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УМК Клыкова 29

Модуль II Иностранный язык для академических целей (118 ч.)

Цель данного модулясовершенствовать имеющиеся у студента определённые навыки чтения, перевода, устной речи на материале бытового, страноведческого характера и дать знания в области чтения и перевода оригинальной научной литературы.

Модуль содержит два тематических раздела: «Высшее образование за рубежом (в стране изучаемого языка)», «Кемеровский государственный университет. Математический факультет». Каждый раздел рассчитан на 8 аудиторных занятий, включает словарь, основной и дополнительный тексты, а также задания, направленные на развитие диалогической и монологической речи. После изучения каждой темы студент должен уметь представить устное монологическое сообщение и вести беседу по данной теме.

В течение данного модуля отрабатываются такие грамматические темы, как «Эквиваленты модальных глаголов», «Модальные глаголы в значении предположения», «Продолженные и завершенные времена», «Инфинитив. Сложные конструкции с инфинитивом».


  1. Study the list of topical vocabulary to avoid the difficulties in understanding the text in exercise VI. Consult the dictionary to pronounce the words correctly.

alumni – бывший студент

bachelor – бакалавр

complete – завершать, заканчивать

comprise – включать, содержать

employment – трудоустройство

fee – плата

last – длиться

link – связь

major (in) – специализироваться (по, в области)

master – магистр

offer – предлагать

private – частный

public – государственный

skill – умение, мастерство

support – 1) поддержка, средства к существованию

2) поддерживать, содержать

tuition – обучение

  1. Translate the following constructions and word combinations into Russian. Try to memorize them. Make up sentences using some them.

On the average, generally speaking, moreover, in addition to, nearly, two thirds, along with, entirely, immediately, right away, relevant to.

III. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the pronoun one (ones). The pronoun one (ones) substitutes the noun already mentioned in the sentence.

Example 1: Is that book the one that I gave you? –

Это та книга, которую я тебе дал?

Example 2: The programmes offered by a college are not as numerous as the ones at a university. – Специальностей (программ обучения), предлагаемых колледжем, не так много как специальностей в университете.

  1. A public college is one supported by government.

  2. Higher education in Russia is mostly free of charge, but the one in the USA is very expensive.

  3. Courses in medicine are longer than the ones in management.

  4. Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic degree in the USA, the one awarded after 3 – 8 years of extensive research work.

  5. The academic consists of two semesters with the examinations at the end of each one.

IV. Read and translate the text, say what its main points are.


After graduation from high school over half of American students (at the age of 18 on the average) enter institutions of higher education. Higher education in the United States of America is provided by colleges and universities. Generally speaking, there is not much difference between these institutions of higher education. Usually, a university is larger than a college – it offers a greater variety of subjects to specialize in. Moreover, a university offers special programmes of advanced studies in addition to fundamental programmes.

There are about 1900 institutions of higher education in America. Some of them are public ones: they receive government support from local, state or federal sources. Nearly two thirds of colleges and universities in the USA are private: they are supported by private individuals, alumni or religious groups. Students must pay the tuition fees, but at public educational institutions the fees are less than at private ones. Higher education in America is getting more expensive every year. Only few American families can afford this.

Every college offers a wide range of courses and their numerous combinations. The same college may comprise the Faculty of Health Studies along with, for example, the Faculty of Engineering or Business, Law and Economics.

Most university or college courses last three or four years. Courses in such field as medicine may be even longer. During this period students are studying for a degree in chemistry or economics, for example, as they usually major in some specific field (chemistry, economics, philosophy, computer science, physics etc.). Degree is the title showing qualification when a student completes a university or a college course successfully. This can be a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BS).

Students at American colleges and universities are called according to the year of study: freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Freshmen are the first year students, sophomores are the second year students, juniors are the third year students, seniors are the fourth year students.

Colleges usually offer programmes of study leading to employment or to a Bachelor’s degree. Students who major in business, management or art and design are entirely prepared for a career immediately after graduation from college.

Universities can offer postgraduate programmes preparing students more specifically for research work. They lead to a Master’s degree – Master of Arts (MA) or Master of (MS), or to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – the highest academic degree. (Sometimes Master’s degree programmes are extended first degree (BA or BS) programmes.) It takes two years to gain a Master’s degree in any academic area. A PhD degree is awarded after 3 – 8 years of extensive research work.

There are also two-year junior colleges awarding the lowest associate’s degrees. They have strong links with local industry and agriculture. These colleges offer courses related to them. Students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to use right away. Many the students who take such courses at night have daytime jobs relevant to their education. Examples are schools for primary and secondary school teachers, schools for agriculture and forestry, some schools of art and nursing.

V. Find all the international words in the text. Say what Russian words help to guess the meaning of these words.

VI. Read the following English word combinations taken from the text Higher Education in the USA. Choose their Russian equivalents.

supported by private individuals

давать знания и умения

to pay the tuition fees

крепкие связи с местными промышленными предприятиями и сельским хозяйством

it takes two years

платить за обучение

get more expensive

требуется два года

strong links with local industry and agriculture

работать днем по специальности

to equip with the knowledge and skills

становиться все дороже

to have daytime job relevant to the education

получающий финансовую поддержку от частных лиц

VII. Match the words in column A with their explanations in column B.



1) Bachelor of Arts

a) a first university degree in a science subject (e. g. mathematics, chemistry, physics)

2) Bachelor of Science

b) a first university degree not in a scientific subject (e. g. history, psychology, sociology, languages)

3) degree

c) a course of study at a university or college, or the title a student get if he completes this

4) programme

d) subjects studied at a high level of knowledge and skill after a first degree at a university

5) course

e) the overall package of courses you take

6) advanced studies

f) programme of study or research leading to a Master’s degree or Doctor of Philosophy; students must complete a first degree before taking this

6) postgraduate programme

g) one of the individual components which make up the programme

VIII. Read the sentences, substitute the underlined words by their synonyms.

  1. Higher education in America is becoming costlier every year.

  2. The same college may include the Faculty of Health Studies along with the Faculty of Engineering or Business.

  3. Freshmen are introduced to the research areas in chemistry.

  4. Students who specialize in management are entirely prepared for a career after graduation from college.

  5. The two-year junior colleges have strong connection with local industry and agriculture.

  6. Many the students who attend such courses at night have daytime work relevant to their education.

  7. Degree is the title showing qualification when a student finishes a college course successfully.

IX. Read the sentences, insert the proper prepositions into them.

18: at (1) for (1) from (2) in (3) by (1) of (4) after (2) to (1) with (1)

  1. A university offers special programmes … advanced studies … addition … fundamental programmes.

  2. Public educational institutions receive government support … local, state or federal sources.

  3. Two thirds … colleges … the USA are private: they are supported … individuals, alumni or religious groups.

  4. Students who major … business, management or art and design are entirely prepared … a career immediately … graduation … college.

  5. A Doctor … Philosophy degree is awarded … 3 – 8 years … extensive research work.

  6. … two-year junior colleges students are equipped … the knowledge and skills to use right away.

X. Answer the following questions.

  1. What institutions provide higher education in the USA?

  2. What is the difference between a college and university?

  3. What is the difference between public and private college?

  4. How long does it take to graduate from an American college?

  5. What degrees are awarded to students after their graduation from the university?

  6. What students are entirely prepared for a career immediately after graduation from college?

  7. What programmes of advanced studies does a university offer? What degrees do the programmes of advanced studies lead to?

  8. What ate the two-year junior colleges?

XI. Make up a plan of the text Higher Education in the USA. Speak on the each point of your plan.



I. Study the list of topical vocabulary to avoid the difficulties in understanding the text. Consult a dictionary to pronounce the words correctly.

tuition – обучение

free of charge – бесплатно

to deliver lectures – читать лекции

teaching aids –учебные материалы

to earn credits –получать зачеты

to equip –оснащать, оборудовать

accommodation - жилье

hall of residence- общежитие



pure Mathematics-чистая математика

applied Mathematics –прикладная математика

curriculum-учебная программа

responsible – ответственный


extracurricular activities - внеучебная деятельность

2. Read and translate into Russian the following international words and word combinations. Make up sentences using them.

Faculty, train, basis, result, contractual, academic, combine, test, experiment, course, final, display, design, meeting, cooperate, practical, active, organization, seminar, department, information, differential, automation, system, assist, lecturer, general, regularly, discuss, congress, olimpiad, activity.

3. Read and translate the text, say what its main points are.



Kemerovo State University was founded in 1974. The university has branches in four Kuzbass cities and Ulan-Bator and provides teaching at the Institute of Distant Education. The university has 6 buildings most of which are conveniently located in the centre of the city.

The students are admitted to the university on the basis of their results in USE.

Kemorovo State University aims to give its students the highest type of education and training and to enable them to carry out scientific research work. After completing the course of four years a university graduate gets the Bachelor’s Degree. Later he can continue his studies and research and defend a thesis to get Master’s Degree.

Tuition is mostly free of charge, but some students study on a contractual basis. The lectures are delivered by highly qualified university teachers. They usually combine teaching with research. Students do not pay for using books, for laboratory work and teaching aids. Most students receive scholarships. There are special higher scholarships for honour students. The academic year is divided into two terms. The students are required to earn their end-of-term credits and pass examinations. Marks are entered into students’ record books. The students also have practical studies and seminars, carry out laboratory tests, experiments and do research work.

The university has good facilities for studies and rest. It has a number of laboratories specially designed and equipped for practical work and carrying out experiments. Students may go to the University Internet Hall or work in the faculty computer classes. At the university there is a good library with a large reading-room, a large hall for meetings, sports grounds and gyms, some dining rooms and coffee bars. Non-resident students may be given accommodation in three halls of residence.

Kemerovo State University cooperates with foreign universities from France, Germany, Belgium, China and Mongolia exchanging teachers and students. University teachers and students take an active part in international seminars, conferences and programmes. There are 12 faculties at the University: Biology, Mathematics, Sociology-Psychology, History and International Relations, Modern Languages, Physical Education and Sport, Physics, Philology and Journalism, Political Science and Sociology, Chemistry, Economics, Law. Twelve faculties of the university train about 22,000 students.

Kemorovo State University aims to give its students the highest type of education and training and to enable them to carry out scientific research work. The University has two levels of tuition. After completing the course of four years a university graduate gets the Bachelor’s Degree. Later he/ she can continue his/her studies and research and present a thesis to get Master’s Degree of Science.

Mathematics Faculty is one of the oldest and biggest in the University. About 700 full-time and part-time students study at the faculty, which trains Bachelors and Masters in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Software Engineering and Management of Information Systems. The faculty has the departments of Higher Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Cybernetics, Automation of Research and Technical Cybernetics, Computational Mathematics, and New Information Technologies.

The Dean of the faculty is assisted by Sub-Deans responsible for academic affairs, student affairs, external education and information technologies. The academic staff totals about 80 highly qualified lecturers, assistant professors and professors. The teachers of the faculty give lectures and seminar classes; supervise their course and diploma papers.

The curriculum involves various general and special subjects. The attendance of lectures and seminars is obligatory.

The faculty Student Union is responsible for organizing festivals, olympiads, sports events and other extracurricular activities.

A large number of graduates teach mathematics at schools and higher educational establishments. Those students who specialize in applied mathematics and programming work in various spheres of science and business.

4. Give the Russian equivalents of the following English words and word combinations.

To provide teaching; conveniently located; on the basis of their results; to study free of charge; on a contractual basis; to deliver lectures; to combine teaching with research; to receive scholarships; honour student; to do research work; to complete the course of studies; professional activities; non-resident students, pure mathematics; full-time and part-time students; external education: software engineering; assistant professor; to give lectures; distinguished staff; scientific degrees; attendance of lectures; to be responsible for smth.; to take an active part.

5. Give the English equivalents of the following Russian words and word combinations.

Филиал; высококвалифицированные преподаватели; получать зачеты; выполнять лабораторные работы; условия для учебы и отдыха; спортивный зал; предоставлять жилье в общежитии; сотрудничать с зарубежными университетами; обмениваться преподавателями и студентами; принимать активное участие; прикладная математика; кафедра высшей математики; заочное образование; насчитывать/равняться; руководить курсовыми работами; посещение лекций; выпускник; заниматься научно-исследовательской работой, внеучебная деятельность.

6. Use the word "course" and the clues provided to complete the grid below.








A person who applies for the university.

A test of skill or knowledge.

A person who studies at school or college.

One or two periods of time in which academic year is divided.

A formal written paper submitted for a doctorate.

The academic title given by an institution.

7. Complete the following sentences.

1. There are_... faculties at the university. 2. Most students study …, but some students study …. 3. The academic year is divided into …. 4. The students are required to …. 5. The university teachers combine …. 6. The students have good facilities for ….7.The university cooperates with …. 8. The university teachers and students take part in_.... 9. The Faculty of Mathematics trains about …students in. 10. The faculty is headed by the Dean and Sub-Deans who … for the general management of the affairs. 11. The … includes general and special… 12. The faculty's Student Union is responsible for …. 13. Graduates may work in ….

8. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Support your judgment.

  1. Kemerovo State University is an old educational establishment.

  2. Students are admitted to the university on the results of their school certificate.

  3. The entrance examinations are usually difficult.

  4. Tuition for all students is free of charge.

  5. Students combine studying with research.

  6. The university provides students with good professional training.

7.All students receive scholarships.

8. It takes four years to get the Bachelor’s Degree.

9. The curriculum involves various general and special subjects.

10. Students living away from home have to rent flats.

9. Give answers to the following questions.

  1. When was Kemerovo State University founded?

  2. Are there any university branches in other cities?

  3. On what basis are applicants admitted to the university?

  4. Do students have to pay for their tuition?

  5. Do all students receive scholarships?

  6. What does Kemerovo State University aim to?

  7. What helps the university to train students for their professional activities?

  8. How does Kemerovo University cooperate with foreign institutions?

  9. What is the population of the Faculty of Mathematics?

  10. How many departments are there at the faculty? What are they?

  11. Who is responsible for the teaching process?

  12. What does the faculty curriculum include?

  13. Where can the graduates of the faculty work?

10. Supply suitable questions for the following answers to make up a dialogue. Act out the dialogue in pairs.

- In 1974.

- As far as I know, 12 faculties all in all.

- On the basis of the results of USE.

- It is mostly free of charge.

- It lasts four years.

- We have two of them – in winter and in summer.

- They usually begin at 8:30 and finish at 3:30.

-Yes, of course. We have well-equipped computer classes and laboratories at the faculty.

-As for me, I get a higher scholarship.

-No, I never miss classes.

11. Give a talk on the topic “Kemerovo State University. The Faculty of Mathematics.”