
3. Доберіть необхідний ступінь порівняння прикметників.

1. The more you study, the (розумніше) you will become.

a) smarter; b) smart; c) the smartest; d) more smarter.

2. The weather is much (гірше) today.

a) badder; b) the worst; c) worse; d) bad.

3. A train is the (найбільшнезручне) place to sleep in.

a) uncomfortable; b) more uncomfortable; c) most uncomfortable;

d) uncomfortabler.

4. Nick looks (старше) than his elder brother.

a) old; b) more old; c) older; d) the oldest.

5. Watermelons are (солодше) than lemons.

a) sweeter; b) sweet; c) the sweetest; d) more sweet.

6. Einstein is one of the (найрозумніший) scientists who ever lived.

a) intelligent; b) intelligenter; c) most intelligent; d) more intelligent.

7. Flying is much (швидше) than traveling by car.

a) fast; b) faster; c) more fast; d) fastest.

8. My bag is (дешевше) than yours.

a) cheap; b) more cheap; c) cheaper; d) the cheapest.

9. February is the (найкоротший ) month in the year.

a) shortest; b) short; c) shorter; d) more short.

10. Moscow is (більше) than our city.

a) more large; b) the largest; c) larger; d) large.

11. Our flat is (більшзатишна) than yours.

a) the most comfortable; b) comfortabler; c) more comfortable;

d) comfortable.

12. The Russian language is (важче) than English language.

a) difficult; b) difficulter; c) more difficult; d) the most difficult.

13. Petrov is (молодше) than Ivanov.

a) young; b) younger; c) more younger; d) the most young.

14. Ann Smirnova is the (найкраща) pupil in the class.

a) good; b) better; c) the best; d) gooder.

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