence of a connection between electricity and magnetism, we should not do better than point to the electromagnet. 11. If, for instance, we were to double the amount of one element in the sun, leaving the amounts of the other elements unaltered, we should find that the intensities of the lines of the particular element would be relatively strengthened. 12. If there were no frictional losses in a machine, we could get as much work out of it as we put into it. 13. A space platform might be useful as a navigational aid. 14. In order that we may be able to find out how efficient the engine is, we must measure the amount of energy that we put into it and compare this with the energy that it produces. 15. Mercury must have lost most of its atmosphere while it was still hot.

Упражнение 13

Определите в следующих предложениях «неявное» сказуемое, имеющее окончание -(e)s.

1. Each state corresponds to a different mode of motion of the constituent nuc-leons. 2. New types of electronic tools being invented at present, it makes possible the development of science and industrial technology. 3. Many facts become more significant. 4. The spectrum of neutrons emitted by an operating reactor covers a great range of energies. 5. Some volcanoes erupting under water at the bottom of the ocean keep building themselves up until they become islands. 6. The technique employed uses a single probe. 7. Technical colleges provide advanced courses in technology. 8. Nowadays scientists believe that birds start to migrate as soon as they become really powerful and efficient fliers. 9. To produce a large thrust in a rocket requires high mass flow, high energy and high pressure. 10. At some dis-tance above the earth, ultra-violet radiation from the sun causes some of the mol-ecules to dissociate from the molecular state to the atomic state. 11. With the in-crease in thrust levels and the use of the high-energy propellants, both size and weight increase greatly. 12. A rocket with a constant thrust continually gains in speed. 13. Surface-to-surface mis-siles assume a great variety of forms and sizes. 14. The mercury in the thermometer expands when measuring the temperature of an object and assumes a new position. 15. Alternating current is continually chang-ing in magnitude as well as in direction, and this continual change causes certain effects of great importance.

Упражнение 14

Определите «неявное» сказуемое, имеющее окончание –ed.

1. Having been heated for several hours the substance began to melt. 2. All the cargo but one arrived undamaged. 3. Having made the measurements the experim-enter then processed the data. 4. Technical colleges provide advanced courses in technology. 5. The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant. 6. Papers presented at the conference dealt with all engineering aspects of computers. 7. The new theory excited interest among physicists. 8. The heated object became red-hot. 9. The early discoveries in nuclear science showed the atomic nucleus to be a vast source of energy. 10. The type of material selected for wire insulation depends upon where the wire is going to be used. 11. In our experiment, the al-titude reached by the rocket was nearly 430 km. 12. The evaporation process lasted 10-20 sec. 13. The process involved aims at production of heavy water. 14. The reduction of radiation intensities to a safe level for the personnel involved is not particularly difficult. 15. All guided missiles need a system which will identify and locate the target.

Упражнение 15

Определите «неявное» сказуемое в данных предложениях, обращая внимание на окончание -ed.

1. The party joined by some new members moved on. 2. The spectrum of neutrons emitted by an operating reactor covers a great range of energies. 3. The apparatus installed includes a small vacuum evaporation plant. 4. The type of the particle emitted depended not only on the building energy. 5. Other students joined by some postgraduates made up a group of twenty people. 6. Recrystallization follow-ed by extraction gave good results. 7. The later development of military rockets passed through a number of phases, as knowledge of explosives and combustibles improved. 8. Attack upon armoured vehicles required some sort of missile possess-ing enormous striking power and fairly flat trajectory. 9. The idea of using hydro-gen and oxygen as fuels for interplanetary rockets originated early in the 19th century. 10. Early experimenters worked without satisfactory theory to explain the structure of matter. 11. The selection procedure included a thorough examination of would-be astronauts in a clinic. 12. Infra-red radiation emitted by hot bodies extended from about .1 mm down to 7,000 A . 13. Before taking off the pilot checked his controls once more. 14. Electrically charged bodies lose their charges, in part at least, as soon as they come into contact with conductors. 15. Papers presented at the conference dealt with all engineering aspects of computers. 16. A country’s military might determines its international policies. 17. While reading her book, the operator pages employees who get calls.

Упражнение 16

Определите «неявное» сказуемое в следующих предложениях.

  1. Different automatic pilot systems provide a wide variety of control. 2. The large long-range space probes carry large amount of equipment. 3. Ordinarily, meteors glow at heights of 120 to 80 kilometres above sea level, with large particle penetrating to lower layers of the atmosphere. 4. These considerations show that the heaviest nuclei should be inherently stable. 5. Nuclear propulsion systems of high thrust-to-weight ratio promise significant increase in performance over cur-rent chemical systems. 6. The first man who left the ground and really ascended into the air did so by the lift of hot air enclosed in a paper bag. 7. In studying motion at constant speed around a circular curve, the author places emphasis upon the fact that even though the body moves at constant speed its velocity changes continually. 8. Liquid acohol and water also mix in all proportions to form solutions. 9. The planets vary in size, Pluto and the four nearest to the Sun being small compared with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, although still much bigger than the asteroids. 10. Solenoids produce stronger magnetic fields than straight wires. 11. The chemical properties of isotopes are practically identical since these depend on the electrons surrounding each nucleus. 12. After a day on the slopes, skiers warm their feet by the fire. 13. An opossum mothers her young carefully during their first weeks. 14. When they are unable to reach an agreement, committee members table the motion.

Упражнение 17

Определите сказуемое в данных предложениях по явным и неявным признакам.

1. The substance affected by a magnetic field was metal. 2. Here we shall outline the basic approach followed in each of these formulations. 3. The book referred to in this paper was published last year. 4. The analysis followed in this book gave unexpected results. 5. The interested reader is referred to the list of elements given below. 6. The upper atmosphere emits light of two kinds, but neither is visible by day against the background of the bright sky. 7. Only microscopic particles exhibit the Brownian movement, because larger particles are subject to so many molecular collisions from all sides that the impact from one side neutralizes those from the other and no motion of particle results. 8. If the air in a discharge tube is gradually pumped out and a high voltage applied to the tube, then, as the pressure reaches a few centimeters of Mercury, long reddish streamers pass down the tube. 9. Each fission process of such a kind yields two radioisotopes and about one excess neutron. 10. The distinction between an elementary system and one which is com-plex lies primarily in the difficulty of the task to be performed. 11. His report followed by a paper on the same subject dealt with many problems of importance. 12. As ordinary obtained iron contains some admixtures. 13. A calculation based on the formula shows that to maintain the necessary warmth of its body a mammal must generate ten times more heat in the Arctic than in the Tropics. 14. The decisive difference in resisting cold lies in the mechanisms for converting body heat. 15. In the foregoing section consideration was given to discrete bodies which have a net unit weight either greater than or less than the surrounding fluid. 16. When the currents to be detected and measured are very small, one should use a galvanometer. 17. The material to be heated forms the dielectric heating equip-ment. 18. The difficulty of preventing incorrect operation being caused by other radio frequency sources made this method unattractive. 19. To sum up, it is clear that guidance systems used for satellite and other space missions must provide measurements of initial orbital conditions to an accuracy of the order of 1 ft/sec in speed, better than 1° in direction of the velocity vector, and something of the order of 1 mile in the location of the launching point. 20. All the endeavours of the scientists to find ways of eliminating errors in measuring the quantity of radiation reaching the screen have failed.

Упражнение 18

Определите «неявное» подлежащее в следующих предложениях, обращая внимание на ing-форму глагола.

1. Having set up and started a process, we need a mechanism for determining the state of affairs. 2. Working out the program for different jobs is one of the new and interesting tasks which computers have created for human beings. 3. Multiplying or dividing by powers of the number base is accomplished by the fast process of shifting. 4. Translating from one language into another has been accomplished by computer. 5. Following this, attention is focused on the steady-state analysis of the performance of a voltage and a speed control system. 6. Using this method of measurement we can get only average figures at best. 7. Increasing the proportion of fuel reduces the critical size of the reactor. 8. His colleagues working hard on the problem enabled them to come to a definite conclusion. 9. Having discussed the various factors which affect the ultimate sensitivity of thermal detectors we must discuss photo detectors. 10. Promising applications of the properties of plas-ma appear in the field of guidance and generation of high RF energy. 11. Glancing through this book you can see numerous strange signs and symbols. 12. Being mentioned at the con-ference this problem attracted the attention of some experts. 13. Cooling the aircraft engine may be effected either by air or by liquid. 14.Dr. Blume’s being appointed head of the Department was quite unexpected. 15. Studying experiments with ice one can show that pressure causes ice to melt.

Упражнение 19

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на подлежащее, выраженное ing-формой

1. Falling is a case of motion at constant acceleration. 2. Combining small nuclei to form bigger ones is called atomic fusion. 3. Flying training requires some special types of planes. 4. Overheating an engine is prevented by providing some cooling system. 5. Directing artillery fire was the main task of the first military air-craft. 6. Measuring resistance is necessary in many experiments. 7. Einstein’s be-ing awarded the Nobel Prize in physics soon became widely known. 8. Bom-barding atoms often results in unstable atoms that sometimes emit positrons and sometimes electrons. 9. Subtracting the vapour pressure at the existing temperature gives the initial gas pressure. 10. Increasing the velocity of molecules can be ac-complished by raising the temperature. 11. Walking, riding, flying, dancing, climb-ing and sailing are all familiar examples of motion. 12. Hammering, bending, or twisting an iron rod when it is near a magnet increase its magnetization. 13. His being tired was noticed by everybody. 14. Seeing an atom has been impossible, not even under the most powerful microscope. 15. Turning the knob on the front of radio rotates the shaft of the variable condenser.

Упражнение 20

Определите подлежащее в данных предложениях, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

1. To provide a continuous indication of time, a time clock is also furnished. 2. To provide the signal is necessary. 3. To improve precision, it is desirable to maintain as many significant digits as possible. 4. To coordinate the efforts of many groups of scientists constitutes a very difficult task. 5. To characterize the weather of the world in reasonable detail requires a rather staggering amount of data. 6. To be fully effective control must start with the production of raw materials. 7. To guess what the internal structure of atoms may be, and how it is modified as we pass through the Periodic Table, may seem to be quite hopeless. 8. To define exactly what is meant by the total heat in a body is at present still not possible. 9. To give a short review of well-known facts, the sun is a sphere consisting of hot ionized non-degenerate gas, mainly hydrogen. 10. To go back again to the analogy of a map, potential may be compared to the heights above sea-level marked on the map. 11. To obtain the num-ber of watts, we multiply volts by amperes. 12. To move from one astronomical body to another means to overcome gravitational forces. 13. To accelerate the gas a high pressure is needed in the rocket chamber. 14. To land a high speed aircraft is a delicate operation even when visibility is good. 15. To produce a large thrust in a rocket requires high mass flow, high energy and high pressure.

Упражнение 21

Укажите те формальные признаки, которые помогают определить подлежащее и сказуемое.

1. The large-scale industrial use of the sun’s power becomes a reality. 2. Each square yard of surface gets well over 2,250 million calories of heat a year. 3. The crater walls slope at angles up to about ten degrees. 4. The heart pumps harder to get oxygen-carrying blood to the muscles, increasing heart-pumping efficiently. 5. These ions attempt to move back and forth between the electrodes. 6. The 64 steps of the sequence ran from 0 to 63. 7. These sections of tape could be stapled to-gether, one next to the other. 8. This suggests that there may be something special about the composition of the crater rims. 9. Increasing the magnetic field by using electromag-nets results in a considerable increase of the ionic current. 10. The internal combustion engine differs from the steam engine in that the fuel is burned directly in the cylinder. 11. The photographic evidence clearly indicates that approximately 90 per-cent of all visually observable meteors are of cometary origin. 12. All guided missiles need a system which will identify and locate the target. 13. The equilibrium methods of measuring relative activities allow the substance whose relative activities are to be measured to come to equilibrium and to determine the conditions of the equilibrium. 14. Bombarding atoms often results in unstable atoms that sometimes emit positrons and sometimes electrons. 15. Galileo’s experiment made it clear that all bodies fall with the same acceleration.

Упражнение 22

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивный оборот на месте дополнения.

1. I know your colleagues to work hard. 2. During the experiment we saw the tem-perature fall rapidly. 3. He expects his colleagues to complete the experiment soon. 4. They believe the substance to have dissolved. 5. He heard the bell ring. 6. At some distance above the earth, ultra-violet radiation from the sun causes some of the molecules 7. They watched the temperature rise gradually. 8. Dr Mesay believes the data to be reliable. 9. The experiment proved the substance to be a semiconductor. 10. One may safely expect this prediction to be quite reliable. 11. In this case we can suppose a molecule to consist of two equal atoms. 12. The ancients thought electricity to be invisible fluid. 13. The air flowing over and under a wing causes the pressure to be less than atmospheric on the upper side of the wing. 14. Maxwell found the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves to be equal to the ratio of electromagnetic to the electrostatic units of charge. 15. Attractive forces may make molecules collide.

Упражнение 23

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на дополнение, выраженное ing-формой глагола.

1. A thin layer of tin prevents rusting. 2. The ammeter stopped working because the coil was short-circuited. 3. We avoid using hot-wire instruments, for they have a high power consumption. 4. A phosphorescent material is able to continue glow-ing in the dark. 5. He regretted having interrupted us. 6. He does not like ask-ing questions. 7. He liked your asking questions. 8. The authors reported having solved the problem. 9. Low electric conductivity of rubber resulted in its being used in cables. 10. In recent years man succeeded in controlling chemical changes. 11. We don’t approve of John’s buying this house. 12. We are looking forward to their coming the next year. 13. We resent the teacher’s not announcing the test sooner. 14. Hardness is the ability to withstand being dented or stretched. 15. He reports having observed a new star.

Упражнение 24

Определите предложения, в которых инфинитивный оборот выполняет функцию обстоятельства цели.

1. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy. 2. To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of natural science. 3. To keep the number unchanged in value, we must multiply it by the same power of ten. 4. To compare the flow of electricity along a conductor with that of a liquid in a pipe has become familiar. 5. To test the accuracy of the method prepare a solution of known composition of these acids. 6. To take an example, let us go back to the dry cell which has been described earlier in this chapter. 7. To observe the artificial satellite optically it is necessary for him to be illuminated by the sun. 8. To make a tunnel in this rock a lot of preliminary work must be done. 9. To begin with, one can say that an electric current is the result of a flow of electric charges. 10. To prove that this angle is equal to another angle was important for him. 11. To pass the dangerous rocks by day we left the port early. 12. To foresee what the future will be like requires analysis of the past experience. 13. To be on the safe side, take special care of the accuracy of the calculation. 14. To obtain the field effective in polarizing the molecule we must subtract the field due to this molecule. 15. To determine the sequence of changes that has given rise to the rocks several different methods are employed.

Упражнение 25

Определите предложения, в которых ing-форма глагола с зависимыми от неё словами стоит на месте обстоятельства.

1. Following these early discoveries, a great many alloys have been dis-covered. 2. Leaving the earth means moving upwards against gravity, and this requires work. 3. Landing on a celestial body that has no atmosphere can only be done by means of retrorockets. 4. Having been kept in the laboratory for a long time it appeared as a nearly grown-up. 5. Being invited too late Morrison could not go to the conference. 6. Having made the measurements the experimenter then processed the data. 7. Leaving the letter with the secretary Brown started to the Conference Hall. 8. Inducing a high radiation, the substance should be used with care. 9. Having been heated for several hours the substance began to melt. 10. Introducing an “ideal” substance is a favourite device in theory, but it is sometimes dangerous. 11. Having replaced the fuses I switched on the current. 12. Reacting with a base an acid gives rise to a salt and water. 13. Making an experiment, he was seriously injured. 14. Knowing the harmful effects of the rays, they took special precautions. 15. Overcoming countless problems the scientists continued their work in spite of all the difficulties.

Упражнение 26

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на форму глагола, стоящую в конце предложения.

1. It is no use searching for another approach. 2. Water is the most efficient agent, having a high heat transfer coefficient and a high heat capacity. 3. It is no good arguing about the issue. 4. The motor went on running. 5. Black-body radiation is a phenomenon of great interest from the theoretical standpoint, because its properties have a universal character, being independent of the properties of any particular material structure. 6. We cannot help acknowledging the importance of this state-ment. 7. He had to give up experimenting. 8. At point x the temperature began to rise, indicating some change in phase condition. 9. Let us try heating several metals. 10. Hardness is the ability to withstand being dented or stretched. 11. The surface of the river was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the silvery rays of the moon. 12. The ability of a solid to resist being altered in shape is termed rigidity. 13. You must aim at obtaining accurate results. 14. Each government is responsible for their people having the normal conditions in life.

Упражнение 27

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на обстоятельство, выраженное ing-формой с союзом (причастием I) и с предлогом (герундием).

1. While looking for a method for separating root tips into single cells, I attempted to use calcium binders. 2. When calculating the weight of the body we have to multiply its specific gravity by its volume. 3. While retaining an interest in enzymology, he turned his interest back to amino-acid chemistry. 4. When falling the more massive bodies have more inertia to overcome. 5. When dealing with gases it is common practice to consider them under a pressure of one atmosphere. 6. When translating some new text he used to write out new words. 7. In rotating the magnet, we also rotate its magnetic field. 8. Upon reaching the injectors, the fuel is mixed with the oxidizer. 9. In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between fact and hypothesis. 10. On standing for some weeks the uranium solution gradually regains its initial activity. 11. After walking for three hours we stopped to let the others catch up with us. 12. Before giving evidence you must swear to speak the truth. 13. Without realizing it, he hindered us instead of helping us. 14. In spite of starting late he arrived in time. 15. On being left to himself he will be able to think everything over thoroughly.

Упражнение 28

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на обстоятельство, выраженное причастием II.

1. Published for the Documentation Committee this book is designed to give sponsors and scientists an expert approach to documentary and educational film making. 2. Influenced by these considerations, five of them made their arrangements to emigrate. 3. Organized by the Mathematics Departments, the conference was attend-ed by 111 representatives of industry, universities and technical colleges. 4. Given its angular diameter, the linear diameter of the sun depends on its parallax. 5. Seen in this context, the ranges of applicability and reliability of the method may be assessed. 6. Stated in a simple form the hypothesis runs as follows.

Упражнение 29

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на обстоятельство, выраженное причастием II с союзом.

1. When used to make radioisotopes the neutrons are not of great interest in them-selves, for it is possible to make radioisotopes in other ways. 2. When separated isotopes of uranium or of hydrogen enormously increase the possibilities of reactor types. 3. Unless heated this substance does not melt. 4. When released in the air gliders are depended upon rising air current. 5. An object remains at a steady level flight, unless acted upon by some external force. 6. Pure hydrogen when burnt with oxygen produces a very high temperature but very little light. 7. Indian rubber expands when pulled and contracts when let go. 8. When heated to 100° C water boils. 9. Unless otherwise specified the tables are given for a perfect gas. 10. Metals do not melt until heated to a definite temperature. 11. The substance does not dissolve in water whether heated or not. 12. The reaction will be of little service unless catalized or carried out at high temperature. 13. Although known since 1960 QSS (quasi-stellar source) is still a mystery. 14. It is a matter of common knowledge that photographic plates are spoiled when exposed to light. 15. Unless otherwise stated the values used are taken in the decimal system.

Упражнение 30

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на обстоятельство, стоящее в конце предложения.

1. Mercury (Hg) is used in barometers, having a great specific gravity. 2. The iodine ion is easily oxidized, being changed to free iodine by many agents. 3. In the B-family gold is the least active, being displaced from its solutions by either silver or copper. 4. The values obtained are rather lower than would be expected, ranging from 7 to 11.5. 5. The line joining these two points on the Earth’s surface does not pass through the centre, failing to do so by about seven hundred miles. 6. Electricity leaks very slowly through a gas, showing that a few ions are always present to carry it about. 7. The diffusion was found to be usually much less than that for ordinary gases, implying that the ions were either bigger than uncharged molecules, or heavier, or both.

Упражнение 31

Переведите следующие предложения, в которых ing-форма глагола (герун-дий) с предлогом стоит в конце предложения в функции обстоятельства.

1. We cannot keep dividing matter without reaching the stage when further sub-division is impossible. 2. The data on the behaviour of NiO were verified by analyzing experimental curves. 3. One finds that the induced e. m. f. depends inversely upon the time taken by the flux in changing from one valence to the other. 4. Sulphur is hardened by being moved with a little copper. 5. The molecular weights of many liquids can be determined by vaporizing them and finding the densities of their vapours. 6. Phosphorus burns in chlorine without being lighted and gives rise to a compound called phosphorus chloride. 7. Most precipitates may be ignited without drying if proper precautions are taken. 8. Metals cannot be dissolved without being changed into new substances. 9. We account for the incompleteness of a reaction by its being reversible. 10. Can matter change from one state into another without the temperature or pressure changing? 11. Narrow lines in the spectrum are usually produced when atoms are able to radiate light without being influenced by collisions with other atoms. 12. The elastic properties of one substance differ from those of others besides being dependent on temperature and physical condition. 13. During World War I the Germans used large powder rockets by sending them across enemy defences. 14. The ancient Greeks were trying to explain the movements of the planets by assuming the earth to be the centre of the universe. 15. In ramjets combustion is continuous after having been started.

Упражнение 32

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на абсолютный (обособленный) причастный оборот, начинающий предложение

1. The pressure being known at some point in the flow of air, the pressure at another point on the same streamline may be calculated by Bernoulli’s law. 2. The heat being proportional to the square of the current, the rise in a hot-wire in-strument is also proportional to the square of current. 3. Weather permitting, the astronomer will proceed with his observation. 4. The electric field between the plates being altered, particles of a different velocity may be selected for study. 5. The interconversion of heat and work having been demonstrated, it is possible now to define a new function called the “internal energy E”. 6. A gyroscope keeping its position stable during the flight, it is widely used in aviation. 7. Automation having been firmly established in space research, our spaceships employ automatic instruments in the study of cosmic space. 8. An electric current flowing through a resistance, there is a loss of energy as well as a loss of voltage or electric pressure. 9. The resistance of the conductor varying with temperature, it is possible to find out the resistance of that conductor at any given temperature, knowing its resistance at one temperature. 10. The components of the velocity of a body moving in the air being known, the resultant velocity may be found. 11. The generator having run for several hours, the bearings grew dangerously hot. 12. The square of any number being positive, the square root of a negative number is imaginary. 13. The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods. 14. Water being denser than air, rays are refracted towards the perpendicular. 15. Other things being equal, the efficiency is less in irreversible cyclic processes.

Упражнение 33

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на абсолютный (обособленный) причастный оборота, стоящий в конце предложения.

1. The velocity is a vector quantity, its direction being as important as its amount. 2. The nucleus is made of neutrons and protons, the number of protons in the nucleus being equal to the number of electrons outside it. 3. The 100-inch telescope can photograph about 100 million stellar systems, each containing many thousands of million stars. 4. The Earth is not a perfect sphere, but a little flattened at the poles, the polar diameter being 26 miles less than equatorial. 5. After the first nuclear disintegration experiments in 1919 similar experiments took place during the next decade, natural radioactive materials being used as a source of energetic particles. 6. It has been calculated that about 24 million visible meteors reach the earth’s atmosphere every 24 hours, their total weight amounting to about five tons per day. 7. An e.m.f. is produced by the thermal action in case the junction of the two dissimilar metals is heated, the device that produces an e.m.f. in this manner being called a thermocouple. 8. Linear acceleration is measured by means of accelerometer, this giving a wide opportunity to use it in aviation. 9. The electron is about as large as a nucleus, its diameter being about 10-12 cm. 10. Acids react with oxides of all the metals, a salt and water being formed. 11. All these elements are radioactive, their atoms being unstable and undergoing spontaneous disintegration. 12. As the wavelength of such waves decreases they become more penetrating, gamma-rays being able to travel through as much as one foot of iron. 13. The atoms break up in a perfectly ordered fashion, independent of imposed conditions so far as is known, each atom yielding a new atom, with the emission of the energy difference between the new state and the old one. 14. Hydrogen atoms are lighter than those of any other elements; those of the rare gas helium are the next, each of them weighing about four times as much as a hydrogen atom. 15. The radioactive sulphur may be added to sulphite and then removed, the resulting sulphite containing little or no radioactive sulphur.

Упражнение 34

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на способ перевода обособленного причастного оборота с союзом with.


With the airplanes flying higher and faster.…

Теперь, когда самолеты летают выше и быстрее,…

with atoms loosing electrons.

причем атомы теряют электроны.

1. The nucleus of an ordinary hydrogen atom consists of one proton, with one electron moving round it. 2. A cylinder of a gasoline engine is like a gun, with the piston taking place of a bullet. 3. Even with the emitting source being absent, any charged electroscope will always show a residual rate of discharge. 4. When sufficient altitude is reached the vertical take-off airplane levels off and flies as an ordinary airplane with the wing providing supporting lift. 5. With mag-nesium already being used greatly, the three materials: titanium, zirconium, and magnesium have greatly reduced the weight of the aircraft. 6. With the intensity of the solar radiation varying inversely as the square of the distance, its elongated orbit causes Mercury to receive more than twice as much radiation per square foot of its surface when it is nearest to the Sun as when it is farther away. 7. Carbon in its elementary form shows properties which are suggestive to both the nonmetals and the metals, but with neither characteristic standing out strikingly. 8. Liquid propellant rocket motors are often used as a booster to start the flight, with ramjet engines furnishing propulsion during flight. 9. With industrialization going on at its present rate, the world’s fuel reserves will be exhausted within the near future.

Упражнение 35

Определите функцию ing-формы. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.

1. Having obtained the necessary compound we can now proceed with our experi-ment. 2. The acceleration of a body is proportional to the force causing it. 3. When studying a compound we have to know the chemical formulae and the valencies of the elements involved. 4. Having mixed these two substances we then put the mixture into a clean test-tube. 5. The relative density of a gas is equal to the molecular weight of the other gas (usually hydrogen) being used as the standard. 6. If the gas is collected over water, the pressure due to water vapour must be taken into account while calculating the volume of the gas. 6. The position of positive electron was discovered in 1932 by C. D. Anderson while working with cosmic rays. 7. While isolating and separating radium, M. Curie found other radioactive elements. 8. The angle of incidence of the electron beam on the crystal being fixed, the accelerating potential was varied gradually. 9. This difficulty has been over-come by Davis, the principle involved being illustrated by Fig. 12. 10. Having accepted this set of laws, we can predict many things about the union of chemical substances. 11. Only the uranium series is shown, it being typical of the rest. 12. Carbon disulphide (CS2 ) burns readily, its vapour burning explosively when mixed with air. 13. With further heating the waves are still shorter and colour advances along the spectrum, with yellow, then blue waves, being heated. 14. It is a matter of common observation that light is refracted when passing from one medium into another. 15.Diffusion of gases or liquids through porous membrances results in separation, the lighter isotopes diffusing more rapidly.

Упражнение 36

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на абсолютный (обособленный) причастный оборот с причастием II.

1. The signal given, the rocket starts immediately. 2. Radioactivity discovered, we made great progress in atomic physics. 3. Hydrogen consists of discrete particles, called molecules, each one made up of two hydrogen atoms. 4. Every particle (such as a neutron) has wave properties; that is, each particle acts like a wave, with a wave length determined by its speed, high speed corresponding to short wave length. 5.The basic principle is shown in Figure 6, which represents a filament inside a metal cylinder, the combination enclosed in a glass bulb.

Упражнение 37

Какими частями речи выражено определение в следующих предложениях?

1. Different metals are widely used in the machine-building industry. 2. Carbon is the most important of all elements present in ferrous alloys. 3. These two ferrous alloys are derived from pig-iron. 4. Grey pig-iron is adapted to a great variety of castings. 5. Three methods are used for producing pig-iron. 6. At the new launching site three separate testing facilities are provided to test pro-pellants and performance of various missile motors under all known conditions expected to be met in flight. 7. They were watching the moving particles. 8. The above-mentioned non-ferrous metals may be mixed in various proportions to form many alloys. 9. In some materials, such as lead, plasticity, may imply an almost total absence of elasticity. 10. Pressurized hydrogen enters a large cylindrical reducing vessel at the bottom and in passing upward keeps the fine ore particles in a state of turbulent motion. 11. Flying training requires some special types of planes. 12. The cylinders of an engine which become very hot must have some kind of cooling system. 13. According to the size of the tank the liquid-fuel rocket can have variable burning time. 14. The nearly vertical descent of the parachute increases aiming accuracy. 15. The landing problem like all the other problems connected with rockets contains many difficulties.

Упражнение 38

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на левое опреде-ление, выраженное существительным или существительным в сочетании с другими частями речи.

1. Isotope power sources have some limitations. 2. The normal wavelength range covered in astronomy is 3,000 to 9,000Ao. 3. Different automatic pilot systems provide a wide variety of control. 4. K. Tsiolkovsky, in 1903, made the first specific liquid propellant rocket engine proposal published in “The Scien-tific Observer”. 5. Low-energy radio waves are reflected and absorbed by the electrons and ions of the ionosphere. 6. Propellant flow rates must be extremely large for high-thrust engines. 7. The large long-range space probes carry large amount of equipment. 8. The gas-filled free balloons are used for scientific pur-poses. 9. There are several types of pressure-sensitive measuring devices which are in use to-day. 10. The pressurefed systems do not require pimps and turbines. 11. The use of air-breathing engines as first-stage missile boosters is certainly feasible. 12. The pressurized liquid-propellant power plant has been used for rocket-assisted take-off power plants for aircraft. 13. The production of light-weight, high-weight cases is a major development problem in the solid-rocket field. 14. No remarkable cosmic ray intensity variations could be seen during that period. 15. Many good steel castings are obtained with green sand moulds. 16. Heat-resistant steel is made by adding some tungsten and molybdenum.

Упражнение 39

Переведите следующие термины-словосочетания на русский язык.

Авиация: emergency exit access, brake accumulator, position accuracy, load feel actuator, nozzle box adapter, destination address, highjack alarm, pressure altimeter, pressure altitude, push-pull amplifier, azimuth angle, flat approach, left baggage, ice body, rotor gear box, expander tube brake, conference call, dehy-drator case, crew chief, medical examiner, idle flight, wheel load, fuel outlet pipe, rolling start, fuel management schedule, ram air temperature, compressor bleed valve.

Физика: centering accuracy, beam adjustment, stellar collapse, voltage-to-frequency converter, gate input, metallic-electrode arc lamp, radio-frequency noise, gas bubble nucleus, four-vector dot product, steam-jet injector.

Экономика: demand stimulation activity, downward/upward adjustment, shipping advice, developing agency, key assets, assurance factor, money bill, blue-sky law, work record card, handling charges, bubble company, wild cat company, flat fee con-tract, capital goods expenditures, lump-sum grant, relative value index, man-made fibre industry, run-away inflation, knock-down price, blue sky laws, gluing and sealing machine, day-to-day maintenance, multiproduct limited production lot run operation, long service pension, overtime premium, touch-and-go business, break-even order value.

Упражнение 40

Подберите к данным терминам русские эквиваленты. Обратите внимание на то, что в русских эквивалентах имя собственное не всегда присутствует.

1) autopilot Mach lock, 2) Lambert conformal conic projection, 3) Doppler radar,

4) Pitot tube, 5) Landau absorption, 6) Budker accelerator, 7) Clifford algebra,

8) Born approximation amplitude, 9) Green function approach, 10) Bennet-Butker beam, 11) Monte Carlo calculation, 12) Lorentz contraction, 13) Rosenblum counter, 14) Mott cross-section, 15) Hubble effect, 16) pressurized Cockcroft-Walton injector, 17) Glaser lens, 18) Penrose mechanism, 19) Hartley band, 20) take-home pay, 21) Brinell figure, 22) Dutch bargain, 23) Smith field bargain, 24) raw materials base.

1)каскадный ускоритель-инжектор под давлением, 2)зарплата за вычетом налогов, чистая получка, 3) aвтомат стабилизации автопилота по числу Маха, 4) красное смещение, 5) приёмник полного давления/ППД/трубка Пито, 6) самостабилизирующийся пучок, 7) искровой счётчик, 8) сделка, выгодная только одной стороне, 9) соленоидная линза, 10) равноугольная коническая проекция Ламберта (способ изображения маршрута на аэронавигационных картах), 11) способ извлечения энергии из вращающейся чёрной дыры, 12) амплитуда в борновскoм приближении, 13) дoплеровский радиолокатор, 14) затухание Ландау, 15) метод функций Грина, 16) спектр поглощения между 2000 и 2500 А, 17) конечно-мерная ассоциативная алгебра над ком-мутативным кольцом, 18) сырьевая база, 19) сечение (рассеяния) Мотта/ моттовское сечение, 20) плазменный бетатрон/ ускоритель Будкера, 21) расчёт по методу стати-ческих испытаний, 22) число твёрдости по Бринелю, 23) нечестная сделка, 24) лоренцевское сжатие.

Упражнение 41

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на правое опреде-ление, выраженное причастием I с зависимыми от него словами.

1. Phenomena occuring during solar flares are thoroughly investigated. 2. We are going to study mechanisms underlying photosynthesis. 3. The calculation depends on the peculiar laws governing the inside of a molecule. 4. Still other arguments have already been produced in studies following quite a different line. 5. The period following Fresuel’s death was characterized by the gradual tri-umph of his ideas. 6. The discussion of reversible reactions, involving acids, hy-droxides and salts in aqueous solutions is discussed in subsequent chapters follow-ing the study of the individual particles in such solutions. 7. The substance affecting a magnetic field was metallic. 8. Cooling following heating gave good results. 9. The scientist following this procedure investigated some phenomena of radioactivity. 10. The phenomenon influencing the rate of the reaction was thoroughly investigated. 11. The paper on heat conduction of gases following the report on diffusion was presented by Dr. Lewes. 12. The line joining these two points on the Earth’s surface does not pass through the centre, failing to do so by about seven hundred miles. 13. The metals being electrical conductors will make very suitable electrodes. 14. The valency forces prevailing within the organic molecules are stronger than the forces between molecules, and the molecule is preserved on meeting. 15. The direction of the deflected stream was the resultant of the two effects acting at right angles.

Упражнение 42

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на правое опре-деление, выраженное причастием II.

1. The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant. 2. The type of the particle emitted depended on not only on the binding energy. 3. The blue light thus removed is not lost. 4. Hydrogen is the lightest element known. 5. The technique employed uses a single probe. 6. The complexity of the technique involved in-creased considerably. 7. Papers presented at the conference dealt with all engineering aspects of computers 8. The type of material selected for wire in-sulation depends upon where the wire is going to be used. 9. The process involved aims at production of heavy water. 10. The reduction of radiation intensities to a safe level for the personnel involved is not particularly difficult.

Упражнение 43

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на правое опреде-ление, выраженное инфинитивом и инфинитивным оборотом.

1. The subject to deal with at the next lecture will be mainly devoted to electrical discharge. 2. The explanation will probably be considerably modified in the years to come. 3. It is a novel to read for enjoyment. 4. They have a great many aids to help them, such as tape-recorders and films in English. 5. Dalton was the first to deduce scientifically an atomic theory from experimental data. 6. It is a pity he hasn’t got any work to think about. 7. He would have been the last to claim to have proved the problem. 8. Dalton’s atomic theory was the first to make successful use of the old Greek theory of atoms in chemistry. 9. The solution to be filtered was poured into a vessel. 10. Many ores to be found in this district are of great value to the industry. 11. We observe the evaporation of water, a phenomenon to be more fully described later. 12. The lecture to be followed by an experiment is to take place at our University. 13. The material to be attacked by X-rays is placed on the screen. 14. Here are some more figures to be referred to later. 15. Alpha-radiation was the first radiation to be studied in detail. 16. The method to be chosen in any particular case depends on many factors.

Упражнение 44

Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык, обращая внимание на правое определение, выраженные существительными с предлогом.

1) construction in progress, 2) the program under development, 3) the aircraft now in service, 4) the types of power plant in existence, 5) the guided methods in production, 6) the device in question, 7) pressure for money, 8) rent in kind, 9) the method in use, 10) insurance against loss of damage, 11) lease on percentage-of-sales basis, 12) loan against borrowers note, 13) workers on pay-roll, 14) the material in question, 15) weapons in production or under development, 16) a generator in operation, 17) the phenomena under consideration, 18) the scales in common use to-day.

Упражнение 45

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на правое опреде-ление, выраженное герундием с предлогом.

1. The device has the merit of being suitable for many purposes. 2. The in-dependent particle model has the advantage of possessing a high degree of phy-sical visuality. 3. He had early opportunity of becoming well acquainted with experimental work. 4. We have no way of selecting particular patterns to reveal effects of this method. 5. The task of solving this problem is extremely difficult. 6. The impossibility of getting the necessary results prevented from solving the problem. 7. The mineral has the power of attracting small particles of the same mineral and of setting itself in one particular direction when suspended.

Упражнение 46

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на определение, выраженное придаточным предложением.

1. The idea that the earth rotates around the sun was put forward by ancient Greeks. 2. The absorption lines in the stellar spectra that come from the stars themselves show the Doppler effect. 3. The temperature at which measurements are made should be constant. 4. An equation is derived from our model which describes the observed behavior of quenchers of intermediate strength. 5. The amounts by which the energy changes are called quanta. 6. Green light to which our eye is the most sensitive consists of waves the distance of which from crest amounts to about .00055 cm. 7. William Thomson gave the mathematical theory for discharge in a form to which practically nothing has needed to be add-ed. 8. The stability of a glass is determined by the amount by which its internal exceeds that of the corresponding crystal.

Упражнение 47

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на правое определение, выра-женное бессоюзным придаточным предложением.

1. The altimeter we use in the airplane is one of the most important flight instruments. 2. The letter I received yesterday was very important. 3. Modern de-vices for recording the speed and direction the plane is flying with should be familiar to every pilot. 4. A valve voltmeter is one of the most useful measuring in-struments the radio engineer can possess. 5. He overcame numerous obstacles and difficulties he met with. 6. The room he wanted to live in was on the ground floor. 7. The apparatus we use in our power industry guarantees complete safety. 8. The noise I had heard was caused by the arrival of the car. 9. The force of attraction the earth exerts on a body is called the weight of the body. 10. The students say the text they must translate is the most difficult one they have ever had. 11. The weight of a body may be regarded as a system of parallel forces acting upon the individual particles the body consists of. 12. A special spring arrangement these boxes should be provided with gives a very quick break when the switch is open. 13. The most important effect the Moon has on the Earth is in the production of the tides. 14. The report he made after their delegation had visited our plant shows that he has finally realized the importance of the work we are doing here. 15. One will find many of the Indian’s habits of dress and work they have not changed for centuries.