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paper writing Manual EAAA-August07

2.3. Preparing notes on books

When citing books in footnotes or endnotes, the following information is given in this order:

      1. Author’s or editor’s name:

Give the full name of the author(s) or editor(s) as it appears on the title page, followed by a comma. Generally in American usage initials are not used if the full name is known, or unless the author’s name appears that way on the title page. There is a period and a space between two initials.

Elaine Storkey William Sanford La Sor

Rudolph Bultmann F. F. Bruce

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S. V. Sannikov

For a work by two or three authors, give the full names in the order that they appear on the title page, separating the names of two authors with and, and those of three authors with commas, the last comma followed by and. If there are more than three authors, cite the name of the first author given on the title page and add et al. or and others.

Ruth A. Tucker and Walter L. Liefeld

Louis Fienberg, Julius Horwitz, and Moses Horwitz

Cornelius J. Dyck et al., eds. OR Cornelius J. Dyck and others, eds.

For a work by a pre-modern author, use the standard English spelling of the name. Consult the Biographical Names section in any good English dictionary, such as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

Aristotle (not Aristote or Aristoteles)

John Chrysostom (not Ioann Golden Mouth)

Augustine or Augustin (not Augustinus)

Jerome (not Hieronymus)