paper writing Manual EAAA-August07

1. Manuscript Standards

Educational institutions and publishing houses have their own style sheets to which writers are expected to conform, although of course many manuscripts submitted for publication will require some adaptation of the standard. Find out about a publisher’s or institution’s requirements for manuscript preparation before submitting an article, research paper, or book manuscript, and follow their instructions carefully.

When submitting a translated article, the author (not the translator!) is responsible for making sure it meets the necessary standard.

The following points apply to most situations; many adjustments are made automatically when using a standard word processor:

Type Size: Use twelve-point type in a non-ornamental typeface such as Times New Roman for text and ten-point type for footnotes.

Margins: Leave a margin of at least four centimeters on all four sides of the paper.

Spacing: Double-space the text, but single-space block quotations (more than three lines), notes, captions, and long headings.


Page Numbers: Every page should have a number, and pagination should be continuous from the beginning to the end of the manuscript.

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