1. Study the vocabulary:
amusingly – удивительно
arvo – денек
Australian English – австралийский английский
barbie – барбекю
bonzer – отличный
cobber – друг, приятель
convict – каторжник
cossie – плавки, купальник
crustacean – ракообразное
denizen – житель
diminutive – уменьшительное слово
dingo – динго
fair dinkum – подлинный
g’day – добрый день
garbo – мусорщик
grudgingly – неохотно
kiddie – ребеночек
knapsack – ранец
mossie – москит
obscure – скрытый
original Australian – австралийский абориген
poolside party – вечеринка у бассейна
pressie – подарочек
pretentious – много о себе возомнивший
requirement – требование
self-indulgent – потакающий своим слабостям
shrimp, prawn – креветка
sickie – больничный
smoko – перекур
term – термин, выражение
tinnie – баночка пива
to admit – признать
to become tainted – портиться
to confine – ограничивать
to go out – исчезнуть
to rationalise – рационализировать
to replace – заменять
to stab someone in the back – толкнуть кого-то в спину
true blue – верный, искренний
usage – словоупотребление
wanker – человек, обманывающий себя, отказывающийся видеть правду или действительность
Answer the questions.
Is ‘g’day’ a Hollywood stereotype?
When do Australian men use the word ‘mate’?
What does the traditional Australian concept of ‘mateship’ mean?
Whу has the concept of ‘mateship’ become tainted recently?
By what many traditional usages are being replaced?
What Australian words are not used anymore?
What words make Americans mystified?
What does ‘a dag’ mean?
What’s the Australian English for a ‘shrimp’?
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Австралийцы неохотно признают, что выражение ‘g’day’ это не голливудский стереотип.
Мужчины используют слово ‘mate’, например, когда не могут вспомнить имя человека.
Словоупотребления, которые сейчас кажутся уникальными, пришли в австралийский английский из скрытого наречия каторжников, например: ‘knapsack’, ‘larrikin’, ‘open slather’ и др.
Благодаря австралийским аборигенам в повседневную современную речь вошло множество слов – от ‘kangaroo’ до ‘hard yakka’.
Многие привычные словоупотребления заменяются американизмами.
Теперь такие лексические единицы, как ‘fair dinkum’ и ’true blue’ используют лишь жители сельской местности.
Австралийцам нравится употреблять слова с уменьшительным значением.
- А. Л. Казыро, а. А. Фокина, е. Л. Яндакова
- Раздел I Значение дисциплины и методические рекомендации по ее изучению
- 1.1 Значение пособия для подготовки студентов-филологов
- 1.2 Цели и задачи курса
- 1.3 Методические рекомендации по работе со сборником
- Раздел II тексты по лингвистике для студентов-филологов What is linguistics?
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
- 5. Retell the text. Language as a system
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Explain the meanings of the following words and expressions:
- 5. Retell the text. Language structure and language function
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Complete the following text with the words or phrases from the box (using them in the appropriate form).
- 5. Retell the text. Language families
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Match each word or expression on the left with the correct definition on the right.
- 5. Retell the text. The languages of Russia
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Read the text again and say if the following statements are true (t) or false (f).
- 5. Retell the text. The Maris and their language
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Finish the following sentences:
- 5. Retell the text. The Finns and the Karelians and their languages
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Find pairs of words from these two lists:
- 5. Retell the text. The world language
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Complete the statements about the world language with the words in the box.
- 5. Retell the text. British English
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Work with a partner. Think of as many differences between British English and American English as possible.
- 5. Retell the text. What is American English?
- Australian English
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 4. Replace the words in italics by the words from the standard English.
- 5. Retell the text. The language competition
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Look at the suffixes of these words. Are they adjectives (a) or nouns (n)?
- 5. Retell the text.
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Read the text ‘Killer languages’ strengthen their grip. Are these statements true or false?
- 5. Retell the text. Fields and aspects of linguistics
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Match a word in a to a synonym in b.
- 5. Retell the text. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Phonemes
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Write the nouns connected to Phonetics.
- 5. Retell the text. The object of lexicology. Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Match up the words in column a with the words in column to form meaningful phrases.
- 5. Retell the text. English Vocabulary. New words and old
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 5. Retell the text. Words and their ways in English speech
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 5. Retell the text. What are proverbs?
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 5. Retell the text. An introduction to theoretical grammar
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 5. Retell the text. Parts of speech
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Choose the right answer.
- 5. Retell the text. On the English case system
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Complete the sentence using the missing prepositions where it is necessary.
- 5. Retell the text. Syntax
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 4. Match up the words in column a with the words in column b to form meaningful phrases.
- Problems of stylistic research
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Work in small groups. Read the text and add any information to the chart you can.
- 5. Retell the text. Stylistics of language and speech
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 1. Study the vocabulary:
- 2. Answer the questions.
- 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- 4. Find synonyms of these words.
- 5. Retell the text. Список использованной литературы
- Содержание
- Раздел I. Значение дисциплины и методические рекомендации по ее изучению 3
- Раздел II. Тексты по лингвистике для студентов-филологов5