
1. Add "the " in the spaces where necessary:

1. United Kingdom includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2. He went to South America, where he spent a week with an aunt who lives in

Brazil near Rio de Janeiro.

3. Her ship Queen's Star, starts at 8 p.m. and it's going to sail down

English Channel towards Atlantic Ocean.

4. Now he's traveling by car across United States, along Mississippi

River and into Mexico.

5. I'll probably stay in Grand Hotel, which is in Brook Street in center of Southampton.

6. They passed Channel Islands and John recognized Jersey, an island he

had once visited.

7. We are going to visit Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

8. Luigi's restaurant is between Albany Hotel and Jimmy's Wine

bar in Cambridge Road.

9. Louvre Museum in Paris opens at 10 p.m.

10. When they were in London they visited National Gallery,

Tower of London, St Paul's Cathedral and Madame Tussaud's waxwork


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