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3. A. Match the words with their definitions 1-16.

▪portico ▪pavilion ▪staircase ▪balustrade ▪wing

▪lunette ▪basement ▪cornice ▪attic ▪pool ▪extension ▪pergola ▪entrance hall ▪revolving door

▪façade ▪oriel

1. The front of a building, especially a large and important one. ______________.

2. A covered entrance to a building, consisting of a roof supported by pillars.


3. Another room or rooms which are added to a building. ______________.

4. A temporary building or tent which is used for public entertainment or exhibitions and is often large with a lot of space and light.


5. The area just inside the door of a house or other building, that leads to other rooms [= hallway]. ______________.

6. A set of stairs inside a building with its supports and the side parts that you hold on to. ______________.

7. One of the parts of a large building, especially one that sticks out from the main part. ______________.

8. A room or area in a building that is under the level of the ground.


9. Wood or plaster that runs along the top edge of a wall, used for decoration.


10. A space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things.


11. A hole or container that has been specially made and filled with water so that people can swim or play in it. ______________.

12. A structure made of posts built for plants to grow over in a garden.


13. Round window in the roof. ______________.

14. A type of door in the entrance of a large building, which goes around and around as people go through it. ______________.

15. Niche ______________.

16. A row of wooden, stone, or metal posts that stop someone falling from a bridge or balcony. ______________.

B. Now use one of the words to complete the sentences. (There is one word you don’t need).

1. She walked through the ________________ into the lobby.

2. He constructed an impressive building with a red brick __________.

3. They couldn’t build the planned _____________ to the National Museum because the government didn’t support them financially.

4. She walked to the edge of the terrace and leaned on the ___________, looking out over Florence.

5. New beachfront hotels are going up, and the __________ on the boardwalk is being rebuilt.

6. We hung our coats in a cupboard in the ______________.

7. Use _____________ to get to the second floor, and then turn right and there you’ll see Mr. Miles’ room.

8. The building looks like a library or similar public building with its classical ____________ and columns with Ionic capitals.

9. They decided to rebuild the north __________ of Manchester castle next year.

10. What had gone from the _____________ she could only guess, for she did not remember half the things they stored there.

11. A carved ____________ runs around the high-ceilinged room.

12. They have a nice _________ in their backyard.

13. A good plant for shade, it makes an attractive edging to the border under our ________________.

14. I ran to the stairs, and down to the ___________, to the empty store room.

15. This building has a small _____________ to let light in.


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