Английский язык (2 группа)

2) What do the so-called “Bulldogs” do if a student whom they come up to runs away?

The students can stay out till twelve o'clock. Each evening a Proctor [административное лицо, в чьи обязанности входит надзор за поведением студентов и наложение дисциплинарных взысканий] with two assistants, called “Bulldogs”, walks about the town keeping an eye on the students' behavior. If he sees a student breaking a rule he will come to him and say: “Are you a member of the University, sir?”, and if a student runs away, then “Bulldogs” run after him and if they catch him (they are chosen, it is said, because they are good runners), fine him.

Apart from fines a student may be dismissed from the University for one term.