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paper writing Manual EAAA-August07

3.1.1. Author’s name

A bibliography is arranged alphabetically according to the author’s or editor’s surname followed by a period to separate it from the title of the book or article. If there are two or more authors, only the name of the first author is presented last name first. The other names are given in their normal order.

Alexander, Patrick H., John F. Kutsko, James D. Ernest, Shirley A. Decker-Lucke

and David L. Peterson, eds.

Blomberg, Craig L.

If several works by the same author are listed in a bibliography, only the first entry should contain the full name. Subsequent entries are represented by an eight-space line (made by striking the underscore key eight times) ending in a period. The entries may be listed according to publishing date or alphabetically.

Norris, Kathleen. The Cloister Walk. New York: Riverhead Books, 1996.

________. Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998.