2. Make up a plan in the form of questions.
3. Give the summary of the text according to your plan in a written form.
VI Comprehensive skills.
1. Read and remember:
necessary – необхідний
(a) shopping-mall – торгівельний центр
(an)enterprise – підприємство
sad but true – на жаль це правда
would rather buy – скоріше купили б
due to – завдяки
(a) label – етикетка
(a) customer – покупець
it goes without saying – безумовно
profitable – вигідний
2. Listen to the text “Why is light industry so important for our country?” and try to understand it.
3. True or false statements:
1. Ukrainians buy only Ukrainian light industry goods.
2. There is a big choice of Ukrainian light industry goods on the markets.
3. The students of Ann’s university are not talented at all.
The students get very little help for their development.
Light industry is a field which is able to make a country rather rich and prosperous.
4. Listen to the text once again and answer the following questions:
Where can you find a big choice of any goods in our country?
Have you got any clothes made in China, Turkey or Thailand?
Why are Ukrainian goods so unpopular with our customers?
We are not sometimes able to buy Ukrainian clothes due to their high prices, are we?
Are there any talented students at our university? What are they talented in?
Who are they? (you can name yourself, your groupmates or any other people from the university.)
Pronouns – займенники. Англійські займенники поділяються на: особові, присвійні, зворотні, вказівні, неозначені, питальні, заперечні.
Називний відмінок
Об'єктний відмінок
Присвійні прикметники
Абсолютна присвійна форма
Note: 1) особові займенники у об'єктному відмінку можуть використовуватись із різними прийменниками і при перекладі відповідають на питання непрямих відмінків: I am glad for him. – Я рада за нього.
2) присвійні прикметники обов’язково вживаються з іменниками, а абсолютні присвійні форми без: This is my textbook, and that is hers. – Це мій підручник, а той – її.
Вказівні займенники
This – цей
These – ці
That - той
Those – ті
This boy is my brother and that girl is my friend.
Цей хлопець – мій брат, а та дівчина – моя приятелька.
These students are very clever.
Ці студенти дуже розумні.
Those guys are from the Kyiv National Ecomical University.
Ті хлопці навчаються в КНЕУ.
Питальні займенники
Who /hu/ - хто?
What /wat/ - що?, який?
Whose /huz/ - чий?
Who are you? – Як тебе звати? (дослівно: ти хто?)
What is Vadym Kruglov? – Який фах має Вадим Круглов?
Whose textbook is that? – Чий то підручник?
Неозначені займенники
Some / any – означають: якась кількість, кілька, небагато; часто не перекладаються. Вживаються тоді, коли кількість предметів невідома або неважлива:
There are some students in the study.
В аудиторії перебуває кілька студентів.
Is there any person aged over 100 in your family?
Чи є в вашій родині людина, якій би виповнилося більше 100 років?
Заперечний займенник: no
No – вживається тільки при запереченнях.
There is no information about this speciality.
Про цю спеціальність немає ніякої інформації.
To be.
Дієслово „to be” означає бути, існувати, знаходитися. Має форми теперішнього, минулого та майбутнього часів:
will be
“To be” у теперiшньому часі має такі форми:
I am = I’m
He is = he’s
She is = she’s
It is = it’s
We are = we’re
You are = you’re
They are = they’re
the KNUTD?
Yes/No questions:
Is she a student? – Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Are you a teacher? – No, I am not.
Yes, I am.
Who are you?
What is your speciality?
Where are you now?
When is your birthday?
How are you?
Alternative questions:
I am a student, am I not?
He isn’t at home, is he?
Are you a designer or a mechanical student? – I am a designer.
from the KNEU
I am not = I’m not (NOT I amn’t)
He is not = he isn’t
She is not = she isn’t
It is not = it isn’t
We are not = we aren’t
You are not = you aren’t
They are not = they aren’t
„To be” використовується у простих (за змістом) реченнях, у яких повідомляється:
- Ім’я когось або чогось:
I am Ann Kovalchuk.
His name is Edward Prokopenko.
- вік когось або чогось:
I am 17 years old.
She is 18.
- місцезнаходження когось або чогось:
My English study is on the first floor.
They are in the reading hall now.
- опис чого-небудь або кого-небудь:
I am pretty.
He is blue-eyed.
The weather is cold today.
The books are expensive.
It is red.
- професія, заняття, інтереси
I am a first-year student.
My brother is an interior designer.
They are computer programmers.
She is interested in embroidering.
Дієслово “to be” вживається у безособових реченнях після займенника it для позначення:
часу, дня тижня, дати, найменування місяця;
пори року, погодних умов, температури;
відношення до вчинків інших.
It’s two o’clock.
It’s Monday today.
It’s the first of April.
It’s autumn now.
It’s very warm today.
It’s ten degrees above zero.
It’s not far from here to the university.
It’s very nice of you.
Note: у таких реченнях займенник it рідною мовою не перекладається.
There + be
Ця конструкція вживається тоді, коли йдеться про те, що хтось або щось десь знаходиться (не знаходиться), існує або не існує.
Існують такі форми there + be:
one boy
in our group.
twenty girls
a boy
in your group?
any girls
Yes/No questions:
Is there a student in the study? – Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Are there any books on the desk? –
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t
Who is there in the study?
What is there on the desk?
Alternative questions:
There is a girl in the library, isn’t there?
There aren’t any boys in our group, are there?
Is there a PC or laptop on the desk? – There is a laptop there.
Are there books or notebooks in your desk? – There are both books and notebooks there.
information about this student.
girls in the technical laboratory.
much information about this student.
many girls in the technical laboratory.
У таких реченнях конструкція “there + be” дослівно українською мовою не перекладається. Такі речення слід перекладати, починаючи з обставини місця:
There are twenty girls in our group - У нашій групі 20 дівчат.
Singular/plural of nouns.
Англійські іменники мають форми однини (singular) та множини (plural).
singular | plural |
a student a school a parent a couturier | (many) students (some) schools (both) parents (various) couturiers |
a dress a box a bench a bush | dresses boxes benches bushes |
a family a university a technology But: a boy a day | families universities technologies
boys days |
a wife a shelf | wives shelves |
a man a woman a person a child a foot a tooth a goose a mouse | men women people children feet teeth geese mice |
a fish a deer a sheep a fruit | fish deer sheep fruit |
| trousers glasses scissors jeans |
Крім того, іменники поділяють на злічувані (countable) та незлічувані (uncountable). Злічувані іменники можуть мати форми однини та множини, вживатися з артиклем a (an) та з числівниками. Незлічувані іменники можуть вживатися лише в однині, лише з неозначеними займенниками (some, any) та деякими прислівниками (much, a little).
countable | uncountable |
a boy a girl a student a family a company a designer a worker | water sugar information knowledge money freedom independence |
three boys four girls ten companies | But never: three freedoms five independences two moneys |
Із злічуваними та незлічуваними іменниками в реченнях можна вживати такі займенники та прислівники:
We use ... | With counts | With uncounts | In positive sentences | In questions | In negative sentences |
Some Any Much Many A lot (lots) of A few A little | + + - + + + - | + + + - + - + | + - + + + + + | +(sometimes) + + + -
| - + + + -
“+” – yes; “-“ – no.
A (an)/the
Англійські іменники вживаються з артиклями: неозначаним а (an) та означеним the. Іменники, які починаються з приголосного, вживаються з a; які починаються з голосного, вживаються з an. The вживається перед голосними і приголосними.
a family – an engineer
a student - an accountant
the family – the engineer
We use... | With counts | With uncounts | Singular | Plural |
A (an) The | + + | - + | + + | - + |
“+” – yes, “-“ – no.
We use a (an): | Example: |
| A boy is in the gym. I have a friend. I am a student. My Mom is a designer. We have English once a week. There are a few new words in the text. What a lovely day! What a pity! |
We use the: | Example: |
| The boy in the gym is from my group. What is the name of this street? The Black Sea; The Day; The British Museum; The Hilton.
The Sun; The Moon; The Earth.
I like the book. (=I like this book.)
Ann and Paul are the same age. |
We use no article: | Example: |
| I like parties. Education is necessary for me.
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. I have lunch with Edik. English is my favourite language. Ben Nevis is the highest peak of Great Britain.
I go home on foot.
What loud music!
To have
„To have” означає: мати, володіти, бути власником. Іноді не має прямого перекладу. Має такі форми:
Теперiшнього часу – have/has, минулого часу - had, майбутнього часу – will have.
У теперiшньому часі в значенні “мати” можна вживати розмовний вираз – have/has got.
Форми теперiшнього часу:
I You We They |
have/have got |
two sisters. |
He She It |
has/has got |
I You We They | do not have /have not got |
any money. |
He She It | does not have /has not got |
Do | I you we they |
have a car? |
Does | he she it |
Have | I you we they |
got a car? |
Has | he she it |
Yes/No questions: | Wh-questions: |
Do you have a sister? – Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Does he have a brother? – Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Have you got a sister? – Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Has he got a brother? – Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. | How many brothers do you have?= How many brothers have you got? When do you have breakfast? (NOT: When have you got breakfast?) What do you have? = What have you got? What does he have? = What has he got?
Tag-questions: | Alternative questions: |
You have lunch at home, don’t you? He has breakfast at home, doesn’t he? I have got two sisters, haven’t I? We haven’t got any books, have we? | Do you have a brother or a sister?= Have you got a brother or a sister? I have a brother = I have got a brother.
Також дієслово „to have” вживається у виразах на позначення дії. В цьому випадку воно втрачає своє значення “володіти чимось”, “мати щось”:
have breakfast (lunch, dinner) – снідати (обідати, вечеряти)
have coffee (tea) – пити каву (чай)
have a shower (a bath) – приймати душ (ванну)
have a good time – гарно проводити час
have to – вимушений щось робити
I do not want to go there, but I have to. - Я не хочу туди йти, але мушу.
Unit 2
Topic: Kyiv
Grammar: 1. The Simple Present Tense
2. The Simple Progressive Tense
3. The Numerals
4. The Word-order in the simple sentence
I Phonetic Skills.
1. Listen and repeat:
Europe ['juərəp]
picturesque [pikt∫ə'resk]
ancient ['ein∫(ə)nt]
to draw ['drƆ:]
unique [ju:'ni:k]
boutique [bu:'tik]
sight [sait]
entrance ['entr(ə)ns]
feudal ['fju:d(ə)l]
church [t∫ə:t∫]
cathedral [kə'θi:dr(ə)l]
throne [θrəun]
inimitable [i'nimitəbl]
architectural [α:ki 'tekt∫ər(ə)l]
2. Listen and remember the following words and phrases:
1. commerce and finance торгівля та фінанси
2. legal system судова система
3. collective wisdom and creative efforts колективний розум та творчі зусилля
4. complex automatic lathes складні автоматичні верстати
5. electric measuring instruments електричні вимірювальні прилади
6. artificial fibres штучні волокна
7. to erect створювати (будувати)
8. to lay the foundation закласти основу
9. in honour of на честь
10. to conclude trade agreements or укладати торгові або мирні угоди
peace treaties
11. principality князівство
- Т.В. Барамикова, л.П. Ільєнко, т.С. Макарська, м.В. Рогачова, н.Д. Ганчик, к.Б. Кугай, і.О. Нікіфорова, а.В. Спіжова Practical course of English
- А.Е. Левицький
- Н.М. Нестеренко
- І.В. Каташинська
- Передмова
- Introduction
- Recording by own voice
- 2. Read and translate the following text:
- I am a student of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 4. Complete the sentences:
- 5. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:
- 6. True or false statements:
- III Grammar skills.
- 1. Choose the correct form:
- 2. Complete the sentences with:
- 3. Put the words into the correct word order:
- 4. Match the question words and answers:
- 5. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:
- 6. Translate into English:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 2. Speak on the following situations:
- V Rendering.
- 1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary. My family
- 2. Make up a plan in the form of questions.
- II Reading skills.
- 1. An ancient city древнє, стародавнє місто
- 2. Read and translate the following text: Kyiv
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- III Grammar Skills.
- 7. Use either the Simple Present or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets:
- 8. Translate into English:
- 9. Ask questions to the following answers:
- IV Communicative Skills.
- 2. Make up dialogues according to the model:
- V Rendering.
- A letter to a friend
- 2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.
- The Present Progressive Tense
- Вживання The Present Progressive Tense
- 2. Read and translate the text. Ukraine is my Homeland
- 4. Match the words:
- III Grammar skills.
- 4. Complete the sentences with the verb “to write” in the appropriate form:
- 7. Make 16 pronouns and translate them:
- 9. Make sentences using when and the Past Continuous or the Past Simple of
- 10. Translate into English:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 2. Make up a plan in the form of questions.
- Contraction
- The Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense
- 1. Form
- Похідні від some, any, no
- Used to
- II Reading skills.
- 1. Read and remember:
- 2. Read and translate the following text:
- Introducing London
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 2. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense and translate
- 3. Complete the sentences using the proper degree of comparison of adjectives:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:
- 2. Speak on the following situations:
- V Rendering.
- 1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary: Getting about London
- 2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.
- Present Perfect / Past Indefinite
- Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 4. Match the words:
- 5. True or false statements:
- III Grammar skills.
- 1. Choose the correct form:
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- 3. Put the words into correct word order:
- 4. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:
- 5. Choose the correct form:
- 6. Translate into English:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:
- 2. Make a plan in the form of questions.
- Possessive case
- Утворення
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 4. Ask questions оn the points below and answer them:
- 5. Get ready to speak about the following:
- 6. Complete the sentences using the prepositions against, at, bу, for, in, оn, of, to where necessary:
- 7. Match the sentence parts:
- III Grammar skills.
- 1. Add "the " in the spaces where necessary:
- 2. Choose the correct form:
- 3. Complete the sentences:
- 4. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:
- 5. Put the words into correct word order:
- 6. Transform sentences into exclamations:
- 7. Translate into English:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:
- 2. Complete the dialogue:
- V Rendering.
- 1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary: Who rules the country?
- 2. Make up a plan in the form of questions.
- The Future Simple Tense
- Exclamation sentences
- II Reading skills.
- 1. Read and remember:
- 2. Read and translate the following text: canada
- 3. Find the answers to the following questions:
- 4. Match the words:
- III Grammar skills.
- 1. Translate into Ukrainian:
- 2. Choose the correct form: can, be able to, must, had to, could, may, be allowed to.
- IV Communicative skills.
- 2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.
- 4. Listen to the text once again and answer the questions:
- Can, may, must and their equivalents
- Prepositions
- 3. Answer the following questions:
- 2. Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks:
- 3. Put the verb in brackets in an appropriate tense form:
- 4. Put the verb into the correct form:
- 5. Ask questions to which the following statements are the answers:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them.
- 2. Speak on the following situations:
- V Rendering.
- 1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary:
- 2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.
- Future Perfect
- Questions
- Question words
- Tag – questions or Disjunctive questions.
- I Phonetic skills.
- II Reading skills.
- Higher Education in Ukrainian Educational System
- III Grammar skills.
- IV Communicative Skills.
- V Rendering.
- Higher Education in the usa
- VI Comprehensive skills.
- 2. Listen to the text ‘Higher Education: Universities in Great Britain’ and try to understand it.
- 3. True or false sentences:
- I Phonetic skills.
- Light industry as it was and as it is
- III Grammar skills.
- 1. Choose the correct form: active or passive.
- 2. Transform the following sentences from Active into Passive Voice.
- 3. Transform the following sentences from Passive into Active Voice.
- 4. Complete the sentences with by or with.
- 6. Put the verb into the correct form: Active or Passive Voice.
- 2. Speak on the following situations:
- V Rendering
- Information technologies in manufacturing
- 2. Make up a plan of the text in a form of questions.
- Unit 11
- Grammar: The Infinitive and the Infinitive constructions
- I Phonetic skills.
- 1. Listen and repeat:
- II Reading skills.
- Engineering and Technological Progress
- IV Communicative skills.
- 2) (Reading for an examination)
- 3) (At the examination)
- V Rendering.
- Automation
- VI Comprehensive skills.
- 2. Listen to the text “My future speciality” and try to understand it.
- 3. True or False statements:
- The Infinitive
- The functions of The Infinitive
- Предикативні інфінітивні звороти
- 3. Infinitive Construction introduced by the preposition for.
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 4. Complete the sentences:
- 5. Match the words:
- 6. True or false statements:
- III Grammar skills.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- 3. Put the words into correct word order:
- 4. Join the sentences using Participle I:
- 5. Choose the correct form:
- 6. Define the form of the gerund, using the table and translate the sentences:
- IV Communicative skills
- 2. Make up a plan in the form of questions.
- The form and functions of Participle II
- I have my shoes mended in that shop. – я ремонтую туфлі у цій майстерні.
- The Gerund
- Unit 13
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 4. Complete the sentences:
- 5. Match the words that go together:
- III Grammar Skills.
- IV Communicative Skills.
- V Rendering.
- On the importance of the conference
- VI Comprehensive Skills.
- 3. True or false statements:
- Direct and Reported Speech
- Unit 14
- I Phonetic skills.
- 1. Listen and repeat:
- 2. Listen and remember the following words and phrases:
- II Reading skills.
- 1. Read and remember:
- 2. Read and translate the following text. What is the Internet?
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 2. Put the verb into correct form Present Real or Present Unreal Conditional:
- 3. Transform the sentences using conditionals:
- 4. Complete the sentences in your own way using conditionals:
- 5. Translate into English:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:
- 2. Arrange the utterances from the conversations in the logical order:
- VI Comprehensive skills.
- 1. “If” показує, що ми не впевнені, чи відбудеться дія. “when” підкреслює типовість та регулярність дії.
- 3. Find the answers to the questions:
- 2. Choose the correct form of the verb:
- 3. Put the words in the sentences into correct word order:
- 4. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:
- 5. Translate into English:
- IV Communicative skills.
- 1. Read the dialogues and reproduce them:
- V Rendering.
- 1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary: Ecological Problems
- 2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.
- Compound sentences
- Фонетичний довідник
- Англійський алфавіт
- Читання голосних Загальна характеристика голосних
- Читання приголосних
- Приголосні фонеми
- Тексти для позакласного читання the english language
- Why are many English words pronounced differently from the way they are spelt?
- Kyivo-pecherska lavra
- Museum of great patriotic war
- Babyn yar
- St. Sophia's cathedral
- Andriyivsky descent
- Folk architecture and life museum pyrohovo
- St. Michael's golden-domed cathedral
- Khreschatyk
- City of London
- Palace of westminster
- Clock tower, palace of westminster
- Trafalgar square
- British museum
- Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Buckingham Palace
- St Paul's Cathedral
- Why do the British like going to the pub?
- What is the most popular food in Britain?
- What are the most common superstitions in Britain?
- How do the British spend their leisure time?
- How are the police organised?
- When can the police carry guns?
- What is the oldest university in Britain?
- What are Britain's national costumes?
- What is haggis?
- Is it true that a lot of British dishes are named after places?
- At what age do children go to school in Britain?
- What are the different types of secondary school?
- Why are ‘public’ schools so called?
- Why does the Queen have two birthdays?
- Why the heir to the throne is called the Prince of Wales?
- How should one address someone with a title?
- What powers does the Queen have?
- Privy Council
- Why doesn’t Britain have a written constitution?
- What was the Magna Carta?
- Why are Ambassadors sent to the Court of St. James’s?
- How does Britain elect its government?
- Devolution to Scotland and Wales
- What are the origins of the names of the main political parties?
- How is the Speaker chosen?
- What is a ‘whip’ in Parliament?
- Washington
- American originals
- Living in the usa
- Canadian ways
- Toronto
- Ukrainians in canada
- Australia. Land and people
- People and culture
- Aborigines
- Australian ways
- New zealand. Land and people
- New zealand. Customs and traditions
- Customs and traditions
- Cambridge
- American universities
- Engineering as a profession
- Fashion designers
- Designer
- Costume designer
- Graphic design
- Christian Dior Fashion Designer (1905-1957)
- Coco Chanel
- The 1st international scientific practical conference "artificial intelligence - 2000" september 11-16, 2000 katsiveli (crimea, ukraine)
- The expocentre of ukraine
- "Fabrics. Threads. Accessories"
- Fta exhibition
- Bbc world service
- Prehistory of technologies
- Tomas edison
- Internet
- History of the Internet
- Internet café
- Bill Gates
- Balance of Nature
- The Problem of pollution in Ukraine
- Recycling
- Англо-український словник a
- Барамикова Тетяна Василівна