магистранты-рабочий вариант2+++

Деякі математичні символи і вирази

+ additiion, plus, positive

- subtraction, minus, negative

× or ּ multiplication sign, multiplied by, times

. point

… and so on

:, – division sign, divided by; ratio sign; is to

:: sign of proportion, equals, as

= sign of equality, equals, (is) equal to

≠ (is) not equal to

> greater than

> not greater than

< less than

< not less than

≥ equal or greater than

≤ equal or less than

∞ infinity, infinite

√ square root

cube root (out) of

n-th root (out) of

dy/dx derivative of y with respect to x

d²y/dx² second derivative of y with respect to x

dⁿy/dxⁿ n-th derivative of y with respect to x

absolute value of x

∫ integral of

f(x) dx integral of a function of x over dx

integral between limits n and m

0.1 zero point one

0.34 zero point three four

0.001 zero point zero zero one


, comma

. full stop

[ ] brackets, square brackets

( ) parentheses, round brackets

{} braces

| | parallel to

five square

six cubed

seven to the fifth power

° degree

' minute, foot, feet,

'' second ,inch

a' a prime

a'' a second prime or a double prime

a''' a third prime or a triple prime

b1 b sub one or b first

b2 b sub two or b second

cm c sub m or c m-th

am a sub m or m-th

lim limit

log logarithm

lg common logarithm

ln logarihtm natural

sin sine

cos cosine

tan, tg tangent

ctan, ctg cotangent

sec secant

csc cosecant

vers versed sine

covers coversed sine

sin-1 antisine

cos-1 anticosine

sh hyperbolic sine

ch hyperbolic cosine

th hyperbolic tangent

f(x) or φ(x) function of x

x increment of x

∑ summation

dx differential of x

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4