МУ Киева ППВ к

3 . Переведите текст, обратите внимание на употребление глаголов. Corrective Action

Determine the loading depths by the use of a straight edge and tape measure, mark the frame with the proper transition distances as shown in the preceding charts for the locations of the 1st 20°idler, 1st 35° idler and 1st 45° idler, if 45°troughers are being used.

Removing idlers, drilling all new holes and starting all over again may not, be required. Try a simple procedure that in most cases will solve the problem without the drilling of all new holes. Refer to the illustration that we have used in the beginning of this section, as we explain the procedure. Remove the 45°trougher and set it aside. Remove the 35° trougher and place it in the holes where the 45°was located. Remove the 20°trougher and place it in the holes where the 35°was located. Insert an adjustable idler in the holes where the 20°idler was located and set the wing rolls at less than 20°. This procedure works well, providing these idlers in their new locations will give you the required distances.