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2. Find the Ukrainian equivalent of the words and expressions given and then fill in the gaps in the sentences.

1. highways

a. зростання міст

2. inland trading centers

b. океанське вантажне судно

3. the seacoast shipping centers

c. тракт, магістраль

4. urban developments

d. морський торговельний центр

5. ocean-going freighters

e. торговельний центр віддалений від моря

6. bulky raw materials

f. залишки

7. the pottery industry

g. недосяжний бік гори

8. remnants

h. гирло ріки

9. inaccessible hillsides

i. великі об’єми сировинних матеріалів

10. estuaries of rivers

j. гончарне виробництво

1. We find _____________of these ancient cities on almost _________________, on the ___________________, or perched on peninsulas.

2. Modern industry needs __________________.

3. ________________ moves to deposits of suitable clay; oil refineries hover over the most productive wells; and paper mills cluster around our resources of timber.

4. The crowding of ________________is undoubtedly due to the need for unloading facilities for _______________.

5. Railroad construction was continued with devastating effect upon ______________________.

6._________________________ furnishes only the most obvious example of a principle of city location that has much wider application.

7. Cities are located where the inland waterways connect with the open sea, or where _____________ and, later, railroad lines terminate the edge of the continent.