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paper writing Manual EAAA-August07

8.4. English Abbreviations of Books of the Bible, Apocrypha, and Pseudepigrapha

The abbreviations given below are adapted from The SBL Handbook of Style and A Christian Writer’s Manual of Style and are recommended for articles published in Bogoslovskie razmyshleniia/ Theological Reflections. If other abbreviations are chosen, they must be used consistently. Note that the abbreviations are not followed by periods, except in the Pseudepigrapha, and that the titles and abbreviations of pseudepigraphal works are italicized. This list follows the book order of most English Bible translations.

Title of Book Abbreviation

Genesis Gen

Exodus Exod

Leviticus Lev

Numbers Num

Deuteronomy Deut

Joshua Josh

Judges Judg

Ruth Ruth

1-2 Samuel 1-2 Sam

1-2 Kings 1-2 Kgs

1-2 Chronicles 1-2 Chr

Ezra Ezra

Nehemiah Neh

Esther Esth

Job Job

Psalm(s) Ps/Pss

Proverbs Prov


(or Qoheleth) Eccl, (Qoh)

Song of Songs/ Song, Cant

Song of Solomon/


Isaiah Isa

Jeremiah Jer

Lamentations Lam

Ezekiel Ezek

Daniel Dan

Hosea Hos

Joel Joel

Amos Amos

Obadiah Obad

Jonah Jonah

Micah Mic

Nahum Nah

Habakkuk Hab

Zephaniah Zeph

Haggai Hag

Zechariah Zech

Malachi Mal

Matthew Matt

Mark Mark

Luke Luke

John John

Acts Acts

Romans Rom

1-2 Corinthians 1-2 Cor

Galatians Gal

Ephesians Eph

Philippians Phil

Colossians Col

1-2 Thessalonians 1-2 Thess

1-2 Timothy 1-2 Tim

Titus Titus

Philemon Phlm

Hebrews Heb

James Jas

1-2 Peter 1-2 Pet

1-2-3 John 1-2-3 John

Jude Jude

Revelation Rev