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paper writing Manual EAAA-August07

5.8 An article in an edited volume:

N Rudolph Bultmann, “The Primitive Christian Kerygma and the Historical Jesus,” in The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ, ed. C. E. Braaten and R. A. Harmsville (New York: Abingdon, 1964), 17.

B Bultmann, Rudolph. “The Primitive Christian Kerygma and the Historical

Jesus.” In The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ, ed.

C. E. Braaten and R. A. Harmsville, 17-19. New York: Abingdon, 1964.

PR (Bultmann 1964, 17)

RL Bultmann, Rudolph. 1964. The primitive Christian kerygma and the

historical Jesus. In The historical Jesus and the kerygmatic Christ, ed. C. E. Braaten and R. A. Harmsville, 17-29. New York: Abingdon.