Аннотационный перевод
Аннотационный перевод—это вид технического перевода, заключающийся в составлении аннотации оригинала на другом языке:
Слово «аннотация» происходит от латинского annotatio — заметка. Аннотация — это короткая, сжатая характеристика содержания и перечень основных вопросов книги, статьи, рукописи.
Для того чтобы сделать аннотационный перевод, необходимо прочитать книгу или статью, составить план, затем сформулировать основные положения, перечислить основные вопросы. Стиль аннотационного перевода книги или статьи отличается свободным переводом, т.е. дается главная характеристика оригинала.
Аннотация специальной статьи или книги — это краткая характеристика оригинала, излагающая его содержание в виде перечня основных вопросов и иногда дающая критическую оценку.
Из этого определения вытекает, что такая аннотация должна дать читателю представление о характере оригинала (научная статья, техническое описание и т. д.), о его строении (какие вопросы и в какой последовательности рассматриваются). При составлении аннотации на печатные работы необходимо придерживаться определенных требований:
Аннотации должны быть составлены так, чтобы их содержание было доступно для усвоения при первом же прочтении, в то же время должны быть отражены все наиболее важные моменты первоисточника.
Аннотации должны быть научно грамотны, они не должны отражать субъективных взглядов автора.
Язык аннотации должен быть лаконичным, точным и в то же время простым, лишенным сложных синтаксических построений.
В текст аннотаций часто вводятся неопределенно-личные местоимения и страдательно-возвратные конструкции типа: «сообщается», «описывается», «излагаются» и т. д.
Употребление терминологии, сокращений, условных обозначений в аннотациях должно соответствовать нормам, принятым в конкретной области знаний.
При составлении аннотаций необходимо также учитывать следующее:
• в силу незначительного объема аннотация должна раскрывать, а не повторять иными словами заголовок источника информации;
• вид, а следовательно, и объем аннотации зависят от значимости аннотируемого материала и его особенностей, а также от целевого назначения аннотации.
Для структуры описательной аннотации характерны следующие составные части:
1. Вводная часть, включающая название работы (оригинала) на русском языке, фамилию и имя автора, и название статьи на языке оригинала, название журнала или книги, место издания и издательство на иностранном языке, а также год, месяц, число, номер периодического издания, страницы.
2. Описательная часть, называющая тему и содержащая перечень основных положений оригинала или предельно сжатую характеристику материала.
3. Заключительная часть, подытоживающая изложения автора первоисточника. В этой же части приводятся ссылки на количество иллюстраций и библиографию.
Unit 10
Telephony is the transmitting of sounds over a considerable distance by means of electric current, using wires. Telephony as a means of communication is widely used in modern life all over the world. By means of a telephone apparatus people can communicate with each other at distances of thousands of kilometers.
The transmission of sounds over a distance is known to be transmission of oscillations. In order to carry on communication, the frequency of the transmitted oscillations should be constant during the whole period of communication. The circuit, which is closed when the line is connected, consists of a transmitter and a receiver connected by an electric conductor.
A telephone transmitter is usually a carbon microphone. Its main parts are microphone housing, carbon chamber, carbon diaphragm, carbon granules, insulating spacer, and conductor.
By means of the carbon microphone, variable electrical impulses are caused to flow through the circuit. These variable impulses depend on the nature of the sounds supplied into the microphone. During the process of communication current passes through the diaphragm, carbon chamber, and carbon granules. The sound pressure on the diaphragm varies the pressure on the granules of carbon. These granules either make more contacts and decrease the resistance of the granules, or make fewer contacts and increase the resistance.
Sound waves produce oscillations of the same frequency as those of the sound body. As a result, both the transmitter resistance and the current in the circuit change.
The varying current passes through the receiver connected to the network. The receiver of a telephone apparatus consists of electromagnetic coils, a steel magnet, and a diaphragm. The diaphragm, magnet, and the coils are housed in a plastic cap. During the process of communication, the cap of the receiver is pressed to the ear. A variable current passing through the magnet’s coils changes the position of the diaphragm; it makes it vibrate. The frequency of these oscillations is the same as that of the transmitter. Therefore the receiver reproduces the same sounds as those that are spoken into the microphone.
Cap – копыто телефона
Carbon – углерод, уголь
Chamber – камера, помещение
Coil – виток,катушка
Diaphragm – мембрана
Spacer – спейсер, промежуточная часть.
Fuse – предохранитель, пробка
Lightning - молния
I. Find in the text the verbals and analyze them.
II. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the functions of the Gerund.
1. Increasing the number of power stations in our country means the improving living standards of people. 2. Testing a new receiver for the application in the system was the prime task of the laboratory. 3. The new means of improving radio communication has been discovered by our engineers. 4. Iron and zinc plates are used for producing negative electrodes since these materials produce a high charge. 5. Important results on the ionization were obtained by measuring those particles. 6. In designing electronic computers we have passed from valves to transistors. 7. The transistors are successfully used for transforming heat energy into electrical energy by means of thermal elements. 8. Without increasing the temperature of metals it is impossible to increase their resistance. 9. Radiation is usually detected by measuring the amount of ionization. 10. After investigating many materials engineers selected aluminium for constructing this device. 11. By raising the cathode temperature we increase the number of emitted electrons.
III. Define the functions of the Gerund and translate the sentences.
1. Charging by induction will be discussed in the next article. 2. The chain reaction releases great quantities of y-radiation and neutrons, which must be prevented from escaping into the atmosphere. 3. He remembered once having read that at very low temperature some metals become superconducting, having practically minimum specific resistance. 4. These electrons are attracted by the positive charge, which the plate has a result of having been connected to the plus terminal of a battery. 5. Discussing the term "work" in detail is the subject of our next article, for we know of its being often misused. 6. In spite of its having been compressed, the gas returns to its original volume as soon as the applied forces removed. 7. Acquiring knowledge is not in itself sufficient, you must also practice the art of applying this knowledge to problems you meet with. 8. A steam engine used steam made by fuel having been burnt outside the engine. 9. In making Bessemer steel, molten iron direct from the blast fun ace is poured into the converter. 10. We know of the electric furnace being an ideal melting and refining unit for the steel industry.
IV. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the Gerundial Constructions.
1. We know of all substances consisting of atoms. 2. We knew of glass having been invented some hundreds years ago. 3. Every student knows of copper being one of the first metals used by man. 4. The explanation lies in the product being more stable. 5. We insisted on their being offered favourable terms of payment. 6. The possibility of ethylene being converted into aromatic hydrocarbons is slight. 7. We object to their being denied the aspiration to test such new methods as may be suggested by fresh knowledge. 8. He objected to the goods being paid in advance.
V. State the functions of the Gerund and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I remember your having objected to this schedule. 2. Не entered the room without noticing her. 3. We were surprised at hearing his name among the sportsmen. 4. Nothing could prevent Maria Curie from changing her source. 5. Do you find any difficulty in solving this problem? 6. He improved his report by changing the end. 7. She is against being sent to this region of the country. 8. I suggested taking into consideration his note. 9. Is there any possibility оf their finding a suitable building material so soon? 10. They insisted on the question being reconsidered.
VI. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the different meanings of the verb "to do ".
1. When laying the main service pipe in city, it is best to do connections late at night to cause a minimum of inconvenience? 2. It does not matter, however, whether the conductors cut the magnetic flux or the magnetic flux cuts the conductors, the action is the same. 3. We do insist on this experiment being made at the earliest possible opportunity. 4. In this position the molecular magnets possess potential energy which they had not before, and this came from the work we had to do to turn them. 5. At midnight a thermometer read 1 °C and at noon — 3 °C. How many degrees did the temperature change between midnight and noon?
VII. Translate the following sentences, observe different meanings of the verb "to do ".
1. When the molecule is placed in the electric field, the electrons try to move and do so for instant. 2. If only a few of the insulator's molecules do release one electron each, the insulator at once completely breaks down and becomes a conductor. 3. If by some means we can change the current in a coil without changing the flux rapidly, then the current may rise and fall as suddenly as it does in a purely resistive circuit. 4. The electrons, the motion of which constitutes the current, do not actually pass from one plate of the condenser to the other through the dielectric. 5. An important question for the radio engineer to consider has to do with the shape of current, which flows in a circuit connected to an alternator. 6. The emission or evaporation of electrons takes place at lower temperatures than does that of atoms.
VIII. Translate into Russian, paying attention to the ing-forms.
1. One of the most outstanding advances has been the use of computers in simulating management problems. 2. One major institution is now working on a program for adapting this new system to the problem of planning. 3. Special-purpose computers are already controlling in power-generating stations. 4. The beginning of a manufacturing process is normally product design. 5. Naturally, in introducing at integrated manufacturing system of any sort, there is a great deal of resistance to change on the part of all concerned.
IX. Translate the text into Russian in written form.
Transmitting lines that serve telephone seta may have contacts with power lines or with lightning. Therefore telephone sets and their lines need protection. Protector units connected to the transmitting lines serve as protection devices.
Usually a protector unit consists of carbon protector blocks connected between each wire of the line and the ground. Fuses are also the widely used elements of the protector blocks; they protect protector against power contact currents.
It should be noted that fuse is an important part of protector blocks; without it power contact currents may overheat the protector or its ground conductor. But sometimes fuses are not used. No fuse is used in case the building is served by insulating wires that are connected to metal-sheathed cables on the line pole.
Fuse – предохранитель, пробка
Metal-sheathed wire - провод в металлической оплётке
X. Translate the terms which are composed of "noun +noun+ adjective+noun".
Pattern: air defence-guided missile — управляемая ракета
3 1 2 противовоздушной
1. gas turbine power plant
2. radio navigation land station
3. picture signal carrier wave
4. radio-frequency high-voltage power supply
5. pulse-type high-voltage power supply
6. flight-path deviation indicator
7. pulse-type radio altimeter
XI. Translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to the meaning word in bold type.
1. Work is measured by the product of the moving force times the distance through which the force acts in overcoming the resistance. 2. It is best to have the value of an alternating current or varying voltage with time according to the sine wave. 3. The word 'phase", when property used in a.c. terminology, refers to time. 4. The experiment was repeated many times, and the temperature conditions varied slightly. 5. With metal filament lamps the power radiated as light is nearly three times as great as the power radiated heat. 6. We could study the reaction mentioned above very thoroughly because it lasted over a long time. 7. Large turbines have an economy of three or four times that of steam units in a small plant. 8. We know that iron molecules are magnets at all times.
XII. Translate the words paying attention to the prefixes.
invaluable, undesirable, unachievable, impossible, immeasurable, irregular, irresponsible, irrespective, unnatural, interconnection, to excavate, to superimpose, superheat, supersonic, to underestimate, to underline, to overrate, to overcharge, to mislead, to misuse, to misunderstand, discharge, to disappear, to dismount, to reconstruct, to retune, to detune, to demodulate, to counterclockwise, likewise, otherwise.
XIII. Translate the following word combinations into Russian.
1. to cause the increase of current; 2. to deflect beams; 3. cause beams deflection; 3. to push the particles inward; 5. to inject liquid into vessel; 6. to guide particles into a circular path; 7. to make narrow beams deflect; 8. to change the curvature of the path; 9. close to the charged object; 10. a suitable adjustment; 11. a rapidly changing path; 12. to keep the body at a mile distance; 13. moving exactly along a circular path; 14. a magnet surrounding the vessel.
- 1. Времена группы Indefinite
- The Present Indefinite Тете (настоящее время)
- The Past Indefinite Tense (прошедшее время)
- The Future Indefinite Tense (будущее время)
- 2. Времена группы Continuous
- The Present Continuous Tense (настоящее длительное время)
- The Past Continuous Tense (прошедшее длительное время)
- The Future Continuous Tense (будущее длительное время)
- 3. Времена группы Perfect
- The Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время)
- The Past Perfect Tense (прошедшее совершенное время)
- The Future Perfect Tense (будущее совершенное время)
- 4. Времена группы Perfect Continuous
- The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (настоящее совершенное длительное время)
- The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (прошедшее совершенное длительное время)
- Термины (the terms)
- Термин как основа научно-технического текста
- Типы терминов-словосочетаний
- Структурные особенности терминов-словосочетаний
- Основные приемы перевода терминов-словосочетаний
- Основные виды и формы перевода
- Полный письменный перевод
- Последовательность перевода терминов-словосочетаний
- Общие требования к адекватному переводу
- Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs) и их особенности
- Сокращения (the abbreviation) в научно-технических и публицистических текстах
- Типы сокращений в английском языке
- Анализ предложений и их перевод
- Структура простого повествовательного распространенного предложения:
- Признаки, по которым можно определить подлежащее и сказуемое
- Модальные глаголы Варианты перевода модальных глаголов в сочетании с Infinitive Passive и Perfect Infinitive.
- Интернациональные слова
- Общая перестройка структуры предложения
- Инфинитив (the infinitive)
- Многозначность слов
- Прием смыслового развития и целостного преобразования при переводе
- Употребление оборота Complex Object
- Перевод оборота Complex Object на русский язык
- Перевод свободных и устойчивых словосочетаний
- Компрессия. Суть приема компрессии при переводе
- Употребление оборота Complex Subject
- 3) Со сказуемым, выраженным личной формой глагола-связки to be и прилагательным (или наречием):
- Перевод оборота Complex Subject на русский язык
- Самостоятельный инфинитивный оборот
- Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for
- Перевод препозитивных атрибутивных словосочетаний
- Перевод заголовка
- Причастие (the participle)
- Объектный причастный оборот
- Употребление и перевод
- Субъектный причастный оборот
- Употребление и перевод
- Многофункциональные слова и их перевод
- Реферативный перевод
- Самостоятельный причастный оборот
- Употребление и перевод
- Многофункциональные слова и их перевод
- Аннотационный перевод
- Герундий (the gerund)
- Перевод типа «экспресс-информация»
- Последовательный перевод и синхронный перевод
- Консультативный перевод (перевод для специалиста)
- Отглагольное существительное
- Употребление и перевод
- Числительное (the numeral) употребление и перевод
- Количественные числительные (cardinal numerals)
- Перевод технической документации
- Перевод эмфатических конструкций
- Порядковые числительные (ordinal numerals)
- Дробные числительные
- Реклама и ее перевод
- Перевод эллиптических конструкций
- Патент и его перевод