МУ Киева ППВ к

Convex Curves

Convex curves create another type of belt problem. A convex curve with a short radius will pull the belt down into the idler gap as the belt goes over the apex of the curve. This will create idler gap failure in the belt resulting in the belt developing a longitudinal slit in the idler junction area. Due to the lines that become visible on the pulley cover of the belt, this type of failure can be spotted early. This line later becomes a crease as the carcass starts to deteriorate. Another way to spot this problem early is to look in the idler junction area. The paint on the idlers in the gap area will wear off due to belt tension in the idler junction area. The apex of the curve, if severe, will cause edge stresses so high that the splice will open up along the belt edge, the belt will suffer from edge delamination and fabric will rupture at the belts edge. A poorly designed curve takes the appearance of a mountain top with one idler placed at the top of the peak. This problem is a result of a short radius curve causing excessive edge tensions. Further complicating the problem of idler gap failure is that СЕМА, the Association that sets idler standards, currently does not have any set standard on the amount of gap in the idler junction area. This gap between the rolls that the belt must span without being forced into the opening can easily approach 1".

О тмеченные лексико-грамматические особенности научно-технических материалов оказывают непосредственное влияние на коммуникативный характер таких материалов, который должен быть воспроизведен при переводе.