

Прием объединения используется, когда существует тесная смысловая связь между двумя высказываниями.

These merges and acquisitions don't constitute an endgame; the industry is not shrinking. Слияние компаний и приобретение одних компаний другими не следует рассматривать как признак упадка отрасли.

Если сохранение главного или подчиненного предложения в составе сложноподчиненного предложения противоречит нормам русского языка, может производиться их свертывание в слово или словосочетание.

There are many things we do not know. Многое нам не известно.

Упражнение 1

Переведите следующие высказывания, при необходимости применяя прием членения.

  1. «The atomic power plant in Scotland could prove to be a most expensive — and destructive — white elephant», says Mr. Wilfrid Andrews, of the Royal Civil Servants Club, in the February issue of Reader's Digest.

  2. Britain's financial problems will be magnified— if not caused — by trying to run a world currency.

  3. In a complex world, the companies that thrive will be those that can combine the traditional strength with something new.

  4. It ought to be remembered that it was not the North but the South which undertook the war, the former acting only in defence.

  5. It was a situation of delicacy to be tactfully approached — if at all.

  6. Mrs. Makin woke early to find two burglars carrying her TV set from her home.

  7. So with the lamps all put out, the moon sunk and a thin rain drumming on the roof, a downpouring of immense darkness began.

  8. Sometimes, when she saw him, she felt — there was no repressing it — plain irritated.

Упражнение 2

Переведите следующие высказывания, при необходимости применяя прием объединения.

  1. Demand for oil is 12 percent higher than it was a decade ago. Gas demand is 30 percent higher.

  2. Yet, at the moment consumers and government seem to be in denial. They refuse to accept their own responsibility.

  3. His natural aptitude for native languages induced him to study African tongues and dialects and it was not many years before he was appointed to the Chair of Asiatic and African Languages which he now occupies.

  4. He has shown that he has all the human feelings of one of the computers put out by the International Business Machine Corp.

  5. I disagree with those in our industry who believe that the only answer to climate change and global warming is to question the science.