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Упражнение 48

Определите в следующих русских предложениях, какой член предложения является ремой, руководствуясь правилом словорасположения в русском языке:

1. Александр Попов изобрел радио. 2. Колумб открыл Америку. 3. Радио изо-брел Попов. 4. Америку открыл Колумб. 5. Америка была открыта Колум-бом. 6. Вагон идет в депо. 7. Собрание открыл Иванов. 8. Десятая аудитория на третьем этаже. 9. На четвертом этаже библиотека и столовая. 10. В ла-боратории много новых приборов. 11. В группе шесть слушателей. 12. Новые приборы отправлены в лабораторию. 13. Новые приборы отправлены в лабораторию вчера. 14. Вчера в лабораторию отправлены новые приборы.15. Между нагревателем и сеткой поддерживалось напряжение. 16. Напряжение поддерживалось между нагревателем и сеткой.

Упражнение 49

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на оборот there is (was, were, etc.).

1. There are exchange forces between unlike particles. 2. There is a fair agree-ment between these calculations. 3. We shall see that there are two kinds of trans-formation rules: obligatory rules and optional ones. 4. It was stated that there is a complex electrostatic field inside the molecules. 5. There is no satisfactory clas-sical explanation for the detailed characteristics of the photo-electric effect. 6. There are two other possible explanations for the rectification mechanism. 7. In every reaction there is equal quantity of matter before and after the operation. 8. It is evident that there are three reasonable approaches to the calculation of these equations. 9. There are many doubts as to the validity of Hertz’s concluding on cosmic rays. 10. There will be more than a thousand seismological observatories distributed over the Earth’s surface.11. There is no certainty that molecules in a gas must behave in the same way as in a liquid. 12. There has been recently developed a new method in the Laboratory of Ultra-Sound. 13. There is some discrepancy in the results obtained. 14. Inside of a metal box, Faraday “cage” as it is called, there will never be found any free electrification. 15. There is no way of knowing how the Chinese actually invented the rocket or self-combustible powder needed to propel it.

Упражнение 50

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инверсию.

1. There exist many different ways to liquefy gases. 2. There are believed to exist some other species of this type. 3. There seems to be considerable dis-agreement between observations of the same phenomenon by different authors. 4. As the solid is further heated there comes a time when the molecules break away from their neighbours. 5. There are three factors to be kept in mind when evalu-ating the record. 6. There is some force acting on the particle. 7. There are many measurements to be made. 8. There must be some force operating to keep these bodies moving in the way they do. 9. The fact that heat could be absorbed without there being any temperature evidence of its presence was a fact that centuries ago astonished its discoverers. 10. Between any two points in the circuit carrying the current there is said to be a potential difference, the total e.m.f. being the algebraic sum of all the potential differences. 11. There seemed no limit to her demand. 12. There was never any telling what he would do. 13. There proved to be plenty of people there. 14. There may have been a storm in this region. 15. There was no knowing whether she believed it or not.

Упражнение 51

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на двойную инверсию.

1. Based on a nuclear parameter is this numerical value. 2. Sketched in Fig.1 are the general forms of the vibration in each of the vibration classes. 3. Closely related to the true catalyzed reactions are induced reactions. 4. Included in this classification are physical forces which result in rock disintegration. 5. Enjoying great popularity are these first-class radio sets. 6. In the Table reading from top to bottom are the figures indicating the weight and the size. 7. Mixed with the proportion of water is some amount of liquid of unknown content. 8. Assembled in the box were all the tools obtained by the head assistant. 9. Jammed in the com-partments of the box were all the tools and devices. 10. Shown on the photo is the equipment available at many airports. 11. Acting on a body are few forces which cannot be neglected. 12. Similar in structure to the solar system is the atom. 13. Fundamental to the preliminary design of any reactor is a knowledge of the conditions required for nuclear criticality. 14. Of primary interest to the nuclear physicists are the so-called mesons, which can be produced and studied in the laboratory and which are believed to be closely related to the forces between nuclei.

Упражнение 52

Определите предложения, где присутствует двойная инверсия.

1. Considered from this point of view the question will be of great interest.

2. Inducing a high radiation, the substance should be used with care. 3. Confirming this possibility is another fact. 4. Reacting with a base an acid gives rise to a salt and water. 5. Given the weight and the specific gravity of a body, you can calculate its volume. 6. Related to the chemical activity are many other effects. 7. Seen in this context, the ranges of applicability and reliability of the method may be assessed. 8. Included in this table are currents calculated on the supposition that the entire effect is due to ionization by collision of negative ions only. 9. Concealed in the foregoing figures are some very important facts which I shall now point out. 10. Stated in a simple form the hypothesis runs as follows. 11. Be-longing to this class are all elestomeric substances. 12. Given that a craze always precedes a crack in the fracture of glassy polymers, there are two possible modes of crack propagation. 13. Provided the satellite’s kinetic energy is high enough to overpower gravity and drag, an object can orbit at any altitude around the Earth. 14. Plotted on this diagram are the three different sets of values. 15. Given certain conditions such work can be done by anybody.

Упражнение 53

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на оборот it is… that (who, what, which, etc.), it was not until… that (when, etc).

1. It is this subject that I am going to take a report on. 2. It was an advanced theory that he used in his research. 3. It was due to his discovery that he became an eminent scientist. 4. It was at this time that he did most of his work. 5. It is here that group theory plays a vital part. 6. It was Rutherford and Soddy who first proposed a general theory of radioactive transformation. 7. It is these special properties of sound that are the subject of the present chapter. 8. It was the development of electrical engineering that the article dealt with. 9. Radioactive phenomena occur within the nucleus and it is here that mass and positive charge resides. 10. It was not until recently that several different calculations of the photo effect were compared. 11. It was not until 1600 that it was discovered that glass and certain other materials could be electrified. 12. It was not until about the end of the war that it was realized that turbine efficiencies were lower than had been expected, and were mainly responsible for the poor engine specific fuel consumption of that time. 13. It was not until around 1610 when Galileo first observed Saturn through his telescope. 14. Although it was known for a long time that light is a form of energy, it was not until Maxwell discovered its electromagnetic character that most of its behaviour was satisfactorily explained. 15. It was not until Einstein discovered the connection between gravitation and inertia that the mystery Newton could not understand was solved.

Упражнение 54

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на пассивную форму глагола-сказуемого, стоящую в конце предложения.

1. No significant amounts of this compound have been isolated. 2. New methods of data accumulation have now been devised. 3. In the past thirty years many more useful applications have been found for biochemical mystery. 4. Recently a series of experiments on different living organisms have been performed. 5. It is possible that too much emphasis has been placed upon this factor. 6. To this period of the author’s life no special attention was paid. 7. A quite different line of study is provided here. 8. The extraordinary variety of complex compounds produced by moulds have been studied. 9. Three methods for control of the rates of reactions in the cell have now been devised. 10. Another type of the electron microscope study may be mentioned in this connection. 11. Numerous clas-sifications have been used. 12. Separate coefficients of viscosity are used to es-tablish stresses. 13. Information on the volume of reservoir is required. 14. The large disagreement between the various published data is discussed. 15. A more careful approach is needed.

Упражнение 55

Определите предложения, в которых глагол to do несет ремовыделительную нагрузку, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. The earth’s magnetic field, though not of great intrusions, does extend over a large region and should serve as a huge magnetic spectograph to sort out charged particles of various kind. 2. Not all metals react with acids, and when they do the gas evolved is not always hydrogen. 3. The results of the two experiments carried out by our students indicate that ionization did take place. 4. Today it seems certain that a given ion does have a unique mobility, one that does not change with time. 5. A large wire contains more free electrons than does a small thin wire of the same length. 6. The fact that multiple splitting does occur shows that an interaction between “z” and “s” exists. 7. Gold usually occurs in the natural state while iron does not. 8. Copper does not combine with oxygen when cold, but it does do slowly when heated. 9. So interested did he get in radio that he gave up ordinary electrical engineering. 10. The formation of ozone during the electrolysis of water does not change the weight of the gas collected at the positive pole but it does decrease the volume. 11.Though some substances (e.g. sand) seem to be very nearly insoluble, water does dissolve most things to some extent. 12. Experiments showed that the values α actually obtained did indeed have this range of volumes. 13. We were discussing so far what happens to a body when forces do not act on it. Let us now consider what happens when forces do act on it. 14. If molecules do get fairly close together they hit each other. 15. They put and did put their children to bed very early in the evening.

Упражнение 56

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на дополнение с предлогом by при пассивной форме глагола-сказуемого.

1. Approximation method has been discussed by various authors. 2. Great con-tributions to the studies of alloys were made by Bradley. 3. In 1904 nuclear atom was considered mathematically by Nagaoka. 4. The discovery was followed by an experiment. 5. The discovery was produced by a series of experiments.6. A simple use of polarized target has been suggested by Danos et al. 7. Chemical methods of purifying water were given much attention to by Hill. 8. The properties of photo-electric effect were first explained by Einstein. 9. Dispersion theory has been used by Fuller and Hayward in their analysis of their measurements of the total cross section. 10. Solar rays are absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere. 11. The increase in nuclear acids in the cell has been studied by biochemistry. 12. Cooling is provided by the circulation of water. 13. The typical spontaneous depolarization of these particles was suggested by Bozler in 1948. 14. Neutrons and nuclei are produced by bombarding heavy water by deuterium. 15. The growth law of population is determined by a large number of parameters.

Упражнение 57

Переведите следующие предложения с инверсией, в которых на первом месте стоят обстоятельственные слова с выделительным или ограничи-тельным значением.

1. Only in this century have we found how to control, create and destroy the nucleus of the atom. 2. Not only does the number of protons present in the nucleus determine the element the atom forms, but it determines the chemical character-istics of that element. 3. Never before has the imagination of mankind been captivated so much by the concept of space. 4. Not until 1907, when gasoline engines were available, did the first helicopter fly. 5. Not only did the Greeks know that the Earth was spherical, but they measured its size with an appreciable accuracy. 6. Science is a continuing process and at no stage can one say that one’s knowledge is complete and final. 7. Not only do electrons increase the mass as they get to higher energies, but at very high energies they actually radiate away their energy as electromagnetic waves, some short enough to appear as visible light. 8. Although the existence of infrared radiation was realized well over a century ago, only in the last two decades have applications been widespread. 9. Not only do metals conduct heat, but so do all other substances. 10. Perhaps never was the making of an important invention shared by so many persons distributed so widely over the world. 11. Nowhere can we see such rapid progress as in elect-ronics. 12. Only upon the absorption of larger amounts was the sensitivity again lowered. 13. No sooner has the current started running in one direction than back it comes again. 14. Not only was he the founder of modern biogeochemistry but he was a man of deep scientific penetration and insight. 15. Of great signifiсance, however, is the fact that a few of particles are deflected through large angles.

Упражнение 58

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инверсию со словами so, neither, nor, имеющими значение «также», «также не».

1. Level J moves upward, so does level M. 2. Carbon dioxide does not burn, nor does it support combustion. 3. The Moon having no atmosphere, there can be no wind neither can there be any noise, for sound is carried by the air. 4. It is incorrect to say that an electron is that which cannot be broken up into anything simpler. Nor can the electron be regarded as a chemical element. 5. As the income levels of some countries rises, so will their demand for food products. 6. The ancients had no knowledge of stellar distances, neither was there then any means by which they could determine them. 7. The length of the axial rotation period of the planet remains unknown, nor is the axial inclination known. 8. The Milky Way is not uniform in brightness, nor is the distribution of the stars in the Milky Way uniform. 9. In the tropical regions of the world, the weather is subject to the influences of other temperature zones. There exists no well-defined air mass density, neither are there well defined pressure patterns. 10. Great cold may not by itself make life (on other planets) impossible, nor by itself may great pressure. 11. The result of measuring the intensity of ionizing radiation in the E-layer was quite unexpected, nor had it been foreseen by the solar physicists. 12. The need for reliable, rapid and efficient means of communication has never been greater than it is to-day – nor is this need likely to decrease in the future.

Упражнение 59

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на двойное отрицание.

1. Mars and Venus have atmosphere not dissimilar to ours. 2. Not unfrequently the primary meaning of a word dies away and the derivative meaning remains. 3. This civilization is not unconsiderably influenced by the effects of Greek culture. 4. River and lake deposits also not uncommonly contain remains of organisms which inhabited waters. 5. It seems not at all unlikely that many of the lower animal forms also have the power to make a similar distinction. 6. The advances of modern sciences in the production of a wide range of experimental temperatures are thus seen to be not inconsiderable. 7. The blast effect of the fragmenting type of warhead is not negligible. 8. It will not be out of place here to describe briefly a number of ways of creating shock waves. 9. It is not out of question that the nuclear sources will eventually compete economically with coal as a source of energy.

Упражнение 60

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на контекст.

1. In Paris, professor Antonio Becquerel began a series of experiments. He chose the salt of uranium for his experiments. 2. In the course of the experiments some photographic plates frequently became cloudy. Becquerel soon discovered that this clouding occurred whenever a discharge took place in the tube. 3. Last week elec-tions were held in the country. People of different age and at different levels of education took part in the poll. 4. In the course of the experiments it was found that the nucleus of the atom is very heavy compared with the electrons, actually the whole mass of the atom is concentrated in it. 5. Such new complicated machinery was brought to the laboratory. An experiment can be performed on this apparatus. 6. The book presented is in two volumes. The structure of the previously isolated acid has been investigated in the book. 7. The high energy model was to be combined with some other model. Further work is needed to combine the high energy model with either the shell or collective model. 8. Various approximation methods have been discussed in the literature, and it was reported that a new project had been devised recently. The collection of a great deal of data was required for the project. 9. At least three main types of crystal were used in this work. Here crystal orientation and the traces of the twin planes was determined. At all the temperature investigated a mixture was formed. 10. It has been found that the process is rather many-sided and involved. It would seem that at least two phenomena coexist there. 11. In one of the biggest particle accelerators a magnetic field is produced between the horizontal circular poles of a very large electro-magnet. Placed between these poles is an evacuated chamber containing a hollow copper electrode. 12. The defining property of gases is their ability to expand indefinitely. Coupled with this is their extreme compressibility with even a small increase in pressure. 13. Air-current speeds increase roughly 2.7 m/sec per kilometre of altitude. At 75 km height the average velocity of stratospheric wind is 10 m/sec, while at about 100 km. It is already 60 m/sec. Noted also are considerable fluctuations in the direction and intensity of the wind, which is an indication of complex and irregular air currents at high altitudes.

Ключи к упражнению 39

Авиация: доступ к аварийному выходу, тормозной аккумулятор, точность определения местоположения, автомат загрузки, патрубок газосборника, адрес назначения (рейса), противоугонная сигнализация, барометрический высотомер, высота по давлению (окружающего воздуха), двухтактный усилитель, отрицательное «V» (крыла), азимутальный угол, заход на посадку по пологой траектории, невостребованный багаж, нарост льда, редуктор трансмиссии привода винтов (вертолета), камерный тормоз (колеса), групп-повой вызов (воздушных судов и наземных станций), корпус осушителя, ко-мандир (лётного) экипажа, член медицинской комиссии, полёт (при работе двигателей) на малом газе, нагрузка на колесо, патрубок забора топлива (из бака), взлёт без остановки (после выруливания на ВПП)/роллинг-старт, порядок выработки топлива (из топливных баков), температура набегающего потока воздуха, клапан перепуска воздуха из компрессора.

Физика: точность центрирования (орбиты), юстировка пучка, звёздный кол-лапс, преобразователь напряжения в частоту, стробированный вход, дуговая лампа с металлическими электродами, автономный режим, высокочастотный шум, зародыш газового пузырька, скалярное произведение четырёхмерных векторов, пароструйный насос.

Экономика: меры по стимулированию спроса, понижение/повышение цены, извещение об отгрузке, проектно-конструкторская организация, основные фонды, коэффициент запаса прочности, финансовый законопроект, закон, ре-гулирующий выпуск и продажу акций и ценных бумаг, трудовая книжка, рас-ходы на погрузку и разгрузку, мошенническое предприятие, компания, зани-мающаяся аферами, контракт с заранее установленной ценой, затраты на средства производства, единовременное пособие, индекс относительного рос-та или снижения стоимости (жизни), производство искусственного волокна, безудержная инфляция, самая низкая, крайняя цена, американские законы, регулирующие выпуск и размещение ценных бумаг, машина для заклеивания и запечатывания упаковки, повседневное обслуживание, многономенклатур-ное мелкосерийное производство, пенсия за выслугу лет, доплата за сверх-урочную работу, рискованное дело, безубыточный (минимальный рента-бельный) размер заказа.

Ключи к упражнению 40

Ответы: 1-3, 2-10, 3-13, 4-5, 5-14, 6-20, 7-17, 8-12, 9-15, 10-6, 11-21, 12-24, 13-7, 14-19, 15-4, 16-1, 17-9, 18-11, 19-16, 20-2, 21-22, 22-8, 23-23, 24-18.


Теоретические основы переводческой деятельности 3 Единицы несоответствия английского и русского языков на

различных уровнях 7

Расхождения в области грамматики и лексики в английском и

русском языках 8

Расхождение систем понятий в языка 15

Виды перевода 16

Полный письменный перевод 17

Правила письменного перевода 18

Основные особенности выполнения письменного перевода 22

Роль контекста в переводе 23

Жанры научно-технической литературы и их особенности 24

Особенности перевода научно-технической литературы 29

Характеристика научно-технического языка 29

Термины и терминология 33

Строение терминов 35

Структурные особенности терминов-словосочетаний 36

Структурно-смысловой анализ терминов-сложных слов 37

Правила перевода двухкомпонентных терминов-сложных слов 39

Образные выражения-термины 41

Неологизмы 41

Способы образования неологизмов 42

Суффиксы 43

Префиксы 43

Сокращения 45

Перевод неологизмов 47

Использование в русском языке словосочетаний различного типа 48

Описательныйперевод 50