Пособие по научно-техн

1. Choose the correct prepositions. Translate the text into Russian.

Many things can go wrong. For example:

If the battery is dead, you cannot turn over the engine to start it.

If the bearings that allow the crankshaft to turn freely are worn (of, out, away), the crankshaft cannot turn so the engine cannot run.

If the valves do not open and close (with, on, at) the right time, air cannot get (out, in, away) and exhaust cannot get (out, in, away), so the engine cannot run.

If someone sticks a potato up you tailpipe, exhaust cannot exist the cylinder so the engine will not run.

If you run (into, out of, from) oil, the piston cannot move (to and, up and down, on and on) freely I the cylinder, and the engine will seize.

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