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paper writing Manual EAAA-August07

Appendix 3 List of Common Capitalizations

Note that most publishing houses and academic institutions have their own style sheets specifying what words and terms are to be capitalized. Bogoslovskie razmyshleniia/Theological Reflections does not have a strict style sheet, but uses this list as a general guide.61

Aaronic priesthood apocryphal (cap only if Apocrypha is meant)

Abba apostle Peter, et al.

Abrahamic covenant Apostle to the Gentiles (Paul)

Abyss, the apostles, the

Adonai Apostles’ Creed

Advent, the apostolic age

Advent season apostolic benediction (2 Cor. 13)

Advocate, the apostolic council (Acts 15)

age of grace apostolic faith

age to come, the archangel

agnosticism ark, the (Noah’s)

Almighty, the ark of testimony

almighty God ark of the covenant

Alpha and Omega (Christ) Arminianism

ancient Near East Ascension, the

Ancient of Days, the (God) Ascension Day

angel (cap if theophany) Athanasian Creed

angel Gabriel, the atheism

angel of the Lord (cap if Atonement, the


Annunciation, the baby Jesus, the

Anointed, the (Christ) Babylonian captivity (Jews)

Anointed One, the (Christ) baptism

anointing of the sick Baptism, the (of Christ)

ante-Nicene fathers Battle of Armageddon (final battle)

antichrist (the general spirit) Beast, the (Antichrist)

Antichrist (the person) Beatitudes, the

anti-Christian Beloved Apostle, the

antichurch Bible school

antilegomena biblical

anti-God Blessed Virgin

boy Jesus, the Comforter, the (Holy Spirit)

Bread of Life (Bible or Christ) commandment (first, et al.)

Bridegroom, the (Christ) Commandments, the Ten

bride of Christ (the church) Counselor, the

covenant, the

Calvary covenant of grace

Calvinist(ic), -ism covenant of works

Canon, the (Scripture) Creation, the (the act)

canon of Scripture, the creation, the (the result)

Captivity, the (of the Jews) Creator, the

catholic (universal) Cross, the (the event)

Catholic Church (Roman cross (the object)

Catholic) crown

Catholic Epistles (James, et al.) Crucifixion, the

Catholicism crucifixion of Christ

charismatic Curse, the

charismatic church

charismatic movement Daniel’s Seventieth Week

cherub(im) Davidic covenant

chief priest Davidic law

child Jesus Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

children of Israel Day of Judgment

chosen people (Jews) Day of Pentecost

Christ Day of the Lord

Christ child Dead Sea Scrolls

Christian (n. and adj.) Decalogue

Christian era Deity, the

Christianize, -ization deity of Christ

Christlike Deluge, the (the Flood)

Christmas Day demon(ic)

Christmas Eve Deuteronomic

Christocentrism devil, a

Christology, -ical Devil, the (Satan)

church (body of Christ) Diaspora

church (building) disciples

church (service) dispensation(alism)(alist)

church age dispensation of the Law

church and state divided kingdom (period of history)

church fathers (the Fathers) divine

church invisible Divine Father

church militant divine guidance

church triumphant Divine Providence (God)

church universal Divinity, the (God)

church visible divinity of Christ, the

City of David (Jerusalem, doxology

Bethlehem) Dragon, the (Satan)

early church Feast of Unleavened Bread

Easter Sunday First Adam

Eastern church First Cause, the

Eastern religions Firstborn, the (Christ)

Eastern Rites first person of the Trinity

ecumenism, -ical Flood, the

Eleven, the four gospels, the

Emmaus road fourth gospel, the

end times, the free will

Enemy, the (Satan) fundamentalist(s), -ism

Epiphany fundamentals of the faith

epistle (John’s epistle, et al.)

epistle to the Romans Garden of Eden

Epistles, the (NT apostolic letters) Garden of Gethsemane

eschatology, -ical gehenna

eternal God, the Gemara

eternal life General Epistles

eternity Gentile, a (distinguished from Jew)

Eucharist gnostic (generic)

Evangel (any of the four gospels) Gnostic(ism) (specific sect)

evangelical (adj.) God (Yahweh)

evangelicals, -ism god (pagan)

Evangelist (gospel writer) Godhead (essential being of God)

evangelist (someone who evangelizes) godless

Exile, the godlike

Exodus, the (from Egypt) godly

extrabiblical godsend

God’s house

faith, the (Christianity) God’s Word (the Bible)

faith-healing God’s word (promise)

Fall, the Good Friday

fall of man Good News, the

false christs Good Samaritan

False Prophet (of Revelation) Good Shepherd (Jesus)

false prophet(s) good shepherd, the parable of the

Father (God) gospel (John’s gospel, et al.)

fatherhood of God gospel of Matthew

Fathers, the (of the church) Gospels, the

Feast (meaning Passover) Great Commission, the

Feast of Booths (Sukkoth) Great High Priest, the

Feast of Esther (Purim) Great Judgment, the

Feast of Firstfruits Great Tribulation, the

Feast of Tabernacles Great White Throne, the

Feast of the Dedication (Hanukkah) Ground of Being

Feast of Lights (Hanukkah)

Feast of the Passover (Pesach) hades

Hagiographa John the Baptist

hagiographer John the Evangelist

hagiographic Jordan River (but the river Jordan)

Hanukkah (Feast of the Dedication) Jubilee (year of emancipation)

Head, the (Christ head of the church) Judaic

heaven (abode of the redeemed) Judaism, -ist, -istic

heavenly Father Judaean

hell Judeo-Christian

Herodian judges, the

Herod’s temple Judgment Day

High Priest, the (Christ) judgment seat of Christ

high priest, a

High Priestly Prayer, the kerygma

Historical Books, the King (God or Jesus)

holiness King James Version

Holy Bible kingdom, the

Holy City (present or New Jerusalem) kingdom age

Holy Communion kingdom of God

holy family kingdom of heaven

Holy Ghost (prefer Holy Spirit) kingdom of Israel

Holy Land (Palestine) kingdom of Satan

Holy of Holies King of Glory (Christ)

Holy One, the (God, Christ) King of Kings (Christ)

Holy Saturday kingship of Christ

Holy Scriptures koinonia

Holy Spirit Koran, koranic

Holy Thursday

Holy Trinity lake of fire

Holy Week (before Easter) Lamb, the (Christ)

house of the Lord Lamb of God

Lamb’s Book of Life

Immanuel land of Canaan

Incarnation, the Last Day, the

incarnation of Christ last days, the

infant Jesus, the Last Judgment, the

Intercessor, the (Christ) Last Supper, the

intertestamental last times, the

Isaian or Isaianic law (as opposed to grace)

Law, the (Pentateuch)

Jehovah Law of Moses, the

Jeremian or Jeremianic law of Moses (general)

Jesus Prayer, the Levitical

Jewish Feast (Passover) Levitical decrees

Jewish New Year (Rosh liberal(ism)

Hashanah) Light of the World (Christ)

Johannine living God

living Word, the (Bible) Mount Sinai

Logos, the Muhammad

Lord, the Muslim

Lord of Hosts

Lord of Lords name of Christ, the

Lord’s Anointed, the (Christ) Nativity, the

Lord’s Day, the nativity of Christ, the

lordship of Christ Near East

Lord’s Prayer, the Neo-Babylonian Empire

Lord’s Supper, the neo-orthodox(y)

Lord’s Table, the neo-pentecostalism

Lost Tribes Neoplatonic

lost tribes of Israel new birth

Love Chapter, the new covenant (NT)

Lukan new heaven and new earth

New Jerusalem (heaven)

Magi New Testament church

Magnificat, the Nicene Creed

Major Prophets, the (div. of OT) Nicene fathers

major prophets (people) non-Christian (n. and adj.)

mammon northern kingdom

Marcan or Markan

Masorete old covenant (OT)

Masoretic text Olivet discourse

Matthean Omega, the

Mediator, the (Christ) Omnipotent, the

mercy seat One, the (but the one true God)

Messiah, the (Christ) Only Begotten, the

messiahship only begotten of the Father

messianic only begotten Son of God

metropolitan (general) orthodox(y)

Metropolitan Philip outer court (of the Temple)


millenarian(ism)(ist) Palm Sunday

millennial kingdom papacy

Millenium, the parable of the prodigal son

Minor Prophets (div. of OT) Paraclete, the

minor prophets (people) paradise (heaven)

Mishnah Paradise (Garden of Eden)

modernist(s), -ism Parousia

Mosaic Paschal Lamb (Jesus)

Mosaic Law (Pentateuch or Ten Passion Week

Commandments) Passover

Most High, the Passover Feast

Mount of Olives Passover Lamb (Jesus)

Mount of Transfiguration Pastoral Epistles

Patriarch, the (Abraham) prophets, the (people)

Patriarch Aleksiy Prophets, the (books of OT)

patriarch, a Protestant(ism)

patriarch of Moscow Providence (God)

Paul, the apostle providence of God

Pauline Epistles Psalm 119 (etc.)

Paul’s epistles Psalms, the (OT book)

Paul’s letters psalms, a

peace offering psalmist, the

penance Psalter, the (the Psalms)

Pentateuch pseudepigrapha(l)

Pentecost purgatory

Pentecostal(ism) Purim (Feast of Esther)

person of Christ

(the three) persons of the Trinity Qumran

Pesach (Passover)

Petrine rabbi

Pharaoh (when used as name rabbinic(al)

without article) Rapture, the

pharaoh, the (general) Received Text, the

pharisaic (attitude) Redeemer, the

Pharisaic (in reference to Pharisees) Reformation

Pharisee Reformed theology

pillar of cloud Reformers

Poetic Books, the Resurrection, the

Pope Benedict XVI resurrection of Christ

pope, the Roman Catholic Church

postbiblical Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)

post-Christian Russian Orthodox Church


postmillennial(ism)(ist) Sabbath (day)

post-Nicene fathers sacraments

pre-Christian sacred rite(s)

predestination Sadducee

premillenarian Sanhedrin

premillennial(ism)(ist) Satan

pretribulation(al) satanic

priesthood of believers Savior, the (Christ)

Prince of Peace (Christ) scribe

Prison Epistles scriptural

Prison Letters Scripture(s) (Bible; n. and adj.)

Prodigal Son, the scripture(s) (other religions)

Promised Land (Canaan or Second Adam (Christ)

heaven) Second Advent, the

prophet Isaiah (et al.), the Second Coming, the

Prophetic Books, the second coming of Christ

second person of the Trinity Trinity, the

Septuagint Triumphal Entry

Sermon on the Mount triune God

Seventieth Week Twelve, the

shalom twelve apostles, the



Solomon’s temple unchristian

Son of God ungodly

Son of Man united kingdom (of Israel)

sonship of Christ universal church

southern kingdom universalism, -ist

Sovereign Lord unscriptural

Sukkoth (Feast of Booths) Upper Room Discourse

Sunday school

Supreme Being, the Virgin Birth, the

synagogue Virgin Mary, the

Synoptic Gospels visible church

synoptics, the

synoptic writers, the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Western church

tabernacle, the (OT building) Western Rites

Talmud, talmudic Wisdom Literature, the

Tanach wise men

Targum, targumic Word, the (Bible or Christ)

temple, the (at Jerusalem) Word made flesh (Christ)

Temptation, the Word of God (Bible)

temptation in the desert, the

temptation of Christ, the Yahweh

Ten Commandments (but the Year of Jubilee

second commandment) Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

Tent of Meeting

Testaments, the

Textus Receptus

third person of the Trinity

throne of grace

time of the judges, the

tomb, the


Tower of Babel

Transfiguration, the

Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Tree of Life

tribe of Judah

Tribulation, the (historical event)



Alexander, Patrick H., John F. Kutsko, James D. Ernest, Shirley A. Decker-Lucke,

David L. Peterson. The SBL Handbook of Style for Ancient Near Eastern,

Biblical, and Early Christian Studies. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1999.

Hudson, Bob and Shelley Townsend, eds. A Christian Writer’s Manual of Style.

Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1988.

Plotnik, Arthur. The Elements of Editing: A Modern Guide for Editors and Journalists.

New York: Macmillan, 1982.

Strunk, William, Jr. and E. B. White. The Elements of Style, 3rd ed. New York:

Macmillan, 1979.

Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations,

6th ed. rev. by John Grossman and Alice Bennett. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Walker, Janice R. and Todd Taylor. The Columbia Guide to Online Style. New York:

Columbia University Press, 1998.

25 Льюис К.С. Просто христианство. – Минск; М.: Виноград, 1998. –Т. 1. - С. 62.

26Там же. - С. 270.

27 Власенков А.И. Русский язык: учебник для вузов. – М.: Дрофа, 2004. – С. 201.

28Кириллов В. П., Старченко А. А.. Логика: Учебник для студентов юридических вузов и факультетов. - М., 1982. – С. 11.

29Ивин А.А. Логика. М., 1999. – С.10.

30 См.: Рэндалл Дэвид. Универсальный журналист. – СПб.: Великий Новгород, 1999. - С. 204.

31 Медведев А.В.Великолепная Анна // Вечный зов. – 2005. - Июнь.

32 См.: Методика учебной деятельности / Сост. А.Ю. Зимина. – Краснодар, 2002. – С. 29.

33 В Приложении № 7 даются рекомендации по написанию введений. Обязательно обратите внимание! Следуя этой простой структуре, можно писать содержательное введение, которое будет прекрасной презентацией вашей работы.

34 См.: Хайдеггер М. Бытие и время / Пер. В.В. Бибихина. – М.: Республика, 1993.

35 См.:Методика учебной деятельности. Указ. соч. – С. 30.

36Методика учебной деятельности. Указ. соч. – С. 30.

37 См.: Богословское исследование: Техника и оформление в дипломных и научно-богословских сочинениях / Сост. Л.А Голодецкий. – Одесса: Богомыслие, 1995. – С. 53.

38 Богословское исследование. Указ. соч. – С. 15.

39 См.:Методика учебной деятельности. Указ. соч. – С. 34.

40 См.: Там же – С. 34 - 35.

41 Компиляция – соединение результатов чужих исследований, идей без самостоятельной обработки источников (прим. авт.).

42 См.: Ахметов К.С. Курс молодого бойца: самоучитель. - М., 2001. - С. 426.

43 Ахметов К.С. Указ. соч. – С. 425.

44 См.: Хейзинга Й. Homo Ludens. М.: АСТ, 2004. – С. 174.

45См.: http://vak.ed.gov.ru/

46Обратите внимание, что в ссылках запятые после фамилии автора не ставятся, хотя библиографическая запись подобна той, что и в списке использованной литературы и источников!

47Заглавие – определение содержания литературного произведения, помещаемое впереди последнего. Заголовок – название внутреннего подраздела произведения (глава, параграф).

48 Обратите внимание, что при перечислении ответственных за издание запятые после фамилий не ставятся.

49Для журналов и газет не обязательно указывать город, в котором они были изданы.

50В том случае, если газета объемом меньше четырех страниц, номер страницы в библиографической записи не указывается.

51 См.: Государственный образовательный стандарт высшего профессионального образования.: утв. зам. мин. образования Российской Федерации В.Д. Шадриковым от 12 марта 2001 г.

5225 Рибак Н. До проблеми вживання іншомовних слів і правопису власних назв у сучасній українській богословській термінології і популярній релігійній літературі // Сучасна українська богословська термінологія: від історичних традицій до нових концепцій. - Львів, 1998.

536Термінологічно-правописний порадник для богословів та редакторів богословських текстів для видань Українського Католицького Університету. - Львів: Вид-во Українського Католицького Університету, 2005. – 130 с.

Правила оформлення роботи подано відповідно до вимог ВАК України.

27 Монофтонгізація – перетворення дифтонга на монофтонг (голосний звук з одного елемента артикуляції).

28 Пропонуємо як варіантну форму дозволити вживати поруч з Йоан і Іван у зв’язку з тим, що цей варіант передачі грецького найбільш усталений в українській мовній практиці.

29 Пропонуємо як варіантну форму дозволити вживання Матвій, оскільки така форма передачі грецького  найбільш усталена в українській мовній практиці.

54 The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993), vii.





57 Examples in section 8.2 are quoted from John F. A. Sawyer, Isaiah Volume 1, The Daily Study Bible Series, gen. ed. John C. L. Gibson (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1984), 68, 3, 2, 82, 75, 74.

58 This list gives some of the English Bible translations that might be more frequently available in the former Soviet Union. For more complete lists, see Bob Hudson & Shelley Townsend eds., A Christian Writer’s Manual of Style (Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan, 1988), 115-118 and Patrick H. Alexander et al. The SBL Handbook of Style (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1999), 72-73.

59The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993), 346.

60 The text and lists are from Bob Hudson and Shelley Townsend, eds., A Christian Writer’s Manual of Style (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988), 108-110.

61 This list of capitalizations is based on the one presented by Bob Hudson and Shelley Townsend in A Christian Writer’s Manual of Style (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988), 59-69.