Пособие по научно-техн




abdominal aorta

брюшная аорта, вентральная аорта

brachial artery

плечевая артерия

carotid artery

сонная артерия

femoral artery

бедренная артерия

pulmonary artery

легочная артерия

radial artery

лучевая артерия

subclavian artery

подключичная артерия

axillary artery

подмышечная артерия

ulnar artery

локтевая артерия

common iliac artery

подвздошная общая артерия


anterior tibial veins

передние большеберцовые вены

brachial vein

плечевая и головная вены

cephalic vein

головная вена

common iliac vein

подвздошная общая вена

great saphenous vein

подкожная большая вена ноги

inferior vena cava

нижняя полая вена

superior vena cava

верхняя полая вена

jugular vein

яремная вена

pulmonary vein

легочная вена

The cardiovascular (CV) system is composed of the heart, which is essentially a muscular pump, and an extensive network of tubes called blood vessels. The main purpose of the CV system, also called circulatory system, is to deliver oxygen, nutrients, and other essential substances to the cells of the body and to remove the waste products of cellular metabolism. Delivery and removal of these substances are achieved by a complex network of blood vessels: the arteries, capillaries, and veins – all of which are connected to the heart. Without a healthy CV system that provides adequate circulation, tissues are deprived of oxygen and nutrients. In addition, waste removal ceases. When this happens, an irreversible change in the cells takes place that may result in a person’s death. The CV system is vital for survival.

Because the lymphatic system does not have a pump, it depends on the pumping action of the heart to circulate its substances. The lymphatic system is composed of lymph nodes, lymph vessels, and lymph fluid. It is responsible for draining fluid from the tissues and returning it to the bloodstream.

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    1. Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
      Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4