II . Вживання часів Passive Voice
Вправа 1. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Present, Past чи Future Simple Passive. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Kiev next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5.I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17. His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 19. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.
Вправа 2. Розкрийте дужки, вибираючи форму дієслова, що вимагається. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
1. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room. 2. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift. 3. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs. 4. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 5. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel. 6. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the Russian Museum. 7. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau. 8. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs.
Вправа 3. Передайте наступні речення в Passive Voice, звертаючи увагу на місце прийменника. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
Model: We often speak about her. – She is often spoken about.
1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 11. Nobody lived in that house. 12. They sent for Jim and told him to preраге a report on that subject.
Вправа 4. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Passive Voice. Перекла-діть речення на рідну мову.
1. At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our team. 2. The question (to settle) as soon as they arrived. 3. Your report must (to divide) into two chapters. 4. Soon he (to send) to a sanatorium. 5. The book (to discuss) at the next conference. 6. The composition must (to hand) in on Wednesday. 7. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech. 8. The article (to publish) last week, if I am not mistaken. 9.The lectures (to attend) by all of us. 10. A taxi (to call) fifteen minutes ago, so we are expecting it any moment. 11 The young man (to introduce) to me only a couple of hours ago, but it seems to me that I've known him for years. 12. The rule explained by the teacher at the last lesson (to understand) by all of us. 13. The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everybody. 14. I hope the invitation (to accept) by everybody. 15. The letter (to post) in half an hour. 16. It seems to me that music (to hear) from the next room.
Вправа 5. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Active чи Passive Voice. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the delegation the historical monuments of the capital. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.
Вправа 6. Передайте наступні речення в Active Voice. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
1. This mountain has never been climbed before. 2. She told me that those newspapers had been carefully put away where they would not be lost. 3. Why have these cups been put here in this cupboard? 4. Nick was told to go home at once. 5. Invitations have been sent to all the old pupils to be present at the school's thirtieth anniversary. 6. All the passengers in the bus were listening to the story of the boy who had been saved from drowning by the quickness of the driver. 7. The work was finished in time. 8. The child is taken care of. 9. When was it done? 10. What museums were visited last year? 11. Have your compositions been handed in? 12. What has been said is true. 13 After the facts had been thoroughly explained to her, she no longer felt worried. 14. He was fined for crossing the street in the wrong place. 15. The Greeks were attacked by the Persians from the sea. 16. This book must be read by every student. 17. This film can be seen at our cinema. 18. Spartan children were taught by their parents to endure all hardships. 19. Which article was translated by your brother? 20. They were being taught drawing at that lesson. 21. This name was seldom mentioned in his novels. 22. I am often told about it. 23. This man has been much spoken of.
Вправа 7. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Passive Voice. Перекла-діть речення на рідну мову.
1. I am sure I (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow. 2 They told me that the new student (to speak) much about. 3. The hostess said that one more guest (to expect). 4. The newspaper said that an interesting exhibition (to open) in the Hermitage the next week. 5. This new dictionary (to sell) everywhere now. 6. All the texts (to look) through yesterday and not a single mistake (to find). 7. Two reports on Hemingway's stories (to make) in our group last month. Both of them were very interesting. 8. He said that Grandmother's letter (to receive) the day before. 9. Two new engineers just (to introduce) to the head of the department. 10. Don't worry, everything will be all right: the children (to take) to the theatre by the teacher and they (to bring) back to school in the evening.
- Міністерство освіти і науки україни
- We Study Economics
- Contents
- My speciality. Manager………………………………………………...20
- Модальні дієслова..............................................................................238
- Introduction
- 1. The economy of ukraine
- 2. The economy of the usa
- 3. The economy of great britain Lead-in:
- What is Britain’s economy based on?
- 4. My university
- 5. My speciality. Economist
- 6. My speciality. Manager
- 7. Market
- 8. Company structure
- 9. Forms of business
- 10. Business strategy
- 11. Franchising
- 12. Goods manager
- 13. My speciality. Marketing manager
- 14. My speciality. Customs inspector
- 15. Market
- 16. Marketing and promotion
- 17.Types of goods
- 18. Advertising
- 19. Exhibitions and fairs
- 20. My speciality. Accounting and audit
- 21. My speciality. Finance and credit
- 22. My specialty. Banking
- 23. Imf and the world bank
- 24. The banking industry
- 25. Money
- 26. Taxation
- 27. Stock exchange
- Тексти та вправи Texts and exercises
- Introducing economics
- Command economy
- Command economy with some household choice
- Summarizing.
- The government and market systems
- Comprehension:
- Viewpoint:
- How markets work
- Comprehension:
- Viewpoint:
- 4. Demand and supply
- Comprehension:
- Summarizing.
- 5. Inflation and deflation
- Viewpoint:
- 6. Market leaders, challengers and followers
- 7. Company finance, ownership and management
- Viewpoint:
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 9. Futures, options and swaps
- Comprehension:
- Summarizing. Complete the following sentences to summarize the text above:
- 10. Buyouts
- “You can’t buy a company merely by buying its shares”
- Viewpoint:
- 11. Principles of taxation
- Viewpoint:
- 12. Types of taxes
- 13. Foreign direct investment
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 14. Accounting and bookkeeping
- 15. Accounting and financial statements
- Summarizing.
- Text organization.
- Viewpoint:
- 16. Types of financial satatements
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 17. Current account and capital account
- Two main categories in the balance of payments are the balance account and the capital account.
- Complete the following sentences to summarize the text above:
- 18. Auditing
- Summarizing.
- Text organization.
- Viewpoint:
- 19. Marketing
- Comprehension:
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 20. The centrality of marketing
- Is fitting the market to the product.”
- 21. Advertizing
- Summarizing.
- Text organization.
- 22. The business cycle
- Comprehension:
- Summarizing.
- 23. The business cycle and government
- Intervention
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 24. Macroeconomics
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 25. Money
- A medium of exchange
- Comprehension:
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 26. Money and banks
- I had almost said timidity, is the life of banking”
- Summarizing.
- 27. Banking and financial services
- In great britain
- Management
- Summarizing.
- Viewpoint:
- 29.International business
- Comprehension:
- Summarizing.
- 30. International trade
- Summarizing. Complete the following sentences to summarize the text above:
- Viewpoint:
- 31. International trade.
- Summarizing.
- 32. Protectionism and free trade
- Comprehension:
- Complete the following sentences to summarize the text above:
- 33. International oranizations and free trade
- 34. Free trade and developing countries
- Summarizing. Complete the following sentences to summarize the text above:
- 35. Economics and ecology
- Clichés and useful phrases for annotations:
- For abstracts:
- Ділова кореспонденція business writing business writing
- Comments
- Comments
- Memo (memoranda)
- Comments
- Curriculum vitae (Am. E.: resume)
- Cover letter
- Comments
- Letter of enquiry
- Comments
- Reply to enquiry
- Comments
- Contract
- Comments
- § 1. Артикль (the article)
- § 2. Іменник (the noun) множина іменників
- Відмінок (the case)
- § 3. Прикметник (the adjective)
- § 4. Сполучники as...As, not so...As, than при утворенні ступенів порівняння прикметників
- § 5. Числівник (the numeral)
- Календарні дати
- § 6. Займенник (the pronoun)
- Неозначені займенники
- §7 Дієслово (the verb)
- Часи дієслова (tenses)
- Спосіб дієслова (the mood)
- Стан дієслова (the voice)
- Пасивний стан (the passive voice)
- Особливості вживання речень у пасивному стані в англійській мові
- Переклад речень з дієсловом у пасивному стані
- I am not a student. Я не студент. Вживання
- Пасивний стан
- Утворення
- Вживання
- Пасивний стан
- Утворення
- Вживання
- Утворення
- Вживання
- Пасивний стан
- Утворення
- Пасивний стан
- Майбутній тривалий час (the future continuous tense)
- Вживання
- Утворення
- Вживання
- Пасивний стан
- Утворення
- Вживання
- Пасивний стан
- Утворення
- Вживання
- Пасивний стан
- Утворення
- Вживання
- § 8. Дієприкметник
- (The participle)
- Дієприкметник теперішнього часу
- (The present participle)
- Дієприкметник минулого часу (the past participle) утворення
- Вживання
- Функції
- Перфектний дієприкметник (the perfect participle)
- Значення та вживання
- Самостійний дієприкметниковий зворот (the absolute participial construction)
- (The infinitive)
- Об'єктний інфінітивний комплекс (the objective infinitive complex)
- Суб'єктний інфінітивний комплекс (the subjective infinitive complex)
- Прийменниковий інфінітивний комплекс (the prepositional infinitive complex)
- § 10. Модальні дієслова (modal verbs) загальні відомості
- Модальне дієслово can
- Дієслово may
- Дієслово must
- Модальні дієслова should, ought
- § 11. Порядок слів в англійському реченні розповідні речення (word order. Affirmative sentences)
- § 12. Питальні речення (interrogative sentences)
- § 13. Узгодження часів у додатковому підрядному реченні (sequences of tenses)
- § 14. Безсполучникові підрядні речення (asyndetic affirmative sentences)
- § 15. Умовні речення (conditional sentences)
- Вправа 1. Вставити дієслово to be в Present Simple. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- II . Вживання часів Passive Voice
- Ііі. Модальні дієслова
- Вправа 2. Визначте функцію інфінітиву у реченнях. Перекладіть їх на рідну мову.
- Вправа 3. Вставте "to" де потрібно. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Вправа 7. Вставити "to" де потрібно. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Вправа 8. Знайдіть Complex Object. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Вправа 13. Знайдіть Complex Subject у наступних реченнях. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Вправа 16. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- V. Дієприкметник Вправа 1. Складіть п’ять речень з кожної таблиці.
- Вправа 4. Знайдіть дієприкметники, встановіть їх форму і функцію. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Вправа 8. Замінити наступні складні речення дієприкметниковими конструкціями. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Model: The boys who live in this house formed a football team. – The boys living in this house formed a football team.
- Вправа 17. Перефразуйте наступні речення, використовуючи Absolute Participle Complex. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Вправа 18. Знайдіть дієприкметникові комплекси. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- VI. Ступені порівняння
- VII. Слова - замінники
- Vііі. Безсполучникові речення
- IX. Умовні речення
- Вправа 8. Утворіть умовні речення. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
- Бібліографія reference list
- Harvey j. & Johnson m.K. Modern Economics. – Macmillan, 1994. – 200 p.