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paper writing Manual EAAA-August07

3.1.2. Title of book or article

Give the title and subtitle (if any) of books in italics followed by a period, unless another punctuation mark (question mark or exclamation point) is at the end of the title.

The Divorce Myth.

Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity?

Give the title and subtitle of a journal or newspaper article in quotation marks, followed by a period.

“Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Celibacy: An Exegesis of

Matthew 19:3-12.”

Capitalize the first and last words of a title (including the first word after the colon in a subtitle) and all other words, except articles, prepositions, to used as part of an infinitive, and coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, for):

Book titles:

Knowing God.

Good People in an Evil Time: Portraits of Complicity and Resistance in the

Bosnian War.

Anabaptist History and Theology: An Introduction.


“Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Theology and Philosophy.”

“Origen: Friend or Foe?”

“World Congresses of Mission: Reconvergence under What Perspective?