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3. Now read the text and choose the best option in 1-8. Write an appropriate heading for each part of the text.

1. ______________________________

Nowadays almost every teenager (1) has access to/can go on the Internet. Most people surf the Internet on computers in their home. A few people go to cyber cafes. However, cyber cafes are mostly used by people who are traveling abroad. This is because it is cheaper to email family and friends to make a phone call.

2. ___________________________

Young people use the Internet for many different reasons, and most teenagers use it everyday. A lot of young people use the Internet at school (2) to get interesting stuff/to research information for homework and projects. Many also use it to email friends. Nearly all teenagers have visited Internet chart rooms. Many of them use chat rooms to meet new people and (3) exchange news and information/gossip with their friends. Teen talk is one of the most well-known chat rooms in the UK.

Over 70% of teenagers use the Internet to visit official fan sites. Leonardo DiCaprio’s official website (4) is really popular/is one of the most popular, along with football sites for teams such as Manchester United. A few young people actually create their own websites which they dedicate to their favorite film star or sport star.

Not many teenagers buy clothes on the Internet. At the moment, teenagers (5) would rather buy/like getting sportswear from sports shops. However, (6) most people say that/it has been predicated that Internet shopping will become more popular with young people in the future.

3. _____________________________

(7) I think that/This article suggests that people are using the Internet more and more, for everything from entertainment to research. Teenagers who have Internet access use it mostly to send emails or to fan visit sites and chart rooms. In the future, the Internet will be accessible not only on computers, but also on mobile phones. Young people (8) will continue to use it/will carry on surfing more and more.

4. A. Look at the results of this survey about the importance of the Internet for university work.

Name and age

Computer at home

Time on Internet (per week)

How many hours used for homework?

Sally, 18

yes (Macintosh)


3 (projects)

John, 20

yes (PC)


2 (compositions)

Max, 19

yes (PC)


5 (projects)

Zoe, 20

yes (PC)


4 (projects)

Will, 17



1 (compositions)

Chloe, 21

yes (Macintosh)


4 (projects)

B. Now write a report based on the results in A. Your report should be about 200 words. Report on the importance for university work.

1. Number of people with their own computer

Almost all people … Only one person …

2. Amount of time on Internet

Most people …

3. Amount of time spent researching university work

Over half…

4. Conclusion

This report suggests that …


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