To answer to change to finish to fly to go to help to install to lose to make to pass to pay to see to show to take part to take up to test to think
1) She has been dreaming _ ___ to the Bahamas. 2) I insist _ your ___ the new automobile to us. 3) She decided _ ___ in the conference. 4) We thanked the porter _ his ___ us with our luggage. 5) Weather conditions prevented them _ ___ their work on time. 6) The constructor insists _ our ___ the device under operating conditions. 7) I don’t usually carry my passport with me because I’m afraid _ ___ it. 8) Excuse me _ not ___ your letter. 9)I haven't heard _ ___ the schedule of this commuter train. 10) Everybody congratulated her _ ___ the exam so well. 11) The noise in the next room prevented me _ ___. 12) I’m thinking _ ___ another trip to Italy.13)We are looking _ ___ new computers in our office. 14) The rain prevented him _ ___ to the country. 15) Excuse me _ ___ so much of your time.16) He finished the letter with the words “I am looking _ ___ you in Moscow next summer”. 17) He insisted _ ___ for the meal.
C. Choose the correct verb and translate the sentences.
1) All the students [enjoyed; began; looked forward to]working harder in the weeks before the examinations. 2) She[avoids; forgets; dreams of]expressing her opinion in public. 3) She[prevented from; excused for; couldn’t help]laughing at his jokes. 4) Do you[go on; mind; postpone]my airing the room? 5) She[risks; is ready for; postpones] losing everything if she follows his advice. 6) We[began; suggested; stopped]buying food in this shop because the owner raised the prices. 7)[Stop; go on; avoid]shouting! I hear you quite well. 8) I[remember; insist on; risk]leaving a map of Rome in the pocket. 9) He[liked; thanked for; disliked]his daughter chatting on the phone for hours. 10) I can’t see why the machine[stopped; put off; decided against]working. 11) He[objected to; prevented from; couldn’t help]warning them about danger. 12) I don’t[suggest; like; mind]your smoking here. 13) You should[continue; enjoy; stop]drinking so much coffee. 14) In spite of the difficulties he[kept on; insisted on; objected on]carrying out his experiments. 15) The machine[needs; suggests; can’t help]cleaning.
D. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.
1) Diesel locos are capable of…a)finding new people for their firm.
2) We were surprised at… b)skating.
3) They were afraid of…c) flying at five times above the speed of the sound.
4) Our firm is not responsible for…d)watching.
5) She was tired of… e) eatingsweets.
6) She is not verygood at… f)workingfor a long time without refueling.
7) They are engaged in…g)losingtheir way in the darkness.
8) I think this film was worth…h)readingthe whole day.
9) Children are fond of…i)hearing his name among the winners.
10) A super airliner of a new kind j) damagingfreight during transportation.
will be capable of…
1) He is trying to sell his car but a)missingthe train.
nobody is interested in…
2) I was surprisedat…b)speaking of.
3) He is good at…c)answering numerous questions.
4) This railway company is engaged in…d)helping people.
5) The dog wassurprisinglygood at…e)sayingthe wrong thing.
6) He isalwaysready for…f)buyingit.
7) The problem is hardlyworth…g)solving complex mathematical problems.
8) The speaker got tired of…h)findingsmuggled drugs.
9) I was afraid of…i)carryingfreight in large-tonnage containers.
10) We had to take a taxi as we j) her being late, since she usually arrived early.
were afraid of…
E. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1) Почему она избегает встречаться с журналистами? 2) Несмотря на красный свет, машина продолжала двигаться. 3) Я помню, что оставил билеты на столе. 4) Вы не возражаете, если я перезвоню через несколько минут? 5) Он откладывал написание письма, так как не знал, о чём писать. 6) Я не могу не поздравить его с поступлением в институт. 7) Я ничего не имею против того, чтобы поговорить с ним. 8) Они закончили установку оборудования только в субботу. 9) Он с нетерпением ждал открытия конгресса. 10) Сильный туман помешал самолёту совершить посадку [to land] в этом аэропорту. 11)Чтовыпредлагаетесделать? 12)Извинитеменязаопоздание.
Ex.9. As the Attribute, the Gerund goes after nouns and is always preceded by a preposition. Here are these nouns with prepositions.
aim of цель interest in интерес к
excuse for оправдание, предлог hope of надежда на
chance of возможность, шанс intention of намерение
difficulty in трудность в method of метод
experience in опыт в methods of методика
opportunity of возможность way of способ
habit of привычка reason for причина для, основание для
idea of идея, мысль
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Be careful with prepositions.
1) It is not a good ___ _ going to the country in such cold weather. 2) I must confess that I have no ___ _ operating this machine. 3) There is no ___ _ catching the train. 4) I know many ___ _ solving this problem. 5) She had no ___ _ answering his letter. 6) Did you have any ___ _ solving this problem? 7) He tried to find an ___ _ being late. 8) At the meeting they discussed the ___ _ improving their work. 9) The ___ _ creating a multi-stage rocket belongs to Tsiolkovsky. 10) I have no ___ _ listening to your opinion. 11) I had no ___ _ getting an answer before the end of the month. 12) He had a strange ___ _ interfering in other people’s business. 13) I started to learn English with the ___ _ becoming a teacher. 14) If you postpone receiving a visa, you will miss an excellent ___ _ going to Italy. 15) What is your ___ _ canceling the meeting? 16) I have no ___ _ of buying a ticket for today’s train. 17) There are many ___ _ learning foreign languages. 18) He is in the ___ _ calling late.
Ex.10. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions, paying attention to gerunds as adverbial modifies. Consult the box.
1) ___ reaching his destination, he sent a telegram home to say he had arrived safely. 2) We use paper ___ writing, drawing, making origami toys, etc. 3) Several taxis passed me ___ stopping. 4) ___ starting the engine you should carefully clean and oil it. 5) ___ going home he continued his work. 6) ___ going through the customs he went aboard the plane. 7) You will never be able to translate correctly ___ knowing grammar well. 8) ___ delivering the report I had to answer a lot of questions. 9) He went away ___ waiting for us. 10) ___ completing his research he published two papers. 11) ___ showing the conductor my ticket, I went back to sleep. 12) On long train journeys the passengers pass the time ___ reading, playing cards or talking. 13) This apparatus is used ___ measuring air pressure. 14) He managed to save a lot of money ___ working overtime. 15) He was trying to find a pretext ___ leaving earlier. 16) ___ coming to conclusion he weighed all the “pros” and “contras”. 17) Americans like doing business ___ leaving their cars that is why in the USA there are drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants and drive-in movies. 18) Read the theory ___ doing the exercise.
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
- Министерство путей сообщения Российской Федерации
- Подписано в печать Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл. П. Л.
- Mind the prepositions
- About after at [3] for [2] from in [3] into [2] of [7] on to [2] with [3]
- Grammar review
- Present, Past, Future Indefinite Active and Passive)
- Lilliputian train*
- Samara state railway academy
- A) The school I went to
- B) Entering the Academy
- C) You are a freshman now
- Cambridge
- Students' life
- 1) What are students “sconced” [штрафовать] for?
- 2) What do the so-called “Bulldogs” do if a student whom they come up to runs away?
- 3) In what case is “Boredom Button” pushed?
- Traveling by train
- Mind the prepositions
- 1) В час пик a) a four- or five-car set
- According to at [3] by [3] for [6] forward to from [3] in [5] on [6] of [3] to [4] with without
- Grammar review (Modal verbs and their equivalents; Present, Past, Future Continuous Active and Passive)
- On the platform
- Mistaken identity (after m. Twain)
- To arrive to catch to cost to get to go to leave to reach to take
- Dialogue 1
- Dialogue 2
- Dialogue 3
- Dialogue 4
- The man who took notice of all the notices
- How to avoid travelling (after g. Mikes)
- 4.50 From paddington (after a. Christie)
- From the history of railway transport
- Mind the prepositions
- According to [4] as far as [2] because of [2] by means of [3] due to in addition to [2] in front of in order to [3] on account of owing to in spite of [3]
- About at [2] before by [4] for from [3] on of [2] to [4] with
- Grammar review
- (Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs;
- Present, Past, Future Perfect Active and Passive)
- From the history of railway transport Part 1
- (A) начало строительства железных дорог в россии
- (B) the oldest railway in russia
- The stephenson family
- The brunels family
- George westinghouse (1846 – 191
- Casey jones (1864 – 1900)
- The trans-siberian mainline
- The rise and fall of the american rail system
- Underground railways
- Grammar review (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Active and Passive; Participle I, Participle II)
- 8) If ___ alone, the dog could spoil many things at home.
- 10) When ___ the street, be careful at the crossroads.
- 6) Having entered the room f) through the locked door.
- Underground railways
- London underground Part 1
- Moscow underground
- Метро в самаре
- Modern railways
- Mind the prepositions
- Against [2] at because of for [2] in [2] instead of of [3] on with grammar review (Gerund; attributive groups)
- To answer to change to finish to fly to go to help to install to lose to make to pass to pay to see to show to take part to take up to test to think
- After [3] before [3] by [2] for [3] instead of on [2] without [4]
- The analysis
- 1) Tractive stock a) курсы повышения квалификации
- Российские железные дороги
- Rio revives the commuter rail network
- India’s railway project
- Usa (Dallas) light rail* arrives in the lone star state
- Tunnels and bridges
- Движение исследование неудача оставаться [2] паром переходить приводить к проект следовать стоимость шум экстренный
- Grammar review (Infinitive; Complex Object; Complex Subject; attributive groups)
- Channel tunnel (Part 1)
- (Part 2)
- Progress in tunnel engineering
- Bridge construction
- Computers
- Access e-mail error fax machine file hard disk keyboard mouse processing remote control rewind screen screen saver sounded spread switch on
- Grammar review (Conditional Clauses. Different functions of the verbs to be and to have. Compound Conjunctions.)
- Computer systems
- Feed in english, print out in french
- Heartless unfeeling soulless indifferent inhuman liable to error/ subject to error to provide an enormous variety of choice to reduce the element of risk it depends
- Viruses and vaccines
- Mother should have warned you!
- Hackers of today
- Keep clicking!
- Surfing the net
- 10 Программистов
- How modern are you? (pop quiz)
- Add up your score and read the analysis
- The analysis
- Supplementary texts
- [1] Railways
- [2] Passenger transportation in the usa
- [3] The battle of the gauges Part 1
- [4] Development of american railroads
- [5] Sleeping cars in the usa
- [6] Monorail
- [7] Street railway*
- [8] Building the railroad
- [9] French transport
- [10] Australian transport
- [11] Сhinese railways
- [12] Japanese transportation
- [13] Railroad modernization
- [14] Advances in transportation
- [15] Bridges
- [16] Charles babbage (1792–1871)
- [17] Automation in transportation.
- Краткий грамматический справочник
- § 1. Глагол to be
- § 2. Глагол to have
- § 4. Функции глагола to be
- § 5. Функции глагола to have
- § 6. Основные формы глагола
- § 7. Времена групп Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect в действительном и страдательном залогах
- Спряжение глагола to ask в действительном залоге
- Перевод глагола to write в разных временах
- Спряжение глагола to ask в страдательном залоге
- § 8. Согласование времён (Sequence of Tenses)
- § 9. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)
- § 10. Эквиваленты модальных глаголов (Equivalents of Modal Verbs)
- § 11. Порядок слов в утвердительных предложениях
- § 12. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях
- Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях с простым сказуемым
- § 13. Порядок слов в отрицательных предложениях
- § 14. Притяжательный падеж имени существительного (The Possessive Case)
- § 15. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Comparison Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs)
- § 16. Личные и притяжательные местоимения (Personal and Possessive Pronouns)
- § 17. Причастие (The Participle)
- Participle I
- 1) Часть составного глагольного сказуемого в Continuous.
- Participle II
- 1) Часть составного глагольного сказуемого.
- § 18. Герундий (The Gerund)
- Формы герундия
- Функции герундия в предложении и способы его перевода на русский язык
- § 19. Функции слов с окончанием -ing в предложении
- § 20. Функции слов с окончанием -ed в предложении
- § 21. Инфинитив (The Infinitive)
- Формы инфинитива
- Функции инфинитива в предложении и способы его перевода на русский язык
- § 22. Инфинитивная конструкция “Сложное дополнение” (The Complex Object)
- § 23. Инфинитивная конструкция “Сложное подлежащее” (The Complex Subject)
- § 24. Условные предложения
- § 25. Разные способы выражения определения в английском языке
- Список использованной литературы